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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 20


She paled at his words. He tricked her into this trap. She gulped feeling sweaty all of a sudden. All the scenarios of last night racked her brain.

The thought of being alone with him was terrifying but being alone with him in reality, that too in the middle of nowhere was horror-stricken.

Her eyes searched the surrounding for an escape or any sort of weapon. She must be prepared if he tried to attack her, but internally she was scared.

"I've told you before, I'm not going to touch you for now. So relax." He spoke smoothly in his deep voice.

She merely glanced at his way her mind screaming only one thing... For now! What this supposes to mean? That he won't touch her now but later!

She bobbed her head. "You lied..." And accused him in a soft voice. "I had to, because you weren't being cooperative, were you?" He spoke calmly.

She closed her eyes shut, trying to control her anger. His words are infuriating her to such extremes that she had to bit her lips to stop her outburst.

After a long pause, her curiosity overcome her anger. "Is this yours?" She gestured to the yacht they were in.

Alex bobbed his head in affirmation. "Yeah you can say that. My Russian Allies gave this as a prezzie for my help." Alizey glanced at him before further asking. "Which sort of help?"

Alex faced her, arching his brow at her. "Aren't you a bit curious little nymph?"

All the color rushed to her cheeks at his endearment. Looking away she tried to rid the blush. First he called her Corazon, she didn't care much about it cause she didn't know its meaning but this little nymph. This is too much and from which angle she is little, it's just he is a hulk beast.

"Why are you sending money to my family?" Alex was shocked for a moment but was fast to cover it.

Alizey couldn't help, but to ask him the same question which was eating her brain cells from last night. She knew she was risking Cane and herself on the line by asking this directly from him.

If he sends money to her family than that simply means, there's a soft corner left in his solid ice heart, and if there is, than a small fire maybe enough to melt him to a better person.

"I'm not sending them money. I'm just giving them their daughters salary who's currently working her ass off as my maid and before your little mind start running a marathon of questions. I'm giving them half of your salary and cutting the other half for the debt." He eyed her sharply, his lips twitched upward slightly from the corner.
"Don't assume me to be a good person Corazon! Because I'm anything but good."

The way he spoke the last line had her feeling shivers in her veins. Here she thought he's a good man and needs just a little polishing on behavior, language, respect and the list goes on but no he proved her wrong yet another time.

But she wanted to ask him that how much he's paying her. Because no way it's possible to carry on Ali's treatment and paying debt simultaneously just by a mere maids' salary.

"Did you take me as a fool?" He snickered making her gasp at his sudden mood change. She bobbed her head in negative.

"Do you think I won't get to know, that Cane let you talk to your mom?" Her eyes widened and her hands turned cold.

She is dead! But she can't let anything happen to poor Cane, he merely helped her out of sympathy. "I forced him!" She speaks sternly. Alex tilt his head and looked at her with his piercing gray eyes daring her to defend Cane.

Why the heck this girl always tries to defend others before her.

She didn't make eye contact and in desperate need to change the topic she spoke.

"Where's your family?" His face lost its amusement and became detached and cold. She gulped knowing she shouldn't have asked this, but she couldn't stop her tongue from slipping. She was expecting him to burst out but got the total opposite.

"They are no more." He replied in a low whisper, for a second she saw so many emotions in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it came. But one got her surprised, it was pain. She hadn't imagined him as a man who feel pain, guilt or anything at all, but looking at him now proved his image in her head to be wrong.

He looked sad, and round her better judgment she believed what she saw. He is hurt, and is still hurting. Unknowingly she felt like giving him some comfort, but that thought evaporated as soon as it boiled.

Before she could do something stupid she stood from there and retreated back inside towards the mini luxurious kitchen to prepare something for dinner as it was already getting dark.


It was late at night when they came back to mansion. The whole ride was awfully silent and to her relief they reached the mansion in just forty minutes which concluded that Alex deliberately drove slow in the afternoon just to annoy her.

After their little conversation at the yacht, they didn't talk at all. And she was glad for that as well as for the fact that Alex didn't touch her this time even though they were being alone, he still kept his words to which she was grateful to extreme extent.

Alex quietly went to his floor whereas Alizey went to her room but the day hasn't end yet, because there were certain voices coming from her room. It was like a cat was mewling inside there, without paying much heed to it, she opened the door but stopped dead in her tracks.

There in front of the window was standing Issac eating the face of a blonde, who she has never seen. Alizey squeaked in surprise and shock and immediately turned around with anger boiling in her head.

"What is wrong with you Issac? What are you doing in my room?" Alizey seethed in pure rage and fluster.

The blonde run past her and out of the room. Alizey faced the jerk who was now wiping his lips and eyeing her mischievously. "I'm hot and bothered. Well I was making out with that chick. Don't tell me your virgin eyes saw the kissing thing for the first time." He gave her an overall look. "By the look on your face I assume you don't know a thing. Well I can show you few glimpses and might as well you can learn something. What's say?"

The nerve of this man! From all the places in this freaking, giant mansion. He found her room to do his bad deeds. She knows he hates her for God knows why but this is too much. "I say... GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!" She yelled loud enough for the whole damn floor to hear.

Issac was on her in seconds, covering her mouth with his hand. She gave him a deadly glare while struggling, her back hit the wall.

She didn't know what to feel anymore, almost every guy in this mansion is a bipolar psycho, she felt like ripping his hands apart for touching her. With a bit struggling she got her mouth free and spoke venomously. "Wallah! If you touch me one more time, I'm going to rip your eyes out of their sockets and will play marbles with it!"

Issac chocked his eyebrows at her fierceness. "Damn Babe! You look hot when you're angry." He mused towering her frame, but she didn't felt intimidated at all. She took a step forward in a challenging manner "And you Mister look jerk, whenever!"

He snickered at her sarcasm. "You want to die Miss. Snarky because if, so I'll gladly do the honors."

"What honors?" Both of their heads snapped towards the door frame where Cane was standing looking at both of them confused.

"This jerk Issac is threatening to kill me! As if I'll let him!" She replied to Cane's question while glaring at Issac who just scoffed at her.

"Are you challenging me Miss. Snarky?" He asked mused taking a step towards her. She didn't falter from her place.

This time she scoffs at him, competing the eye contact and with such a sarcastic edge to her words she spoke. "You aren't worth my challenge jerk!"

And just like that Issac was fuming, she wasn't scared at all in fact she felt happy to get under his skin because every time it was him troubling her and now she gave him the taste of his own medicine.

Tit for tat!

Before Issac can even touch her Cane came in front of her to protect her from Issac's wrath. She smiled sheepishly behind Cane's back giving Issac her triumph smile.

He glared at her one last time, his eyes promising her.. I'm not done with you look! Before he stormed out of her room leaving behind Cane and her.

Cane smirked at her smiling face. "I don't think it's good to provoke him." She stared at him in disbelief. "Are you for real! Like seriously Cane! I'm the one who gets provoked by the likes of him."

Cane arched his brow. "Likes of him?" She looked at him, like really looked at him. "From all my words you just picked up the likes of him!" He chuckled and his green eyes sparkling in dim light. She averted her eyes.

"Where were you? I haven't seen you the whole day." He asked her curiously, eyes calculating. "Well that Alexander Boss of yours took me with him on the yacht just to cook dinner for him there, can you believe this."

All of a sudden his compliment on the yacht about her delicious cooked food racked her mind, and she felt strange giddiness.

Astagfirullah! Allah, please save my brain cause my screws are getting loose.

Cane looked surprised at this information. "Were you two alone there all this time?" He asked and now Alizey was feeling uncomfortable. "Yes." She replied in a whisper.

"Did he hurt you?" His inquiry surprised her but it soon filled her with brotherly warmth. He cares for her, that's the only thing. And by the times she has talked to him, he is a good man. Not once he tried something bad on her, always there to help her. He's a true gentleman and handsome too.

But not more than Alex! Wait WHAT?


"No he didn't. And don't you worry I'm a strong girl. I can take care of myself." She said cheerfully. Cane chuckled at her tactics.

"We'll see about that." He whispered slowly under his breath, smiling.

He walked past her giving her a charming smile. "Goodnight love."

That endearment again. She turned around to warn him not to call her that word, but he was long gone.


What is wrong with him calling her that word. It's cringe, she made a vomiting face, Eww...
It's cringey, she made a vomiting face, Eww             

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