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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Angel of Brooklyn by Bianca Gray (best fiction novels of all time txt) 📖

Book online «The Angel of Brooklyn by Bianca Gray (best fiction novels of all time txt) 📖». Author Bianca Gray

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He rolled the die and well, after a lot of complaining at how I'm some kind of a demonic child and I cheated with some supernatural power that only the devil could have, I won.
"Sorry, Race," I said truly remorseful for him. So I gave him the rest of my drumstick when nobody was looking. He looked up at me in disbelief.
" won," he said slowly. I shrugged.
"So?" I said as he slowly took the drumstick.
" won," he said. I sighed.
"Yeah, well, I'm not hungry anymore. Besides I still get half of your profits for a week," I teased. He looked at the drumstick and took a big bite and moaned at the taste of it.
"Yeah, this is so worth it," he said eating it as fast as he could so no one could take it from him.
"Yeah, enjoy," I said just staring at him. Then I heard yelling in Russian.
"I asked Jack what you guys were being so confusing about on the roof and...and....and....WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??!!" Reggie yelled at me in Russian.
"Oh, for God's sake it's not that big of a deal," I said calmly back in Russian.
"NOT THAT BIG OF A-....? UGH! Mattie why didn't you tell me you were IN LOVE WITH SPOT CONLON??!!!" yelled Reggie angrily. I could tell everyone around me only understood my name and Spot Conlon. Now they were wondering what does Spot Conlon have anything to do with me?
"Would you not say his name? I mean they still obviously understand you," I said back.
"Oh well then would you rather me say it in English?" he asked laughing hardly.
"NO!" I yelled out. Everyone took a step back and cleared the way between Reggie and I.
"You wouldn't," I said switching back to English.
"Watch me," he said doing the same. I started to panic. So I ran over to him and spin kicked him in the gut. I heard him yell out his surprise.
"Did you just seriously spin kick me?" he asked in Italian.
"Oh so now we're speaking Italian. Nice to know," I said switching easily from one language to another. Then Reggie cussed me out in Japanese.
"You're mean," I said in English pointing at him.
"Me? Me. You're the one keeping secrets from me!" he said in English back. Then I turned away from him and looked at Race.
"So, did you like your drumstick?" I asked innocently. He just stared at me with wide eyes.
"I'm Italian," he said slowly.
"Great, I'm from Pennsylvania," I said back.
"But, he, you, spoke...Italian...for a little while but then he, you, he, you spoke other different languages," he said confused.
"Yeah, we do that," I said shrugging it off like it was no big deal.
"But...where did you learn that? And what were you speaking?" asked Mush joining the conversation.
"Oh, our parents. I never really asked how they learned it...questioning our parents were never an option anyway. And we were speaking Russian, Italian, and he spoke Japanese," I said slowly.
"What else can you speak?" asked Krutchy in awe. Jack was close enough to hear what we were saying but not close enough to join the conversation. I looked over at Reggie who was on the other side of the room. It looked like he took an interest in Snitch, Bootlets, Pie Eater, and Skittery. I guess we have different friends now, I thought sadly.
"Um, lots. Almost all of them. I can't speak Indian though," I said slowly thinking.
"Oh," they all replied.
"Who can?" asked Mush shrugging his smile reaching to his eyes and crinkling them. I smiled back at him. He's such a nice person, I couldn't help but think. But just when I thought that I saw Spot's face and eyes pop into my head. So beautiful...
"Ok ya bummahs! Ids time foah bed. Let's get going. Gots ta carry the bannah tomarrow," said Jack pulling off his button up shirt and pulling on a undershirt. He grinned at me when he saw me stare at his chest before he pulled on his undershirt. I cleared my throat and looked away, getting ready for bed myself. I pulled off the covers that I so neatly made this morning. It's so hard to believe that we got here only yesterday, I thought to myself. Kloppman came around and turned off all the gas candles so we all were once again engulfed into darkness.
"Mattie, how do ya not knoah how yous parents learned those languages?" I heard a voice that sounded like Jack's say.
"I dunno Jack. I just don't. I never really asked and my parents weren't home a lot anyway. I mean at least one was home at a time but, I don't really know. They were never really together except the few minutes they had between shifts I guess," I said slowly. I saw Jack jump down from the top bunk and landed in my bed whether or whether not I wanted to scoot over. He turned his head to look at me.
"How long would they be gone at a time?" he asked with that New York accent of his.
"I don't know. I couple days. Maybe weeks. But they always came home with at least 10 dollars in their pockets," I said probably asking myself the question that Jack was about to ask.
"Didn't ya say yous parents woiked in a factory?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said sadly, knowing that they couldn't have worked in a factory.
"If this was da case. Whys they have ta leave foah so long?" he asked looking at me, his eyes sparkling with mystery.
"I actually don't know. But I get the feeling that they couldn't have worked in a factory," I said. But why would they lie to us? I yelled in my head. The loudest thing on my mind.
"Yeah, I do too," he said winking at me and then disappearing to his bunk ontop of me so fast that I wouldn't have known where he had went to if it wasn't for the sagging from the mattress in front of me. I quickly fell asleep dreaming of Spot. I woke up with Spot's eyes in my head. Then when I opened my eyes, Spot was in front of my face.
"This must still be a dream," I said out loud. He looked confused. Then I reached up and touched his face. Then I giggled.
"You feel so real, Spot," I giggled and clapped my hands.
"'Course I'm real. What's da mattah wid you?" he scrunched up his face in anger. I giggled and clapped my hands again and carressed his face
"You're so soft," I breathed. He got real close to me and and then whipped my hand off of his face.
"You drunk? Is he drunk?" he asked looking at....Race?
"Oh hiya Race," I said giggling. Then I pointed at Spot.
"He's here, he's always here," I said still all giggly.
"He ain't always heah, Mattie. Whats wrong wid ya?" Race asked me feeling my forehead. Jack jumped down from the bunkbed.
"No worries, I'll wake 'im up foah ya, Spot," said Jack. Jack pulled me and half threw me over his shoulder. He seemed determined to make sure my hat was still on my head. I grabbed the air and started to yell.
"No! Jack, let me go! I wanna, I wanna I wanna," I groaned.
"I know what ya wanna but he ain't yours yet," whispered Jack. Huh?
"What are you-" Then Jack splashed ice cold water in my face.
"AHHH!" I screamed and jumped up away from the cold water. I wiped my face with a somewhat clean towel.
"What did you do THAT for?" I asked somewhat yelling.
"'Cause yous were just 'bout ta bloah yous cover wid Spot," he exclaimed. I looked around and I was in the washing room and the door was firmly shut.
"How did I-?"
"Get here? I carried you here. Yous were all touching poah Spot's face. Id was ahwful," groaned Jack. I felt my face turn hot.
"You mean, that WASN'T a dream?" I whispered horrified. Jack shook his head slowly. He lifted his head to look at me.
"Though id was hilarious ta watch," he said stifling a laugh. I glared at him which I seemed to keep repeatedly doing.
"Lemme in there so I could soak da lil bummah who dared ta touch Spot Conlon!" Spot's voice yelled from behind the door. I groaned.
"Oh, God, help me!" I prayed looking up at the ceiling, my hands folded together. I was serious so I didn't know why Jack was snickering at me.
"C'mon in Spot," called out Jack. The door opened revealing a very angry Spot. His eyes blazed with a very dangerous fire. I looked up at him sadly.
"WHY'D YA TOUCH ME FACE LIKE THAT?" he yelled at me.
"I thought I was dreaming," I mumbled. Spot cocked his head.
"And why would I be in yous dream?" he asked slowly.
" terrify me?" I asked mostly myself.
"Yeah, I bettah, you bummah," he mumbled. Then he pointed his gold top cane at me.
"Don't ya evah touch me again," he said menacingly.
"Why are you here anyway?" I asked slowly.
"I'll tell ya afta ya come out. We's gonna have a lil walk," he said his blue eyes glinting. Then he left.
Jack turned to look at me, a twinkle in his eye.
"I think he's mostly upset 'cause he liked it," he said winking.
"Ha, ha, ha," I said sarcastically. I walked out of the bathroom dressed but I got dressed after I told Jack to stand in a corner and absolutely not look at me.
"Spot?" I asked. The boys pointed towards the door. I looked at Jack and Reggie helplessly.
"Uh huh. Spot said only yous," said Race pushing me towards the door.
"What?" I let my surprise slip. Then I quickly opened the door and went outside of the lodging house. Spot was leaning on his cane looking up at the sunrise.
"Hi," I said seemingly loud against the quiet air. He turned to look at me.
"Mattie," he said nodding his head in my direction his eyes peircing into my soul.
"Spot," I said still lingering on how he said my name. I mean, I guess it was like how anyone said my name...but coming through his lips, it sounded special and made my heart beat faster.
"Come," he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.

Chapter 3

We were at the Brooklyn Bridge looking down at the dark waters below us. I took in what Spot had just told me.
"So you want me to join Brooklyn? And leave all my friends behind?" I asked just to make sure I got it right. Spot looked at me with sadness for a split second.
"Yeah," he said looking at his hands. I looked at him with curiosity.
"Why?" I asked the dreaded question. His head snapped up.
"Waddya mean 'why?'? 'Cause I want ya on my side! Dat's why!" he said angrily. This is why it was the dreaded question.
"What if I don't want to?" I asked slowly wondering what his reaction was going to be.
He sighed loudly.
"Listen Mattie, I may be da toughest guy around but I ain't forcing nobody ta be on my side. Usually people want ta be with Brooklyn," he mused looking at my violet blue eyes and straight into my soul. I turned away. I had no allies in Brooklyn, I forced myself to think. And Reggie, I added.
"I can't," I
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