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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 16






She shouted from the kitchen. And immediately take the breakfast to the dining area.

"Gosh Akhi! You behave like a five-year-old kid." Alizey scolded Jack and received few chuckles from the scary men which don't look scary anymore. Even the wrestler looks amused.

She went inside the kitchen where Mia was already eating her food. She sat on her chair and started devouring her food with "Bismillah."

A piercing voice of shot was heard making both of them jumped in their place. They both ran out of the kitchen towards the sound came from and saw all the men out of their seats holding their guns ready to attack.

The sound came from the front door of the mansion followed by a knock startling everyone. Lucas the wrestler was the one who opened the door while holding gun in another hand ready to shoot.

Mia and Alizey were scared with all the commotion and was standing behind the guys. Cane and Alex were now where to be seen.

On the other side of the door stood an old man not very old but still he looked in his late fifties. Jack growled in anger and almost attacked that man but Cane came out of now where and stopped him. Everyone in the room was glaring at that man like they wanted to kill him.

Alizey suddenly noticed Mia's trembling figure who was looking at the man with horrified eyes. Alizey immediately wrapped her arms around her shoulders. "Hey! What's wrong?" Mia was sweating profusely now.

That man was not alone there were his goons along with him, suited in tux with heavy guns. Alizey gulped when that man's eyes landed on horrified Mia, and he smirked. Alizey felt Mia stiffen under her hold. "My! My! Mia, remember me?" His voice laced in malice. His eyes trailed on Alizey who was giving him a death glare.

"Fuck off! You bastard!" Jack growled on his face. "Mike it is..." He said looking at Alizey completely ignoring Jack. She grimaced at him.

That man took step towards Alizey and Mia but wrestler came in between hiding the girls from that man. "Go inside." He said to them tilting his head a little.

Alizey immediately hold Mia and took her trembling figure back in the kitchen. She can hear Cane talking to that man.

Mia sat down on the chair and drank water slowly.

"Yo! Miss Snarky prepare some food for them." Issac spoke in pure irritation and glared at Alizey. "You only have fifteen minutes. Bring that food in basement."

"Why in basement?" She asked confused. "Because Alex say so." He smirked and left. Alizey glared at his retreating back.

Alizey can't believe this ignorant brat. She never harmed him neither spoke to him badly, but he was adamant on making her life hell.

He came back from his some sort of criminal mission a week later after her arrival and just from than he's her die hard enemy.

There is not a single time he let her have peace. Once, when she was taking dinner to the dining table he purposely tangled his foot in her way making her fall face first. She got her ankle sprained very badly and that brat laughed at her face.

She didn't know why he hates her so much.

She immediately made some juice and snacks, Mia was gone maybe she went to her room.

Alizey took the food to the basement and to her utter horror there was a man all bloody in the middle of the room kneeling in front of Alex who was sitting on a chair whereas Mike was sitting in front a bit far from Alex and his men surrounding the room.

The glasses on the tray started to clatter in her hold and a shriek left her mouth when Alex punched that kneeling man.

Every pair of eyes were on her now. Lucas cursed under his breath and hovered over her trembling form, hiding her from their eyes. "Get the fuck out of here!" He growled lowly. Alizey looked at him stunned for a moment this is the first time he talked to her. She nodded with wide eyes and was about to leave when Issac blocked her way smirking.

"You are so kind to bring the food. Go on serve it and by the way who told you to come here?"

She stared at him aghast. How could he do this to her.

Cane came to her rescue "leave Alizey." He was shoving Issac aside when the old man spoke up "Pretty girl I'm thirsty bring it here."

She looked at the old man scared. She didn't know why but her eyes landed on Alex for help. His demeanor was so cold, she felt chills down her spine under his gaze.

She didn't move an inch from her place. Mike raised a questioning brow, his scrutinizing gaze observed her body. "I'll give you fifty thousand dollars for her." Mike spoke to Alex still looking at Alizey.

Her face became pale and the tray fell from her hands. The glass shattering into trillions of pieces.

She saw how Alex clenched his jaw. "She's not for sale." He spoke through gritted teeth.

Mike looks amused "Sixty thousand dollars."

Out of now where Alex punched the kneeling man so hard that she heard the cracking sound of bones. She screamed "STOP!" She was about to move towards the beaten guy but Cane was fast enough to hold her wrist tightly, and he yanked her out of there.

This girl always finds a way to get herself in trouble. In this situation also she was more worried about this good for nothing betrayer than herself being sold.

"I fucking told you she's not for sale!" Alex gritted in fury. "Calm down boy! My offer was good and to be honest she's a total meal!" Mike mused.

Alex was so infuriated at the old man sitting in front of him that he wanted to kill him at the moment. How dare he thought of buying her. She was his property and definitely not for sale.

If not for him bringing this black sheep here. He wouldn't have thought twice before killing Mike on the spot, but he knows better what this old man was trying to do.

He was trying to infuriate Alex so that he could find a weakness but sadly old man didn't know he's playing with the wrong man.

"She's not a meal at all trust me. I've bedded her. she's a complete turn off." He spoke nonchalantly as if it's no big deal.

Alex saw Lucas eyeing him knowing very well that his motive was just to make this old man forget about Alizey. Which was working quite well as Mike made a distasteful expression. "If you say so."

With that said Mike and his men left safely only for this once. Because if they came here again Alex will make sure that no one will be able to leave alive.

Alex eyed the kneeling man, who was trembling like a leaf.

The thing that Alex hate most in his life is the betrayal. Everything can be forgiven or forgotten but betrayal, never. The punishment for betraying him were on such extreme levels that his men would tremble just by witnessing it.

The man kneeling in front of him was a part of his gang once but this coward betrayed Alex by giving information to Mike and this Mike being Mike took all the information but also back stabbed the betrayer after he got everything and this betrayer kneeling in front of Alex asks for mercy which is inevitable.

"You know what to do." He told his man while leaving the crying man behind.

Alizey yanked her wrist out of Cane's grip when they reached the kitchen. She gave him a death glare "Why was he beating that man?" She asked stunned.

Cane heaved a sigh. "That old man just bid on you and here you are more worried about that traitor."

Alizey didn't know why, but she just new that Alex won't sell her. And she didn't know if she should feel safe or terrified about this.

The sight of him punching that man scared her more. "Traitor or not! He's a human being."

Cane bobbed his head in negative. "This is not how our system works Alizey. He never forgives the traitor. Here Alexander is the one who decides and everything must go according to that. That's how it is and that's how it ever will be."

Alizey glared at him in rage. "Alexander is no God to decide his fate. What's wrong with you all. You're talking as if we are in ancient slavery period where he's the king, and we are his slaves..."

She was cut short by a crashing sound of a door. Cane immediately ran out she trailed behind him and soon they both were standing in front of Jack's door which was knocked of its hinges and was laying broken on the floor.

"Don't fucking ever lock me again!" He growled on Canes face and marched away.

Alizey stared at the door wide eyes. Cane huffed in response and yelled. "SORRY DUDE!" to Jack's retreating back.

"Shove this sorry up your ASS!" Jack fumed and left.

Alizey stood there with mouth agape and eyes the size of saucers.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch a spider." Cane smirked.

Alizey closed her mouth and gave him a nasty look "Catch a fly it is not a spider."

Cane tittered. "I changed the saying to my liking."

Alizey rolled her eyes. "Why you locked Jack in his room." She asked curiously.

"Because he goes berserk whenever he counter Mike." He spoke dismissing.

"And why is that?" She asked.

"You're asking way too many questions love." With that said he left. Alizey was stunned at the word he used to call her. She didn't like it at all. But ignored it.

She was going to her room when she heard sobbing coming from Mia's room. She barged into her room making her jump up in fright.

Mia was crying in the corner of the room. Alizey scurried to her and wrapped her arms around her fragile frame.
Alizey scurried to her and wrapped her arms around her fragile frame             

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