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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » hidden by Samantha Handcock (black books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «hidden by Samantha Handcock (black books to read TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Handcock

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pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt like she said, I found the bathroom I looked at my self in the mirror I was so dirty I was alomost black, I turned on the water and stripped down and got in I washed my self and got out I found a towel and rapped it around my wasit. I looked back in the mirrior and My hair was a dark brown my hair was at my sholders. My face is now clean My blue eyes are dead and my tummy has a little buff to it. I  change into the clothes that Sam gave me and but them on. I herd giggling and a huge crashing sound. I sneak to the room that I herd the crashing sound I did not want to be seen so I stood in the door way. She pulled Maxi away from the glass.  She did not hit her just rubbed her back lightly and cuddled with her. I made my hart melt then she said it was bathtime at this point I was kind scared



I moved closer and she didn't see me and she said something to maxi. Then she turned around I got another good look at her ass DAMN that ass, Is perfect. I seen her turned around and get closer I watched and as begain to wash her hair. She was so careful, It was like she didnt want to scare her. After she washed her hair she looked at maxi and turned around again, Then she saw me OPPS..


She moved closer to me and smiled brightly looking me up and down and back at my eyes and turned back around to cheack on Maxi then when she seen her playing with the water she turned back at me, " She is perfect How old is she," Sam asked tilting her head to one side . and she bit her lip. DAM those lips I want them. " Hello" sam says while she was waving her hand in front of my face.


" Um she is three and I am 16.. you" she smiles and says, " Same I mean I am also 16," " Sam I want out please,"  Sam turns around and goes back in the bathroom she got a towel and hold it up so it would cover her body, She rapped it around Maxi and picked her up and but her on the tile floor. " you should go down stairs," I nood and left. 

Chapter 9 bed time ( Sam's P.O.V" )

After Nate  left I placed out her clothes Incuding her underware. " Come on lets get you dressed," She gigled and nodded I lefted the underwear up so she could step in them. She used me as a wall and climbed in them. I put her shirt on then her pants, She giggled the hole time . " Can I brush your brown hair." She nods and sits on my lap on the tile floor I reach for the brush on the contier and got it. The brush moved swiftly through her hair  I put her hair in a braid. I had her get up and I lead her down stairs. Nate was eating something, Maxi ran to Nick showing him her pjs and hair. DAM His hair is long I will cut it later. I looked at Maxi and she yawned her eyes looked tired. I looked at the clock 12: 03 am .


" Time for bed missy," I say sweetly I grabed Maxi's hand and looked at Nick and he nod he got up and followed me and Maxi up the stairs and into her room. She ran to her bed and jumped up and down. I pulled the covers back and she climbed in getting settled. " want me to read you a bed time story"?she smiled and got of bed and walked up to a drawer and pulled out a black thick book with gold wrighting. She brought it back to me and handed it to me and layed back down. I looked at the book and it read Bed time stories By brothers grim.  I smiled since it was my favorite book as a kid. I read one chapter and closed it. She was fast asleep I looked over to Nate and he was smiling like an Idiot.

chapter 10 my bed room / hair cut( Nate P.O.V)

I followed Sam and Maxi up the stairs and Into a pink room, I knew she loved this room already and she was so relaxed with Sam. Sam also looked like she wanted Maxi to know she was safe. I listened as Sam read the book to her so nicely. I almost fell asleep when I herd her close the book I was a little sad. I looked at her with careing eyes when she said, " She is an angel but we need to check on her every few hours and leave on a light and water and some food," I was shocked Sam walked over to the lage pile of  stuffed animals and picked three . One big and the rest of them are small. She placed the large one next to the bed so the head is faceing Maxi. Then the other ones she placed under Maxi's arm.


She left a small lap on giving it a light pink glow. She grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room and into a hallway, We stopped at a door and she opened it, The room had gray walls and a huge bed and two side tables on each end with a flat screen T.V on the wall arossed the bed. There was two doors and she lead me to the one next to righ side of my bed. Then I rembered the room I showered it was that her room? The next thing I knew we were in a bathroom I looked down and seen us holding hands.


I blushed hard she must have seen it because she let go of my hand I felt empty. " Have a seat." Poniting at the toliet. I nodded the next thing I saw somthing sharp on the sink. I was scared  like really scared. She smiled sweetly and said, " don't worry I am just cutting your hair I will not hurt you.



I felt the hair fall off my sholders I was kinda sad to see it go but happy at the same time. It felt like forever when she said, Done go look" I walked up to the mirrior and was shocked my hair was short but not to short I looked good. I looked at sam and said thank you. In her eyes looked like lust. I blushed. 

Chapter 11 oh ( Sam P.O.V)

After I was done with his hair I looked at my work and Dam he looked so dam hot it was short but not too short I could teach him how to do a quiff or something but dam looking at him made me want him. I wanted to kiss his perfect lips I want to feel him in me thrusting "Sam," I herd a voice " Uh Yeah," 

" Nevermind," He blushed hard I did the same. Then I remberd the pool. Grate way to see him shirtless, " Come on we are going swimming," He looked at me puzzied I walked out of the bathroom Nate  Following me. I went down stairs and went through another door I looked back to see if Nate  is still with me the I went through one last door and i was greeted with a huge pool. " See" He nod I stripped so I was only in my bra and underwear. I felt kinda stupid and ugly, " sorry that I am so fat," 



chapter 12 (Nates P.O.V) swimming

" sorry that I am so fat," Sam said. I was to busy looking at a scar on her tummy, She wasnt the thinnest person but I did not care one bit I thought her body was sexy. " Stop looking at my scar please," She sighed " what happend" I replyed. she frowned, " I cutted my self," she sighed. I couldn't handle this she cuts her self why I mean by the look of this place she had a grate life. I glared at her " You are not fat," she blushed I couldnt help but to smile even though I was kinda mad at her only for the fact she had a good life. I dove in the water felling the water sucking me to the bottom. I kick my feet so I could reach the water line. Sam was floating on her back just relaxed. she looked so perfect.




sorry this chapter is short 

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