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Read books online » Romance » Satisfying Bigfoot's Nightly Desires - Book 1 by Layla Sparks (popular ebook readers .TXT) 📖

Book online «Satisfying Bigfoot's Nightly Desires - Book 1 by Layla Sparks (popular ebook readers .TXT) 📖». Author Layla Sparks

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then, a ringing noise came from his pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and stood up.

“Yes, what did you find?” he asked in a low voice. He paced around the living room as he listened to the voice on the phone. “I’ll be there right away.” Then he hung up.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I don’t have much time to explain, and I won’t have time to drop you off. Would you like to stay here until tomorrow?”

“No,” I said quickly. “Can I just come with you?”

He looked at me like I was crazy. Then he thought about it. “Okay fine. Meet me at the car when you’re ready.”

I quickly stood up and grabbed my red underwear from beneath the couch. I threw on the rest of my clothes haphazardly and ran out the door. I wondered what the hell I was doing as I jumped into the car. It was one a.m. already, and I knew I wasn’t thinking straight.

“Where are we going?” I asked him. He pulled out of the driveway at top speed, and we sped down the road.

“Remember how I said I was looking for a Bigfoot?”

“Yeah, the girl you had sex with,” I said.

He didn’t react at my jab, but he proceeded to explain. “I have a human Bigfoot researcher tell me if he ever spots anything unusual.”

“And that was him on the phone,” I guessed.

“Correct,” he said.

“Why do you need to bring her back?”

“Her parents are worried. All the Bigfoot are worried. No one leaves the clan,” he explained.


“Then our secret will be exposed. She’s a reckless one, and she will most likely be punished when I bring her home,” he said.

“No wonder she’s hiding. She just wants to be free,” I said. “Just let her go.”

He ignored me and pressed the gas to the pedal harder when I said that. The roads looked more abandoned the more we drove, and we were surrounded by trees now. We were reaching a farm area. We passed by cows feeding and chicken flapping around.

Then he brought the car to a stop on the side of the road.

“We need to go on foot now. We don’t want to scare her,” said Evan.

I opened the door and closed it gently behind me. There was a small house not too far ahead of us, and we walked towards it, hidden by trees. We avoided walking in the pathway directly in front of the house. As we neared the farm, we heard loud moans and grunts.

I looked towards Evan, and he put a finger to his lips.

Following Evan, we walked towards the back of the house, and I peered through one of the windows. My eyes widened.

There was a man underneath a large body of fur. He was flat on the ground, and a female Bigfoot was crouched over him, sitting on his face. She had his penis in her mouth, and his head was between her legs. A Bigfoot and a human in a sixty-nine position looked bizarre, but it was hot. As I watched, my pussy started to grow moist. Her loud groans rang through the windows.

Evan looked towards me, amused. My eyes were still wide with shock.

“We wait until she turns human,” he whispered.

I couldn’t look away as the man licked her gaping vagina and dark folds. I felt an urge to touch my pussy, but Evan was right next to me.

She sucked his penis with vigor. He moaned loudly, and white liquid spurted all over her mouth. She licked his dick wildly until it went limp.

He continued to lick her and inserting his fingers inside of her. She bucked against his face, smashing him as she roared through her orgasm. She collapsed on top of him, and I worried the man wouldn’t be able to breathe.

Her body shook as she slowly shifted into her human form. She had long red hair, and the rest of her body was hairy as well. No wonder Evan was fascinated by my soft body, I thought.

Evan hurriedly went towards the front door and twisted it open.

The woman looked at us lazily. Her body still draped over the poor man. She stood up quickly when she realized it was Evan.

“What do you want?” she asked. “I’m not coming back.”

“You attacked my poor researcher,” said Evan, shaking his head. The man on the ground groaned and stood up. He looked at the woman in shock.

“Sasquatch, your real! You were a sasquatch,” he said, his finger pointed at her and shaking.

“You had too much to drink, dear,” she said. “Now shut up.”

He leaned against the wooden wall of the house in shock. I stayed at the doorway, quietly watching.

“Your family is worried sick about you,” said Evan. “They asked me personally to get you.”

“They’ll punish me,” she said, tears falling.

“I won’t let it happen,” said Evan, making his way towards her. He grasped her arm. “Trust me. You’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” she said. Then she stopped walking when she spotted me. “Who’s she?”

“A friend,” said Evan.

“You got yourself a human sex-slave,” she said, sneering at me. “Isn’t he great in bed?”

A small flare of anger shot through me, but I needed to keep calm. I ignored her and walked towards the passenger seat. She shoved me aside with her naked body, and I went to sit in the backseat instead. Evan didn’t notice any of this while he was climbing into the driver’s side. Oh well, I wouldn’t see her after today anyway.

“What have you been up to, Alondra?” Evan asked her.

“Freedom is great,” Alondra replied. “Why do you still stay with them?”

“They’re family. I can’t abandon family.”

“What are you going to do with the girl when you go back with me to the family?” Alondra asked.

I froze as I listened to his answer. I never thought about him leaving. I knew what we had was just casual sex, but I wasn’t ready.

“We’ll see,” he answered simply.

“What do you mean?” I said.

“Oh, she talks,” said Alondra.

“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” I said to her. In the mirror, I could see Alondra’s face turn red.

She turned around in her seat and reached out for my throat, but Evan grabbed her hand before that happened.

“We’ll talk about it, Sandra. Don’t worry about it,” he said.

I sighed. I closed my eyes in the backseat as we drove. I wasn’t sure where we would be going right now, but before I knew it, I fell into a deep sleep.


Chapter 4

I woke up suddenly to a hand clenched around my throat. I opened my eyes, not being able to breathe. Alondra’s narrow angry face was the first thing I saw. I brought my hand upwards and jammed my fingers in her eyes with all my strength.

She screamed, releasing my throat. I gasped in deep breaths.

I looked around and saw that we were in a forest of some sort. The sun was up, and naked Alondra was clutching her eyes in pain. Evan and his car were nowhere to be seen. I turned and started to run in any direction.

“You can’t hide from me, bitch!” yelled Alondra.

As I ran, my legs wanted to give out, but I had to push myself. This bitch was crazy as hell! The sound of crashing leaves and twigs sounded behind me as she ran in pursuit. Her speed was a lot more than my measly human speed. I kept running until I saw a large tree.

I hid behind it, breathing hard.

I bent down and grabbed a large stick. Alondra paced around the area that I stopped running in.

“Where are you?” she called in a sing-song voice.

I pressed myself against the tree bark, clutching the stick in both hands. Alondra started to sniff the air. I could hear her sniffing wildly, making her way towards me. My body tensed to fight.

Her face popped around the tree, and I screamed.

I whacked her face with the stick. She dodged it expertly. I came at her again with the stick, this time at her boob, but she grabbed the stick and twisted it out of my hands.

“What do you want?!” I yelled at her.

“You need to die,” she said, throwing the stick behind her. She walked towards me, her red hairy pussy and legs in my vision.

“You’re disgusting,” I said. “I can’t believe I told Evan to let you free and give you a chance.”

“You did?” she asked, stopping in her tracks. Then she narrowed her eyes. “You just want him for yourself.”

“I’m not interested at all,” I said, holding my hands up. “I’ll disappear, and you can have him. If you kill me, he’ll come after you.” I didn’t know at all if he liked me enough to do that.

But she was listening.

“What’s going on? I thought I heard screaming,” said Evan’s voice as he appeared through the trees.

“We were just playing,” said Alondra loudly.

Evan looked at my face, which was still frozen with fear. I forced myself to look calm.

“We’re fine,” I said.

“Why would you both leave the car when I was trying to get us snacks?”

I looked towards Alondra.

“We needed fresh air,” Alondra lied. I nodded in agreement.

“Could you please take me home?” I asked Evan.

“Sure,” said Evan. “Let’s go.”


When we reached my apartment complex, I jumped out of the car.

“Thanks, Evan,” I said.

“Wait,” he said. I groaned inside as he stepped out of the car. Alondra was watching us owlishly.

“Yes, Evan?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to see you again. Okay?” I said. My throat tightened as I said the words.

“Something happened to you in the forest. I feel it. What happened? Please tell me,” he begged. He touched my shoulder lightly.

“Today scared me. You both are monsters at night and who knows what can happen to me next,” I lied. “I don’t want anything to do with you guys.”

He nodded in understanding.

“I’ll leave you alone then. If you really want me to go and not come back, I’ll go,” he said.

I nodded without saying the words. If I did, I knew I’d break down and cry. He leaned down to kiss me on the lips one last time. I breathed in his woodsy cologne and essence one last time.

As Evan walked back to the car, I watched Alondra smile and touch his hand when he got inside. I looked away, feeling sick to my stomach as I walked to the door. When I arrived at my apartment, I kicked my shoes off and poured a glass of water. Before I could take a sip, my tears started to fall.

How could I have fallen for a Bigfoot? I didn’t think telling him not to come back would hurt me this much. My chest ached, and my body longed for his touch.

But I knew Alondra wouldn’t leave me alone if I didn’t, and the worst part now was that she knew where I lived. I collapsed on the couch and sobbed.


Several days had passed since I broke up with Evan. I called in sick to work for two days in a row, and I knew my co-workers were worried. I tried going in to work the next day, but it was impossible to get through my shift without crying. As I lay on the couch at home, watching a mind-numbing show, there was a knock at the

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