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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Spring Break Romance by Cassie Parker (good e books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Spring Break Romance by Cassie Parker (good e books to read .txt) 📖». Author Cassie Parker

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I fix my breathing. Mathias hurries over to my book shelf and acts like he's looking for something to read and as he's getting ready to pull out one of the books Mike walks through my door.
I nearly pass out until I put together what he is seeing. Mathias pulling out a the "War of the Worlds" book and me lying down watching Benji. "Hey you two." I wave at him pretending to be absorbed into the movie and Mathias says hey. "We're going to go to the lake. Either of you want to come?"
I jump at the chance for two reasons. One, I love the lake, and Two, I needed fresh air. Mathias agreed too. The boys leave and I change into my bathing suit. By time I get downstairs all the guys are ready to go . "So to the lake we go." I pronounced to them. Mike laughed.
"You and Mark in the back while Mathias and me are in the front. I'm driving." Mike always drove. He doesn't like me to drive because I like to drive fast. I nodded and walked outside to his vehicle and got into the back. Mark opened the door I just got into and I slid over to the next seat. He sat a bit to close to me for comfort. Mike and Mathias both noticed. You could tell by their expressions but Mark doesn't seem to notice.
As we are driving to the lake everyone is quiet. It doesn't bother me much but that is because I like the quiet. Mark not so much. He's frigidity and it's not fun to sit next to him while he is. Mathias is pretty much the same as Mike and me. I stare out the window and when I'm doing so Mark whispers in my ear. I can't figure out why they do that so much. It's like they are getting ready to tell you a secret but instead it's something that they could usually say aloud. "Are you wearing anything under your clothes?" YUCK! My face went into disgusted mode but of course he didn't notice; he just has a gross and pervey smile on.
"No. How bout you?" I asked pretending to play along. When he moves closer to me the boys in the front notice. Perfect. I elbow Mark in the groin and push him aside. He looks like he is about to cry. Mathias starts laughing along with my brother who pretty much told him that he deserved whatever he got. Mark leaves me alone rest of the way to the lake.
When we get to the lake I'm out of the car before it stops and stripping down to my bathing suit. There are other people in the lake but I don't care. I just jump in splashing them. It wasn't until later that I found out the lake was full of guys from my brother's college. No girls were around. Great. After me Mike jumps in then Mathias. They both swim over to me. Mike is the first one to speak. "I probably should have mentioned that it was a guy party."
Mathias chimed in. "And that it was only college guys."
Mike finished up. "Making you the only highschooler and the only girl."
"Are you two finished." I asked moving my feet back and forth under me keeping me afloat. When they both nod I jump onto Mike and push him under. He gets the upper hand and throws me at Mathias. "I'm so not a ball." Mathias drops me into the water ad after about an hour of us three going at each other we get out.
We find Mark at a camp fire where beer is given. Mark is pretty much drunk but he's not the designated driver; I am. I watch as the guys get to chugging down their beers. After a couple of hours all three of the guys are drunk and loopy. As I watch the fire a guy whose tan, blonde, blue eyed, and has a surfer's body walks up to me and sits down.
"Hi, I'm Jericho."
"I'm Gloria." I pretend not to notice him but he doesn't back down.
"So what are you doing here."
"I'm the designated driver for my brother and his friends."
"Designated driver as in not a single drop of alcohol."
"No I mean, you're Mike's brother aren't you?"
"Yep." His mouth nearly flew open but he caught himself. "SO..."
"Man. Cool. Hey you wanna go out with me?" Settle and to the point. I was about to answer when I noticed Mathias was in hearing distance. Man this was weird. Mathias started to walk over towards me and sat down beside me. Mike didn't seem to care or notice. Jericho on the other hand did notice. "Oh, hey man." Jericho talked kind of like a surfer stereo type. All I could say was Man Oh Man in my head. I sat there between the guy who I just made out with a couple of hours ago and the guy who just asked me out.
"UH no. I don't date guys I don't know." I stole a glance at Mathias's direction, though I don't know why.
"Isn't that the point of dating?" He didn't look too let down.
"How bout this, I leave and you call your girlfriend and tell her you love her that way you'll remember she exists." I was winging it but he walked away and ended up with his cell to his ear. Mike and Mark walk up to Mathias and me. "Ready to leave?" All three nod and they get in the car. Mike and I switched places. Before we were home Mike and mark crashed. They were like teenage girls.
Mathias wasn't asleep but he was bored. It's maybe eight so we were down there for about ten, eleven hours which is a while. They drank a lot but I made them drink water and I made them swim since we were there for so long. They were all going to have killer headaches tomorrow.
When I pulled into the driveway I honked the horn and when the two boys in the back didn't wake up I just shrugged and walked in. Mathias was after me. We sat down on the couch without a word and I turned the TV on to a dull channel. We sit like that for a couple of minutes then Mathias speaks up.
"This is so weird." TV maybe?
"It's a channel about something boring. How is it weird." He gives me a weird look.
"Not that. This." He said motioning to the two of us. I didn't know there was a this. We barely knew each other. It was something that would come out of a movie I wanted to be in.
"Which is?"
"Exactly. I always know what the this is. Is it playful, heated, sort-of relationship, or relationship?" I shrugged. All I could think about was that I'm a teen and I fall in love easily which is exactly what I'm doing but I wasn't about to say it aloud. We go back to the silence. After a couple more hours of dull TV I fall asleep.
Fourth Day of Spring Break

I wake up to banging. It sounds like it's coming from the kitchen so I stand up and stretch then walk towards the kitchen. Mike is at the stove with four cracked eggs next to him. I walk up next to him and yawn. He looks over and I look at the eggs. They had egg shells in them and the setting on the stove was too low. I push him aside and pick the shells out of the eggs and I turn the setting up. "Can you do the rest?" I ask Mike with a tired voice.
"I didn't need your help to begin with." He sticks his tongue out at me as if to say "Ha,ha. You got burned" which normally he just says.
"I think that you would have thrown those eggs out as soon as you took a bite." That was Mathias laughing. I couldn't help it when my face turned a bright pink and I don't know why. I just hope that Mike doesn't notice considering the fact that I was just making out with his best friend the other day. I look away from both of them even though I don't know why I'm blushing. It's embarrassing to blush in front of the guy you like and your brother who would probably make fun.
Mark walks into the kitchen and looks at me. "Are you still wearing your bathing suit?" Mark is the biggest perv that I've ever met and that is saying a lot when you are in class full of horny teenagers.
I look down my shirt to see if I was indeed wearing my bathing suit. One of Mike's eyebrow's fly up and I raise my head. "Ye-ah." I prolonged the 'yeah' to be careful since Mike is a perv. Mathias has stopped laughing and Mike was looking back and forth between Mark and me. The kitchen is dead silent. I walk out of the kitchen having to pass Mark but I make sure that I don't touch him. He just gives me the heebie geebies.
I walk into my bedroom and head to my dresser. I grab a pair of stretchy white shorts that reach a little above the middle of my thighs and a cut-off relay for life shirt from 2011. I also grab my black sports bra, underwear, and tweety bird socks. I feel grimy so I need a shower. Swimming tends to do that.
Once I get into the bathroom I put my clothes in the cabinet under the sink so that the steam from the shower wouldn't get to them. I then move the two full laundry baskets in front of the bathroom door along with the bathroom trash can. I didn't normally add something in front of the door even if it doesn't lock but I don't trust Mark. I turn the water on and wait for it to heat up and once it does I turn it up so it'll turn the skin on my legs red. I strip down then get in the shower. While in the shower I flip through the channels in my brain to place where I've seen Mark before but I can't seem to. After about thirty minutes in the shower I step out and wrap a towel around myself.
The bathroom is full of steam so it's a little harder to get fresh air and it's a little warmer than it would have been if the shower was cooler. I walk over to the sink and wipe a circle onto the the water vapor covered mirror with my hand. I brush my teeth still trying to figure out where I've seen Mark. I then blow dry my hair which takes twenty minutes since it's so long then I brush it out and throw it into a ponytail. I dry off then get dressed. Everything took about

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