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Read books online » Romance » Arranged To Marry The Enemy (a Mafia story) by Zainab Ajike (snow like ashes txt) 📖

Book online «Arranged To Marry The Enemy (a Mafia story) by Zainab Ajike (snow like ashes txt) 📖». Author Zainab Ajike

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Chapter Two

Mafia is a process, not a thing


Irina's point of view:

"You are late this morning to your practice, What's wrong?" My friend and instructor, Garry asked

"I have menstrual cramps, I don't think I can practice today" I told him.

"Oh sorry, let me get you chocolate then" he said as he went out of the practice room to get me the chocolate. I sat on one of the benches and took out my phone to call Sarah, Sarah has been my personal maid and friend. I only have two friends in my life and they are Garry and Sarah. Okay, this is my life. Since when I was born into this world, I have never been out of this compound before, I have always been indoor. I have been in a cage all my life. I am not like other kids. I am part of the mafia system here so I have to be safe, that's is what they told me though

I have never even gone shopping or gone to school. I was homeschooled, I attended college online. Well, I am a graduate of entrepreneurship. 

I hate my life. I have been caged all life. I am twenty five and I am still like a child before my parents and family as a whole

"Irina Alexei, you called for me" Sarah said as she entered the room.

I have always been envious of her, she is free to go out when she wants. Sometimes being rich is not everything but having a freedom that you can guarantee yourself and be happy being yourself.

Sarah's parents died while working for my family, they died because of my family. They were loyal to my parents till they died and that was the reason why Sarah is the most trusted maid in this house.

She is being treated like my twin by my parents and everyone else in this house. I like Sarah, I am willing to protect everything I have.

My phone buzzed off indicating a new message.

I opened the message, it says

'There was an attack outside dad's office today, dad lost most of his workers, he is angry, be careful around him' from Ruslan, my younger brother.

An attack, who could that be?

"Please get me a glass of black coffee, I need it" I told her.

"You look off today, Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Cramps" I replied curtly.

"I am sorry. Let me prepare you a hot soup and bring you drugs" she left after that.

"Here you go" Garry gave me a box of chocolate as he sat down beside me.

"Dad is pissed off, stay out of his zone."I warned him. Garry always gets on my dad's nerves with his clumsiness. 

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, don't tell me that I didn't warn you, since there is no practice today, let me start going. Thanks for the chocolate" I stood up

"Wait, we can have fun today right?" 

"I need my bed right now" I left the practice room. I walked through the passages of the house to my room. No doubt, this house is so damn big that almost everything is available in this house.

"The food is ready" a voice said through the intercom.

I sat on my bed unbothered  by the voice, I am not hungry this morning.

I opened the chocolate box and brought out a piece of chocolate. I unwrapped it and threw it inside my mouth. I wish I could just run away.

Someone knocked on my door, Sarah opened the door for herself and entered.

She holds a tray that contains the soup she said she was going to bring and pills.

"Didn't you hear that the food is being served? Or do you want it inside your room? I can bring it if you want" she sat beside me.

"I want to run away, I am fed up with all this bullshit." I told her.

"You will soon be free, babe. It is just a matter of time." She said with seriousness. What does she mean by that? Is she perhaps hiding something?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"Won't you get married? You will, so I guess you will get your freedom when you get married" she said with a smile on her face. But her face says it's opposite.

"Marriage? I am not ready for one" I told her.

"Whatever, just take your soup before it is cold" she dropped the tray and went out.

I drank the soup and ate all the chocolate, after that, I took my medicine and slept off.


I rolled on the bed as I opened my eyes. I stretched my body lazily and sat up retrieving my strength.

"Welcome back, my baby" my mom, Galina Alexei said. I looked at her direction with blurriness, she was seated on my couch, feeling relaxed like she owned it.

"Hey Mom" I said as I got off my bed and went to the toilet.

After using the toilet, I went out but not before washing my hands properly.

"What brings you here, mom?" I asked her as I sat on the bed facing her.

"I came to greet my little princess, no offense in that, right?" I rolled my eyes waiting for her to tell me what brings her here.

"You ain't getting younger Irina, you should also be in the system." I thought she wanted to talk to me about marriage when she said 'You ain't getting younger' but she is here to convince me to be part of the mafia system again.

"We have discussed this several times mom, and I think we have come to an agreed conclusion" I said with frustration.

"You thought we had that agreement but I never thought about it the same way you did. Come on Irina, you are a beautiful young lady. You are fit for this. A lot of investors will invest when they see a lady with  a lot of confidence convincing them" she said.

"Are you telling me to sell my body for the sake of this so-called business?" I asked her.

"No,of course. Why would I suggest something like that, I am only saying you are fit for this. You studied Entrepreneurship in school, so what are we talking about" she waved her hand in the air dramatically.

"I studied Entrepreneurship not marketing" I fired at her.

"Whatever, all I want you to do is to join the business, you can't be eating and sleeping here without doing nothing. Your brother is working hard, join him and raise this family name. Gender doesn't matter in the mafia world. Moreover, you can see how greatly your dad lost these few days, he is getting older, he can't handle all this alone. He is not as agile and he was before. Think about it dear. Don't forget mommy loves you" she caressed my cheek then went out of my room.

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