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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 23


Alizey felt relieved when she saw it was none other than Cane but her relief was shortly lived when the person she hates, now came from behind the Cane.

Mike was standing with a sinister smirk on his face. It was not only Mike that scared her but the cold emotionless look on Cane's face scared her more.

She wanted to believe that Cane is also abducted the same way as her but his posture says otherwise.

Cane took two steps towards her, and she involuntarily moved back. The smirk that creeped up his face had her blood running cold. She stared at them with wide scared eyes.

"C-cane?" She whispered a bit shaken by the happenings.

He moved closer towards her and circle around her petite frame. "Yes love?" He spoke sinister. Not like that gentle Cane she's familiar with. The way he was circling around her was like a predator observing its prey.

She gulped feeling sweaty all of a sudden. "W-what's h-hap-pening?" She stuttered. Getting a chuckle from Mike who was eyeing her from afar.

"What do you think is happening love?" He whispered from behind, near her ear. She slightly jumped because of his proximity.

"She still didn't get it." Mike mused, causing both the man to chuckle at her. The way Cane is laughing on Mike's words only indicates that they are far from enemies.

Her hands went cold when she put two and two together, but still she didn't want to believe it. The Cane she knows was gentle and caring, he even helped her to talk to her mother but the man standing in front of her now was looking the same but the emotions his eyes were holding are from that Cane. His eyes are shining with an evil glint.


Mia was hell worried about Alizey. She has searched the whole mansion but Alizey was now where to be seen. In just few minutes everyone will be out on the dining table but to her horror Alex is also in the mansion.

After what happened last time she knew it Alizey won't try to run again but then again where is she?

"Good Morning." Mia got startled by Jack standing just behind her. He smiled innocently at her but the worried look on her face told him that something is wrong. "What's wrong?" She was contemplating on telling him or not when Lucas barged in.

Lucas looked between the duo and understood the tension in the air. He then noticed that Alizey wasn't in kitchen that's unusual because she's punctual and was always in the kitchen at this time. "Where's Alizey?" Lucas blurted out, looking at Mia for an answer. Now Jack also noticed that Alizey wasn't there. "Yeah where's she? You know I'll not let you both off the hook if you both will be late for training."

Mia looked at them for few seconds, but then she blurted out. "I've searched the whole place but Alizey is now where!" Both of their eyes widened at her statement.

"What do you mean?" Jack inquired seriously. "Her room is empty and I searched everywhere, but she's now where. I don't know what to do." Lucas and Jack looks tensed because after what happened last time, they didn't know what Alex would do this time.

They can't bring themselves to believe that Alizey escaped, after what happened last time. She can be feisty sometimes, but she can't be stupid.

A whistling sound has their head whipping to the source, Issac was standing by the door grinning widely at them. "Now that's breaking news of the day." With that said he winked at them before running towards the third floor. Lucas cursed under his breath and Jack dashed out after Issac to stop him. But he already barged into Alex room without even knocking. "Boss!" He shouted loudly.

His men only called him boss when the matter at hand is serious as hell. Alex whirled around from his terrace, his cigarette in his fingers, he glared at Issac. Issac straitened his posture but before he could utter a word Jack barged in the room almost tumbling Issac with him to the floor.

"Sorry boss!" Jack grumbled eyeing Issac to keep your mouth shut. But Issac smirked mischievously. "We'll leave!" Jack declared before grabbing Issac's arm to leave but Issac spoke up before Jack could drag him out. "Boss, Miss. Snarky ran away!"

This got Alex attention all the irritation drained out of his face. "What?" He questioned as if to confirm that Issac is talking about Alizey.

Jack almost dig his nails painfully in Issac's arm making him cry out in pain. Alex growled at them. "WHO THE FUCK RAN AWAY?"

His raging growl has both the men to stop dead in their movements. The air became thick with tension, it was like as if one word was needed to be spoken to break the hell loose. "Your new maid Boss. Alizey Riaz."

Silence! It was like a deadly silence before the storm. Alex looked calm but his eyes spoke volumes. Hundreds of thoughts ran through his mind but the most dominant one was to find her by hook or by crook.

"I want footage of all the cameras from the last 24 hours at my desk in thirty minutes." He snickered. Issac was fast to nod and he left the room.

Jack was about to leave too but Alex next words stopped him. "If I find out that by any chance you or Mia helped her-" Jack cut him in the middle. "We haven't." The seriousness in Jack voice was convincing enough. "Then when were you planning to tell me about her absence?"

Jack stayed silent on this, he wasn't going to tell Alex about that anytime soon but now it is best to keep his mouth shut. Alex jaw clenched knowing the answer very well. He clenched his fist and ordered.

"Give orders to search down the forest and nearby area. I want her alive, not a scratch on her!" Jack nodded and left the room.


"Why the fuck are you telling me this now?" Alex demanded furiously. "I'm sorry Boss, but I just checked it yesterday, it was working fine." One of his man replied cautiously.

Alex was furious. How can the cameras went off on that day, when she ran off. This is ridiculous, something is suspicious.

"We've searched everywhere Boss . She's not in the area." One of his men replied who just came back from searching.

A beep of a message got everyone's attention and now almost everyone was glaring at him, he immediately checked his phone and his eyes widened after reading the message.

"The pretty little maid of yours is at this address ###. Thank me later!" He looked at message again and called at that number but the number was off. He cursed under his breath loud enough for everyone to hear.

Issac was the first to ask. "What happened?" Jack just glared at him and gave his phone to Lucas whose jaw tensed after seeing the message. Alex snatched the phone from Lucas and reads the message.

The first thing that roamed his head was who's this person who just texted, from where he got Jack's number, how can he know she's a maid here and lastly if this person knows about her then sure as hell his enemies will go after her so that they could get any information on him from her.

"Get ready we are leaving right now." Alex roared.


Alex and his men were surrounding the house given in the address. He knows it was so irrational of him to come looking for her just on the base of a mere text. It can be a trap to kill him and his men. It can be anything but the urge to have Alizey back was stronger. And she's so going to face the consequences for escaping again.

He and his men were fully armed, he's not stupid to come all the way here without his weapons. Because he still does't know what's waiting for them.

He knocked down the door in one swift shove his man scattering around the hall with steady weapons. Alex was the first to climb the stairs. Jack signed him that the first floor is clear. Alex swiftly moved to the second floor and it was almost empty but the light flickering in one of the room got his attention.

Slowly they moved closer, a male voice was speaking in a different language. Alex knows this language because he has seen enough Islamic videos to know that it was Arabic.

He was still listening when the next sentence shocked him to the core and tear his almost healing heart apart.

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