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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » To tell you i love you by Andy Madden (best novel books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «To tell you i love you by Andy Madden (best novel books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Andy Madden

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you away and took you to that wretched country.”
“Oh my, who did that to your head?!”
“It was Ivan.” Said Demy in a grim voice.
“Oh so it was…”
“I-I-I’m so terribly sorry!” Shouted Ivan, begging at Vladimir’s feet.
“I’ll give you one warning…” He said, and in a split second, before Ivan could hesitate, and Demy could shout no, He had a revolver out in his hand, and shot him in the head.
“Clean this mess up Demy, I want to talk with my son.”
“B-But Vladimir, Why?! You said you would give him a warning!”
“I did, I gave him a warning shot, into his head.”

End of chapter 4.

Falling Petals

Chapter 5

Falling petals

It had been 2 weeks since Rory was taken by the Russians. Luka had postponed his dispatch to Germany, saying his butler was dying, and he wanted to be with him, but not mentioning anything about Rory. He had given up after a week and a half of sleepless nights, nightmares, searching for the thing he lost and cared for the most. He had admitted defeat. He just wanted to erase Rory from his mind. This world was huge, there’s no way now he could find him… He was most likely dead now anyways… He just told himself, I do not love anyone named Rory, and there is no one in my life named Rory…
Jace hadn’t gotten much better… He was laying on his deathbed. And Luka decided to stay with him until he was gone. He sat in his room at the hospital, holding his weak tender hand.
“M-master Luka? W-what a-are you doing h-here? Shouldn’t you be out looking for-“he asked in a raspy voice before interrupted.
“I’ve given up on him… there’s no possible way for me to find him. So in my mind, such a Rory doesn’t exist.” He said with a solid straight face.
Jace looked at his master in disbelief. He would have slapped him if he wasn’t so fatigued. “You can’t do that…”
“E-excuse me? I can’t do what?”
“Erase that boy from your memory. If he was as important to you as you are for him, you wouldn’t dare utter those word. He loved you like life, to him, you were his oxygen. And if he were you, he’d never give up on finding you, because he loves you. He said he would loose his mind if you got drafted, but you promised him…you promised you wouldn’t die, you would stay alive and fight for him… and what you said gave him the hope he needed to be able to put through this. If he were still here, I bet he would have no reason to live if you said that to him.” His words stung Luka, and they had an awful aftertaste… “if you do this… you are probably the worst man on this world, worse than Adolf Hitler, Worse than Vladimir Vailiev. You are destroying a bond that was never meant to be broken…”
Luka just looked into his watery eyes, small tears escaping them every now and again. Rory knew what he said was true, but He couldn’t put up with Rory being gone… He did love Rory, but know he wondered how much he loved him… He didn’t know if what Jace said was true or if he was making this up… but what he said changed him that day.
Jace took Luka’s hand in his, and looked him in the eye. You remind me so much of my son… he was a handsome fellow like you” he laughed.
Luka laughed along, sympathy in his eyes.
“Luka… promise me something…”
“Yes anything?”
“Promise me… you won’t give up on Rory…”
“Okay… I promise I won’t…” He said with a smile.

That day Jace Greaves the III died in that bed. He died hand in hand with Luka Mikhal, a peaceful smile on his face… That was the end of the Greaves family generation. They no longer served the Mikhal family, and Luka was glad.

Luka left the hospital with hope in his heart again. He would go fight this battle and he would win it for Rory. He realized who Rory was to him that day… he wasn’t just a person, or an idea. He wasn’t just a lover… He wasn’t family of a friend either. He was something more… He was a person who meant more than life for Luka, he was the thing that gave Luka hope to keep fighting. He had made a promise to Jace on his death bed that he wouldn’t give up on Rory, and he had made a promise to Rory that he wouldn’t die. He refused the though. He never broke a promise. He held the idea of Rory in his heart, He learned something that day, he learned what love truly is, and he wanted to find Rory and embrace him tight in his arms, never letting go… HE would travel around the world, looking in every nook and cranny to find the large piece of his heart that was stolen from him.
He would kill all the bastards who took Rory. He wanted to kill every single Russian there was, he didn’t care, and he would do anything to get Rory back.

End of chapter 5.


Publication Date: 12-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

To The person who wrote 'Loving Salem' on AarinFantasy (i dont know their name) for giving me inspiration, Nadia, Shannon, and my dog.

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