Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Pinkie Promise? by Angel Knowles (popular romance novels txt) 📖

Book online «Pinkie Promise? by Angel Knowles (popular romance novels txt) 📖». Author Angel Knowles

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I cant stand to watch him anymore." If Mrs. Torres didnt say that, i dont know who in the world would have.
i stare at her blankly at first, then with such ferocity that it even scared me. Not for long. I looked at her for what seemed like infinity, until she backed away, and recoiled, seeming to regret that she said anything.
"what?" the voice that is speaking is not my own. I swear some thing was possesing me. It was a threatening, almost daring whisper. I could almost here her shock. her fear.

"I-uh.. nothing..." His mom was looking really scared. Like i was going to hit her or something. The dad just sat back and watched. I dont think he was really paying attention. He was off in his own little world.
"NO! you did say something. How could you!? That is your son, your baby boy, how in the hell could you say that about him? do you really want to lose him? Is that was you want? One less mouth to feed, and one less kid to buy shoes for at the begining of each school year? what are you thinking? thats your baby. the one that came out of you. The one you carried around for nine months. the one you used to clean scraped knees for, and heal broken hearts for. The one you used to laugh with, and argue over the dishes. The one who made you breakfast in bed for no reason, other than he loved you. He still does. He needs you! your his mom for Christ's sake! Please, dont give up on him. He needs us. Please..." My last words were choked with emotion. she rushed over to me , and hugged me with all her strength.
"oh honey, i know. He does need us! he needs you, por favor, ayuda me. Yo nesecito mi hijo!"
"dont worry.. its all going to be okay. He will be okay, just wait. You'll see." Who am i trying to convince? I need to believe that, but somehow, i have this small little hopeless feeling. What if he doesnt come back?

as soon as she lets me go, i am back with Cesar. I talk to him like nothing ever happened. Like we were back at my house, on the porch swing in the blistering heat, taking turns fanning each other..
"Hey dude. what's up? You have missed a lot of school man. you are going to have to make up all that homework! get your lazy but outta bed, and get ready for school. Its already 10:00.. youre going to miss the bus! hurry, cuz i sure as hell aint gonna take your lazy buns there!"

No response.

"Cesar, Please come back.. i cant stand not knowing if you are okay. I need you. I need help on my Spanish homework. I dont know how to conjugate the infinitive 'oir' i need you.. i want to sit on our buts in the mud in the park, and to walk to the bus together, getting in as much time as possible before i have to do my homework.I need you to hold my hand. My heart hurts right now. you are the only one who can fix it. When you wake up, i will throw you a party. A HUGE one, but only you, me, Taylor, and my new friend Austin are going to be there. I will buy you that pen that you wanted for your Ipad. i know you really wanted one of those, and i know you wont buy yourself one. ha. you really need to get a job!.. I met this new guy, his name is Austin. he just moved in next door to me. I have a secret to tell you... I think i am in love with him. He just knows what to say and when to say it. He is everything i have ever dreamed for in a guy. he's smart and funny, and knows how to heal me when i'm depressed. He knows how to talk to me, and make me feel important... I need you buddy. I need you to tell me how awesome a guy Austin is. I need you to sit and gossip with me, and go to the mall when i know you really wanted to go to Adventure land that day instead. i pinkie promise that i wont ever make you get a hair cut again! you can let it grow down to your ankles, and i wont say a word! please man, im dying here. I dont think i can go on without you. You are one of the only real people who know me, and love me for who i am. Who still care, and stay with me when i throw up all night, or i get in a fight with my parents. If you come back to me, i swear to god i will never make you go to the mall again, or force you to ask that pretty girl you saw at the park if you could have her number... I pinkie promise.."
I grab onto his hand, and i hold it there, and then i interlock our pinkies. I just let it rest there. I lay my head down on his hand, and i cry. I let it out, and it flows like a river. I dont know how much more i can take. But i have to stay strong. For Cesar. For his mom, and dad. For me. For my life, I cant slip into self wallowing pity, and just lay there until i feel like getting up. I have to get up, and fight for my Best Friend. Because i know he cant, and if i was in his situation, He would never stop. He would fight tooth and nail, until i came back. Now its my turn
"wh-" Did he just.. am i.. What?..I swear i just felt him squeeze my pinkie.
"Cesar?.. listen buddy, if you can hear me, squeeze my pinkie again. Please Cesar, let me know if you're alive. Try man, Try.. I just need to know you are alive, and are going to come back to me.."

After a little while, I felt him squeeze my pinkie. Harder this time.
" Oh, Cesar! Thank you! Thank you! Thank God! ohmygod. i thought you would never come back.. I was so scared. Thank you Jesus! Thank you! I am forever in your debt. Oh, Cesar.. I love you. you are the bestest friend i have ever had. Its a miracle. Keep fighing. Dont stop. You cant give up, we need you. Your mom and dad need you. Johana and Jasmine need you. I need you. Thank you God! I was so terrified. Dont leave now. you CANT give up!"
I could litteraly feel the relief in the room. it felt like years of worrying, just melted off me. I could breathe again. I know this is just the begining, but it feels like the worst part is over. He's alive, and that's the best gift anyone could have EVER given me. His mom, and even dad, and someone with powerful, muscular arms were embracing me. We were all crying. I swear its like we just saw Jesus walk in the room, it was that amazing.
We heard a throat clear, and we immediately all jumped back, in suprise. It was like we were caught doing something wrong, by just hoping he would live.
"Um, I dont know what to say. It seems as though he is responding now. he is no longer in acoma, his vitals are slowly coming back to normal, and his heart beet is going steady. He is going to live guys. He is going to live! Angel, thank you.. you are a true hero. You saved his life, again.. I dont think WE can ever repay YOU.. You are truely a god-send. You have saved more than just a life. you have saved the hopes of all these people, and that, is nothing short of a miracle itself. thank you. From the bottom of my heart." Dr.Earlbacher was actually crying. I want to Hug him... So i did. at first, he just kinda froze, and then he relaxed, and returned the embrace. I dont think i have EVER felt this good in my life. I am crying tears of joy.

"Angel?" a soft, familiar and comforting voice startles me from the embrace. Austin.. when did he get here?

"Austin!" i yelped.
"Hey.. I missed you. Are you okay?.." He looked extreemly concerned. I love this kid. I really do. If only i could tell him...
"Shh..I'm fine. I'm not in any pain... Just in my heart. I thought i was going to lose him for good. I dont think i could have handled that.." I was crying into his sholder, and snot was getting on his shirt, but he didnt care. He just held me tighter. I love him so much. Its practically hurting because i love him so bad.
"Angel, look at me..." he waited until i met his gaze." I love you. I always have, you are beautiful, and i love you. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but i was scared you wouldnt love me too.. i dont care anymore.. I love you.." My heart skipped more than one beat. It stopped al together. Did he just say that? His gaze was piercing my very soul. I thought i would melt in his arms, simply by looking back.
"I love you too. I will always love you." His lips met mine, and i melted into the moment. Life was good. This was going to be a long, hard road, but i was ready. I had Austin, and Dr.Earlbacher, and Cesar's parents.. what more did i need.. Taylor.. where is she?
As if she heard my thoughts, She stepped into the door, looking like a ghost just slapped her.
"Angel! OHMYGOD! i heard everything. Austin called me. It took a long time for me to realize he actually did know you, and that he was telling the truth. My mom took my car, so i ran here as fast as i could. are you ok?...Cesar.. oh no.. oh, no, no, no!!!!! CESAR!! "
she ran over to him, knocking the Dr. out of the way. He fell back in suprise.
"oh buddy. How are you? You look like shit. Oh my god! where have you been? who the hell did this to you!? "
"Taylor, calm down. I just got him to respond to me. There was a lot going on today. Just relax. He's going to be okay. and as soon as he can communicate, and tell us who took him, we will hunt that bastard down, and make him wish he was never born. He will not get away with this, if it's the last thing i ever do! but for now, let him rest. I am going to stay here overnight. who ever else wants to, is sure welcome. I dont think the Dr. will mind.. Right Dr.Earlbacher?.. please? can we stay? I cant go home tonight. I seriously doubt any of us will sleep tonight anyways. He needs us here, right by him.. Please?"

"I have no objection to that. You can stay everynight until he gets better if you want. If i get fired, i dont care. This is more important than my job. His life is more important than whether or not i am fired. I will go home here shortly, and bring blankets, and food..Hospital chow is terrible..Austin, will you come help me? I think i might need some help getting blankets and pillows and food for all of you tonight.?"
"Dr! thank you!!! thank you more than anything in the world! You
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