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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » perfect disaster by Raya Arona (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «perfect disaster by Raya Arona (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖». Author Raya Arona

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he meant?



before I could finish my word, He carried me and threw me over his shoulders. He was hanging down on his back as he clenched his fist on my feet


"No, put me down" I struggled to attack his back, but it seems like he can't feel anything



Not only did he cut me off with his voice, but he slapped my ass too. I felt my face radiating heat.


He's really A'hole

chapter 5 ... demon in human skin

 if spoon fall on the floor now, it will make a BIG noise , I can hear the bugs talking, it's just like that from half hour ago, eyes drilling holes on me, like if I was ogre

all I know for now is that man who kidnapped me wasn't alone, add five heads beside the cold head

Moreover, I discover that it's not him I hit with the pail, which explains why he followed me that fast instead of laying on the floor

The actual man I hit was pressing some ice on his head, watching while ranting something under his breath, which I can't hear what was but I can tell it's not moral

that cold person shout some orders to them and they all get out with him and make sure to lock the door behind him

Tears burn my eyes, but I don't let them fall. Crying wouldn't help my situation now. I need to figure out what's going on. Are they planning to kill me? Rape me? If its ransom they are after, then I'm as good as dead

Hold back hysteria. I don't want to start screaming. That would attract their attention. Instead, I just lie there in the dark, every horrifying story I've heard and known running through my mind

I want to close my eye and open them again and find out it was just a nightmare this nightmare was material

I looked around again, surrounded by strangeness. I wanted to cry. but I'm already crying, but I wanted to cry for being so horribly, unfortunately, stupidly girl

I've had so many dreams so many fantasies and a lot of wishes and thing wanted to do and now they all evaporated

Melisa was right I'm pretty much useless and used to tell me If I  do nothing my life will destroy in front of me one day because of my stepmom

but what for the love of god what I could do, that women like snake she had a lot of hands in everywhere, if I ran she would find me in blink

I wiped angrily at the tears that threatened to escape my eyes. I had to focus on a way to get out of here, not on a way to feel sorry for myself

I look around my try to adapt my eyes to the darkness, the room was huge comparing to my room, even the bed was big too, I get up heading to check the windows and The window was boarded shut

I crept to a set of curtains and pulled them back. I barely contained an exasperated scream. I slipped my fingers around the edges of the wood trying to pull it up, but it didn't move a hair

The door opened behind me without warning. I spun around, slamming my back against the wall as my breath sharpen and my heart stop, right now I want to dig a hole and disappear

My legs shook with fear as he shut the door and walked toward me. He looked like the Devil himself, dressed in black jeans and a black button-up shirt, stepping slowly, with intent hunting me with his eyes.

Still handsome enough to make my heart go crazy. It was pure twisting.

The look in his eyes sends a violent shiver of fear ran down my spine. I can taste the adrenaline in my tongue

he raised his hand and I didn't wait for the hit and I threw my arms up to protect my face. but his hand slammed into the wall. I froze, I don't know if I should feel relieved that he didn't hit me or afraid of what next

Without warning both my wrists in his left hand and he pressed them to the wall over my head. I was pinned between him and the wall. My chest was heavy raising and falling

"listen to me very carefully princess, I will not hurt you so long as you do as I ask. Be loyal and you will live"

"Cross me and you will get a hole between your eyes"

he says this in his rough and husky voice, I  stepped back away enough from him, he is so scary now, the deep calm in his voice makes me feel cold

 I don't know what to do my mind put the sign of 'gone fishen'

 we do not break our gaze or actually I can't move my eyes away from his eyes that are so cold, they are the perfect picture of arctic ... cold

I pulled my eyes down try to distract myself away from his eyes, only to meet a solid firm chest the carves shadowed from his shirt, c'mon is that kind of torturing, why he should be hot like that almost crying from frustration

"interesting "

Pulling my head up again and scanning his face no sense of humor,  he gotta be kidding ... interesting ... me.

I never heard those words in my life especially not from a man, no man says that I'm interested in the fact they all said that I'm 'boring machine'

My eyes open wide when I felt his finger on my face down my shoulder pulling my hair away, I felt my heart stopped when I felt his lips kissing my collarbone

He pulled away from me

"Can you breathe princess?"

Sarcasm was clear in his voice, but what was terrifying is that I ejected out a breath, I did not know that I was holding in

This is too scary. Why is he so calm? His personality was like in horror movies quiet and terrifying. I expected him to get angry or blast on my face but nothing

" please, just let me go please I'm begging you"

He stepped a little watching my face intently as if he was reading the written lines on my face or my fallen tears

"Who mentioned  harm?" I look at him confused if this is not harming so what is it then?

why he doing that why he messing with me messing with my sanity, He shifted me in his arms until my head against the fabric of his shirt.

"no, please let me go" my voice was feeble

I was powerless; I'm tired so exhausted to think I feel like I'm hairbreadth from fainting, all I can do is pushing his sold chest with my palm

"Stop it." There was amusement on the surface of his voice.

I stopped, my mind was busy thinking storming with questions thoughts memories

I tried to focus on details about him. He was detectably strong and he lifted my weight without so much. Beneath my cheek, I could feel the hard massiveness of his chest. He smelled faintly of soap, and cigarettes too, his masculine scent that was distinct

My reality came crashing back to me the moment I felt something smooth and cold. Panic gripped me.

"What are you doin'?" tighten my grip on his shirt, There was a pause, he looks at me with a smirk on his face, With amused voice. 

"I'm getting you cleaned up princess"

I opened my mouth to speak when the initial burst of cold water hit my feet, I gasped jumping more on tube edge

"No I don't want to be cleaned" shielding my breasts and torso with my arms, the idea being naked in front of him makes me lose my nerve

"shhhh princess"

rubbing his giant hand on my back but that didn't soothe me instead that makes me cross the edge of stability I jumped splashing my legs on the water breathing heavily I almost faint still caging myself with my arms

he sighed resting his hands on his hips, as if he done with me, he lifts his head looking at me, the look in his eyes so wicked

I'm sure this man possessed with a demon, no he is a demon in human skin

without warning he jumped in splattering the water, I felt my body yanked forcefully, my mind gone fuzzy the next thing I know that my face was pressed on the wall and he his hips pressed against my back

his hands trailing from the shoulder knife down to intertwined his fingers with mine firmly, make sure I can't move under him

"Listen, princess, I don't really give a fuck about what you want"

 I felt his lips brushing my ear shell, I felt my body failed me and collapsed, I don't want to broke now but that was life, we never get what we want  

chapter 6...Devil/ why would I kill my mission


"what the fuck is going on Fox"

it's easy to catch the displeasure in Ashton's voice, There was something interesting about that girl some good businesses, at the first time I saw here I thought she is just slow and naïve and that was only the surface, she is disguised more like me but the difference is I know and she doesn't


"She is the girl I'd been looking for", that wasn't a lie but let's say half the truth, resting my elbows on the chair gathering my hands like if I was praying


Everyone shut up blinking at him, Ashton was watching me attentively I know he is scared of what running in my mind, totally the opposite to Rider who gave me his wicked smirk


Ashton knows me well, but Rider is my childhood friend he knows me better than anyone, he knows both of us me and past-me


"yes, I can tell" 

all our eyes turned to Daniel the youngest and wittiest part in the team, I smirk at him wincing at the ice in his head, I know it wasn't that hurt but he likes drama


"what?" he retorts when he noticed my smirk


"Your 'the girl' almost kills me today and smash my head like a small coconut, sure will be the girl" 

winging his finger at 'your girl', I rolled my eyes I said drama


"Do not think coconut is a great compliment to your mind" everyone starts laughing except Daniel, he was pouting, murmuring asshole low enough to reach Riders ears


"so tell me Fox" Rider shifted in his seat facing me


"How come it's always the pretty ones that end up in your hands"

his mouth full with Russian accent even after these years in the USA and he didn't change much, Rider has one problem he takes

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