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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sebastian's Obsession by Pushpa Naik (scary books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Sebastian's Obsession by Pushpa Naik (scary books to read txt) 📖». Author Pushpa Naik

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Author's POV

As max called petal loudly, she got startled, because of his loudness. Max didn't ever raised voice on petal. When petal heard him, she got scared but composed herself and started to go downstairs.three of them heard Footsteps, they diverted their attention to sound, there petal was descending stairs. She completely descended the steps and slowly she came to living room where all three were waiting for her.

She stood a little bit far away from them, she was nervous about all these things happening, first Sebastian threatened her to marry him, secondly max shouting, she was scared by all this, no one knows that Sebastian blackmailing her, she can't even say it to them, but she was sure that her father won't let her marry that easily.

Max saw her standing there "petal, come over here" he said a little bit rudely, Penelope held max hands to calm him, she took hesitant steps towards him and went near to her father, max knew that no matter what he can't hurt petal so he became soft, finally she stood beside Sebastian.

"Petal, are you really in love with Sebastian" max asked her, she kept silent, it made Sebastian to grow impatient who stood beside her, he was nervous 'what if she denies,what if she tells everything to her parents, what if she will gets away from him', those 'what if's were playing in his mind. Max looked towards petal who's standing silently without giving any reply.

"Petal, I'm asking you, is it true that you both love each other" he said little bit loudly this time, petal got startled and nodded her head in yes, "y-yes, da-daddy" she stuttered, max heard her saying yes, his blood boiled, still he calmed himself from bursting on her.

"Is it true, you want to marry him?" He asked, she just nodded her Head in yes, this made max to reach his limit, "where did it go wrong that you took this decision on your own, did we brought you up like this!!?" He bursted, Penelope started to cry, why in the world her daughter doing all these, Penelope came towards petal "why petal, why are you doing this, we never expected, that in future we will get to see all these, why petal why" started to shake her by shoulders to get answers from her daughter.

Petal was crying inwardly, this fucking man making her to do all these by blackmailing her, which is hurting her family, she's not even looking towards her mother, she's so ashamed herself for making her parents cry, max kept silence while Penelope questioning their daughter.

"Did he threatened you? Is Sebastian blackmailing you to say all these" max asked petal, to know if his daughter is got forced by Sebastian, it took petal off guard, she knew no matter what her own father understands her like a opened book. But sadly she can't say she's getting forced by Sebastian, she can't reveal from what she's going through, how much she wants to get away from all these but she wants her family to be happy and she doesn't want that her family get hurt coz of her.

Meanwhile Sebastian was very restless, what if petal tells everything to her father, but what he liked about max, that he loves his daughter very much and he can read her like an open book, it was making him happy but also sad that he's forcing an innocent girl to go against her family. He knew that "for that one promise" , he'll do anything to fulfill it.

Then again everyone was waiting for petals answer, "no daddy, Sebastian is not forcing me, I love him and want to marry him" she said with much courage she had without stuttering. Max thought no matter what his own daughter never get forced by others, by hearing petal he let out a sigh of relief. But didn't showed it, he was still angry.

Max turned to Sebastian "did you thought, if you come here and say that you want to marry my daughter, I will say yes?" Max again asked Sebastian in angered voice, to make sure everything again, Sebastian looked max, "no, I didn't but I wanted to take a chance to tell you everything and make sure to have blessings of petal parents" he said truthfully, yes Sebastian want every elders blessing from his family as well as petals.

It made max heart soften a little, 'at least they didn't eloped from house but asking for the blessings from them' max was thinking in mind, "I want to marry petal after her graduation which is aftr 1month" Sebastian declared, by hearing this max came out of his thoughts and glared Sebastian.

"No, you can't marry her after her graduation, we need time to think about this, it's not like it's just two of you, it's about both family and she's still 20 , when she will turn 21 which is after 3 months, then only you can marry her" max deadpanned, "but, I want to marry her and live with her, and..." Sebastian was cut by max rising his hand to stop talking, "either you agree with 3 months or no marriage, even if it hurts my daughter, I don't care" max completed.

"Marriage or not, your decision, tell me are you OK with it or not" max asked Sebastian, after a lot of controlling himself from dragging petal from there and take with him this instant, he said "yes" gritting his teeths. While Sebastian and max were talking, someone's feeling happy inwardly, petal was thanking her dad for getting her more time, at least she can try to escape this marriage without her family getting hurt she thought to herself.

Max saw Penelope was still crying, he went to her and consoled her "don't cry honey, I don't want to hurt our daughter and either way we have to marry her off, why not to Sebastian the love of her life" he said,not aware of truth, Penelope while crying "but she's very young and she doesn't know anything about marriage thing", "I know dear, but she have to learn if she chose that path, tell me one thing don't you trust Sebastian?" Asked max, "it's not about trusting him max, our petal is still naive, it's just that I want her to live happily" replied Penelope, "I do want same honey, if her happiness is in being with Sebastian, then we have to do this" max comforted Penelope.

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