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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Married To My Bully by Sakshi C (rosie project TXT) 📖

Book online «Married To My Bully by Sakshi C (rosie project TXT) 📖». Author Sakshi C

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First Day


Alex regarded me with a threatening glare as I let those words out but I paid no mind to it. My keen eyes were trained on Mom who was watching her son with sympathy.  

"She is right, honey. Earlier it was understandable but now you have a wife who is smart, hardworking, and most importantly willing to ease your burden. Share some of your responsibilities with her. I am sure she will do great," my sweet mother-in-law flashed me a maternal smile. 

"But Mom she...." my husband tried to object but was cut short

"No. I don't want to hear a thing, boy. Do as I say,"

A wide smile spread across my face when I saw his neutral expression transitioning into a scowl.  

That's not even.." 

"You want to say something?" Debbie shot him an intimidating glare that made him go quiet at once. 

"Crystal, start going to the office with Alex from tomorrow on. Don't ever hesitate from telling us if he ever does something stupid,"  Mr. Knight announced, ganging up with his wife against their sulking son. 

Alex didn't say anything but I knew he had acquiesced. My dad was right on this, he was indeed a family man. 

I smiled and nodded. Alex had a soured expression on his face while I was beaming with happiness.

Mission accomplished.  

Alex retreated into his bedroom after Mr. and Mrs. Knight left after dinner. His parents were seeing us as a perfect couple. Mrs. Knight believed that only I had the capability of pulling him out from his shell.

According to her, I was his light. And he was my dark. 

The dinner turned out hell lot more fun than I had expected. I am so glad it happened.

I knew Alex didn't want me to join his office but did I care? Nope. His disinclination fuelled my excitement even more. 

The next day, I dressed myself up in a blue pencil skirt, white blouse, and blue blazer. After putting on light makeup, I descended the stairs and saw him eating his breakfast.

"Good morning," I chirped sweetly and pulled out a chair next to his.

As expected, he greeted me with a creased brow and narrowed eyes as he ran his orbs up and down my frame. After checking me out with a furious expression he quickly schooled his features and turned his attention back to the plate. 

"You are going somewhere?" he feigned ignorance while munching on his sandwich. I knew he would do something like that. 

"Yes. With you to your office," I replied nonchalantly. Grace placed the food tray before me and I started scarfing down my breakfast.   

"No. you are not," he said in a curt tone while looking calm and composed.

"Yes, I am," I dug in my heels and fired back with the same authority. That caught his attention as he turned his gaze up to meet my eyes. 

"You are not," he gritted the words out. Tone demanding total submission. 

"Alright. Let me talk to Mom first about the change in our plan," I shrugged and fished out my phone from the purse.

"No," he said instantly, a slight twitch in his jaw. 


I put the phone on the table and shot him a sweet smile. He murmured something under his breath. Probably hurling profanities at me but who cares.  

"Shall we now? I said and rose from the chair he followed suit but with a sour expression.

Our car screeched to a halt in front of a building that had its tip touching the clouds. Much taller than my last workplace. I had a special place in my heart for tall glassy buildings. Alex led me into the building. More like I tailed him. 

He interacted with a few of his employees on the way from the receptionist to the housekeeper and I was amazed to know that he knew their names. What astounded me more was the soft tone he had taken while conversing with them. The respect shimmering in his employees' eyes told me that it wasn't a facade to impress me. He must always be good with them. And that impressed me. Hell lot. 

Something akin to pride inflated my heart when I saw people eyeing him with so much admiration. No fear. No hatred. Now I understood how he had managed to achieve such great heights in a matter of few years. He was not just a boss but a true leader who cared about his employees too.

 I felt warm fuzzies in my belly. Alex had many sides to him and I was loving his this side. 

His smiley face fell into a frown when we entered his office. In a flip, he had become his usual self, forcing me to wonder if he was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder too. He paced around his room while running his fingers through his hair. He took a long sigh that for some strange reason tickled my heart.  

"I don't want you in my company," It would be a lie if I say his honest confession didn't take me by surprise. For I was totally stumped. But I overcame the shock rather quickly. 

"Do I look like I care?" I threw his words back on him plus a smirk.

As a result, he strode towards me while fixing me with his most threatening glare. I felt my confidence slipping away with every step he took towards me but I kept my expression unbothered. 

"Watch your tongue, Siren, if you don't want me to rip it off," he spat out, standing just one step away from me. His eyes bored into mine. None of us dared to look away. We stayed like that for a few seconds. The threat in his eyes had now molded into something else. Something akin to curiosity as they roamed over my face and stopped on my lips. A mild ache unfurled in the middle of my chest when I found his grey orbs drinking on my red lips with so much intensity. I could swear, I felt him leaning towards me before he halted and then stepped away to put unwanted distance between us. My body instantly mourned the loss of heat of his body.  

"You go back home, call mom and tell her that you didn't like the office and so have changed your mind," he spoke out with a serious expression as if putting forth the conditions of a business deal.

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