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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Hire a Maid by Zainab Ajike (freenovel24 txt) 📖

Book online «Hire a Maid by Zainab Ajike (freenovel24 txt) 📖». Author Zainab Ajike

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Chapter twenty eight

Angelina's point of view:




It's Monday afternoon when I came back from home. I told Dave I was going to be coming by Wednesday but my mom's suspicion is getting higher and way too far from getting under my control so I had to leave the house and come here today without knowing,  i know Dave is at home, since I have seen his favourite car at he parking lot.



I ran upstairs to surprise him.  I know he would be do surprised to see me. When I was few inches from his room,  i walked slowly si that he won't notice anyone coming. When I got to his door,  i barged in without knocking.  The scene before me broke my heart. I lost my balance and fell on the floor.  I didn't know when tears started falling down my eyes to my cheek. It is like they were disturbed by the sound I made,  they looked over me with shocked expression.  Well Molly seems happy,  exactly what she likes to see.  I cleaned my tears and stood up. 



"Sorry for the disturbance" I said 


"Wait angel--" Dave tried to speak but he was cut off by his partner. 


"Finish what you started babe, and do it well.  The baby and I need it" she said, is that to make me be annoyed.  I don't care anonymity that though.  I ignored heir voices and ran to my room. Locked it and slept on the bed crying my eyes out. 


I ignored the knocks and bangs made on the door,  i dive into my own thought world. 


I should have known that he will never change. 


 He is a playboy that he is.  


He just used me to fulfill his own desire 


And I fell for his trap,  stupid Angelina fell for Dave's trap. I was stupid still stupid though I should have known he would never loved me.  Who am I though for him to love.  I am no one just his ordinary stupid maid that he shout at all the freaking time. Now I have ruined everything, no more college,  no more Dave. Entrapped with this pregnancy. What will I tell my parents? That I ducked my boss and he got me pregnant. Preachy just preachy Angelina. I have always be the pride of my parents,  what now? I disgraced them. I let them down.  Okay.


I wiped my tears and sat up,  I took my phone from my bag and called the person that I can only talk to at the moment.  Unfortunately he told me he won't be coming today, nice freaking nice. 


I dropped my phone  and stopped my self from crying.  Crying wont be good for the pregnancy, all I need is a solution. Moments later I slept off.



I couldn't sleep, all I dream of is Dave making love to Molly.  Is it a night mere? Why is it taunting me in my sleep. 


I trued to sleep though but it unfortunately I couldn't so I picked up my phone and dialed my mom's number. After few rings she picked up. 


"Hello Angelina, why did you call in the middle of the night,  don't you check the time." she said sleepy. And then stupid me started crying again.


"Angelina? What's wrong?  Talk to me my dear" I can't stop crying 


"Is anything the matter, I am your mother,  i will always hear you out no matter what, why are you crying?" she said worryingly, That's the last thing I want her to do, to get worried. So I gathered my courage.


"I have made a mistake mother" I sobbed 


"Stop crying and tell Me the mistake"


"I fell in love with  my boss mom. I ignored the fact that he is a playboy,  mom I got laid with him and now, now I am" I was unable to finish the Sentence. 


"you are now what my daughter?" she asked with curiosity. I don't know will talk it, but I have to tell her anyway


"I am pregnant with his baby mom" I almost fainted. 


"Is that all? I know that Angelina, the doctor told me. It's just a mistake,  and every human being are bound to make mistakes.  If you are not comfortable there, come home. And I am not the only one that knows about it,  your dad and brother know. Abbey said he can't wait to become an uncle, silly guy.  So stop crying and get hold of your self.  Call me when you need anything." with that she hang up.  


What was that? Seriously she knew and she kept me in the dark. Fuck. I went back to sleep anyway with light mind knowing my family didn't accuse me of my mistake.  And that is what we call family.  No matter what,  your family will always there to support you. We are blood and family together.  Thank God for giving such wonderful family. 



I woke up with slight headache, maybe that was due to my sobs. 


I got off my bed to the bathroom.  I took my bath and dressed up, while dressing up, I noticed my bump is already forming. My tummy Is already hard unlike before.  I smiled at that.  If your dad can be the reason for my cries, then you can be the reason for laughs and smiles.


You are already my life the day I found out you are the bean inside me. 


After dressing up,  i went out of my room to the kitchen.  The kitchen is freaking dirty. So I have to clean it up.  I don't give a damn about if they see me,  dave is my boss while Molly is the mother of his baby and so you are Angelina. 


"How can I make up to you for that? I knew he was talking to me but I continued with my working without being distracted. 


"Angelina" he tried to touch me but I moved back and looked at him, He looks like he didn't sleep over night. Eyes bags are obvious under his eyes. But who cares about that. 


"I understand Mr martins" I said as I continued what I was doing. 


"please Angelina don't let us go back to square one" he tried his best again at touching me but me deadline glare stopped him


"Don't try that Mr martins, I said I understand.  Please just go away please I beg of you" 


"Fine but I hope you will Forgive me and let me explain myself" He said and with that he left the kitchen to go knows where.  Minutes After he went away, I rant the visitor's Toilet to puke as the wave of it hit me.  I Haven't taken my medicine this morning I see that. After Vomiting, I cleaned my mouth And rinse my hands. 

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