Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Crazy Love Life!! by Tatiana E. (novel24 TXT) 📖

Book online «My Crazy Love Life!! by Tatiana E. (novel24 TXT) 📖». Author Tatiana E.

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" Why are you apologizing, why ? was I a bad date?" i said with a shock.
"no, wait do you 'member what happened yesterday" he said
"ah...lets see , you took me home after we went to th-" i stopped.
My head throbed. It felt like there was a missing puzzle from
happened yesterday. In a split second i rememberd everything.
The stalker girl almost trying to kill me. I was so scared.
I fell on my knees and before I knew it i was overwhelmed and I started
"I....I..was almost killed yesterday.." I said, while crying
"I....I'm so sorry.. this is all my fault" he said. I made myself believe
that nothing happened yesterday and it work.
"oh, thank're okay, I thought the crazy girl would come after you
again" my mom said
"can we pretend like nothing happened....please?" I said looking at the ground.
"yeah , we will, anything you want" my mom said, while trying to comfort me.
"I think, you and I should stop hanging out just for a little while" Chases said. I dint
say anything. Then we both walked away from each other. I just let my first crush
slip away, just like that.
Days and days passed by Chase and I haven't talked since then. Kayla and my mom
are always comforting me , saying that it'll be alright.

Ch. 5 ThE NeW StUdEnT

It has been over a month now since the incedent. I wonder when
Chase and I talk again.
"Have you heard, there's going to be a new student and its a boy" Kayla said exitedly
"really, I winder if he's hot?" I said saarcasticly
" never know a knew love could blossom" Kayla said
"In your dreams, let's go were going to be late to class again" I said
When we sat in our sits i looked out the window hoping that today Chase
will talk to me.
"Okay, guys in your sits please , we a new student" Mr. Dray, our reading
teacher said. As I look out the window daydreaming, the boy introduce himself.
And all i heard was " Ms.James, please give Mr.Park, here a tour around his classes.
The next thing that happened is~
"ok, that's your science class, and over there is your math class" i said. WHY ME??
this is so boring, but i guess it's better than listening to Mr.Dray talk.
"hey, what's your name" I asked. When i gave him a look, he actually doesnt look that bad
he's pretty cute , you could say.
"Hunter, weren't you listening when i told the whole class my name" he said.
Wow, he's got some attitude.
"okay, Hunter tour's over im going back to class know" I said
When class was over Kayla had to go somewhere so I had to walk by myself
or i tought.
"Yo, Ms.James" Hunter said. Speak of the devil.
"It's Ainjell, or A.J" I said . Then I saw Chase walking toward me I dint know
what to do.
"C..Chase" I yelled. He turned around and gave me a smile then walked away.
I wanted to cry, even though I never cofesed, I feel rejected.
"are you walking home" he said
"yeah , why?" i replied
"can I walk with you" he asked
"NO" I said . Trying to act cool
In the end we ended up walking together.
" So.. who was that guy" He asked.
"You know, you ask way to much questions,& his name is Chase" I said.
" Looks like you two are in a fight" Hunter said.
"I guess you could say it that way" I said. The rest of the walk was quiet.
Finally we got there.
"okay thanks for walking with me" I said.
Then something wierd happened. Hunter wasnt wlking to where ever he lives insted he
stayed . Then my mom comes out.
"Oh my looks like you to met, Ainjell honey, he will be stying with us" she said
"WHAT" Hunter and I both yelled.
My day just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Ch. 6 StRaNgEr In ThE HoUsE

"WHAT" Hunter and I both yelled. MY mom comes out of nowhere
saying that a strnger that i just met will be living with my mon and I.
"are you sure you know my mom, maybe you got the wrong son" Hunter said
"No, I know it's you because Janet sent me a picture of you. My mom said.
Thirty minutes later,
"OKAY!!, house rules, since your the only bor in this house" I said giving
him a serious face.
"yeah, the rules are??" he said
"Ok #1 DO NOT EVER GO TO MY ROOM if you do i will KIll you got it, #2 you have to
ask permition to use the bathroom " I said . Hunter is one of the only boy(besides my baby
brother K-leb) that is staying in this house and how is a teenage girl suppose to react
to that.
" HOLD ON, WHY do I HAVE to ask permision to go to the bathroom" Hunter yelled. Then
Hunter looks at my mom giving her a puppy dog face and she mouthed was "sorry".
That's what you get, since I'm a big sister with NO DAD with only a mom taking care
twins, other words my siblng.
"Fine, Fine " Hunter sighed.
Weeks later everyhting seemed fine, the only person that doesn't know that
Hunter is lving with me is Kayla, which is no suprise becasue she is my Best friend.

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