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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun
.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Remember me by Cindy Young (best beach reads of all time .txt) 📖

Book online «Remember me by Cindy Young (best beach reads of all time .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Cindy Young

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Dad isn’t pleased with me."

"Oh!", wow super great contribution, Alexa. Oh, I feel stupid.


"You know, my father is the head of Cooper Industries, and my mother too. They have been bosses for a long time. My grandfather started the conduct. When he was 16, he founded the Cooper Industries. And then the technical junk expanded incredibly and my grandpa won a lot ... "

It’s like that all the time, sometimes I'll say a comment; either is "ah", "wow", "great" or "cool". Not really imaginative, but Logan accomplishes to talk around for about three hours about his family and him.

I listen to him more or less interested and enjoy his charisma. A few women throw me envious glances; the waitress brings the ordered food and Logan talks continually.

As he leans back satisfied, he calls the waitress to us, she cleans up and gives him the receipt, while she fakes her smile when she looks in my face and she lurks like a tiger when she looks into his face.

He gives her a violent additive and she writes her number on a napkin and pushes it to him secretly.


Irony of course.

Again she winks at him and disappears, he takes the napkin and stuffs it into his jacket pocket. How many of them are in his pocket?

I shouldn’t think about that, but why does he always have to be like this?

I don’t know.

After that I can feel his gaze on my face again and he asks: "I go now, you can come with me."

He gets up, goes. He doesn’t even cast a last glance at. I sigh, get up, take my jacket and vanish too. Out of the restaurant.

**er lĂ€uft wie ein abgestochenes Huhn und ich laufe ihm wie ein HĂŒndchen hinterher. ** â˜ș wie auf Englisch**

Arrived at the car he gets in, I also climb in, he didn’t even wait until I close the door and strapped myself; he hits the road.

"Where are we going?" I ask him timidly.

"To a place," he replies.

Oh wow, to a place.

That could be everywhere!

"Come on, tell me!" I beg.

He turns to me: "To a place, you’ll see it, we're almost there."

"Look at the road!!!", I shout. He grins and actually turns back to the road.

Shortly after that the car gets slower. We are almost there. Where are we? He doesn’t wants to kidnap me, I hope.

However, I don’t believe that, because he won’t date me to an expensive restaurant, if he wants to kidnap me.

He gets out of the car. I do it too.

“What are we doing here?”, I ask him softly.

He doesn’t say anything, trudges out into the forest.

Quickly, I grab his arm.

He groans.

He is forced to take my hand; he has got long and slim fingers, and goes with me on a trail. The trail is pretty unremarkable. I wouldn’t even recognize it. He goes safely through the undergrowth, but I stumble again and again. I stare intensively to the ground, because I don’t want to make myself ridiculous, I do not notice how my surroundings change.

As Logan says, "We're there," I raise my eyes.

Surprised, I look around and breathe out: "It's beautiful."

There is a small lake with a small stream and although it’s already night, the moonlight is reflected everywhere from the water and that’s why it’s bright. Beside the lake is a small wooden house, which rests very idyllic in the forest.


Logan goes directly to the house. Then he takes some keys out of his pocket.

He is the owner of this house?

Apparently yes, because he unlocks the door and lets me in. He switches on the light; a little cute lamp goes on and fills the house with its warm light. The light also shows the furniture of the house. Namely, a large sofa and a couple of chairs at a wooden table. Right next to the chairs is a kitchenette. In addition to the sofa is a floor lamp next to a door. This door is probably the bedroom door.

I think that the bedroom leads to the bathroom. I turn around to Logan and look at him; he seems somehow different here, almost relaxed and casual.

"How many people know about this place?" I ask curiously.

"You, me, my best friend, some ex-girlfriends. My parents do not know about it." He says.

Okay, I am just one of many girls. All right.

I sit down on the sofa, how nice and soft it is! Logan disappears into the kitchen.

"Want some wine?" He asks, holding a bottle of red wine.

"Yeah, sure!" I shout, maybe a bit too hastily. I've never drunk red wine, but that will change now.

As he handed me a glass of the dark red alcoholic drink, I look deep into his eyes. They sparkle with amusement, "I'm assume that you’ve never drank alcohol, right?"

"I drank
 No, I didn’t”.

He laughs.

A shiver runs down my spine.

"Well then, we say cheers to your first glass of red wine," he says.

I nod at him and our wine glasses touch. The clinking sound of clashing glasses makes an echo in my head.

It sets something deep inside me free.

I remember a whistle. It’s getting louder and louder. I pinch my eyes, hold my ears and bend my body. I make myself as small as possible.

Somewhere a glass of wine falls and shatters.



My memories come back.

Not now, please!

Not while Logan is staring me!

But then I can’t waste having more thoughts about him, because my head seems to burst.

Streams of tears run down my cheeks. I can remember.


The significance of these memories bowl me over, I am responsible for Sam's death. I'm not a great heroine as everyone thinks.

I am a hypocritical killer.

Desperately I collapse.

But what is that? Someone wrapped his arms around me. I open my eyes, amazed, and a few remaining tears drop from my cheeks.

Logan wraps his arms around me from behind and we swing back and forth as he notices that I don’t move anymore, he looks in my face: "How are you? What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, it's just..." I try to swallow the lump in my throat, but I fail quite miserably.

"Shhh, never mind, I'll always be there for you", he promises me. And I believe him; at this moment he is so different that I believe him, even though he's such a bad boy.

And I start to tell him everything under tears. **


I was so naive. Naive like a sheep that takes comfort from a lion. Why did I even believe him? But the worst was not that I believed him. The worst thing was that he broke the promise one and a half weeks later.

One and a half weeks!

I wasn’t worth his efforts.


** Logan said he would come pick me up. He would never let me down, he asserted. But I’ve been sitting here for an hour, waiting for him. My parents are gone now, out with my sister. So I can rest and get a tiny little piece of peace when I get back home tonight.

For over a week I’ve dated Logan. And till now he was always on time.

Slowly I start to worry. I mean, he never came too late, not even a second. And he promised, that he’d come.

Accompanies me to the prom.

I wear a beautiful dress, which shimmers blue-green.

It is a ball gown. Appropriate to the dress, I wear black gloves, which reach up to the elbow and in my hair are sparkling black pearls.

I look at the clock again. An hour and fifteen minutes, he's too late. Maybe I should call him?

But he doesn’t want me to call him and if I think about it, it’s strange; he didn’t leave me his cell phone number for emergencies. We’ve always met at school.

But what if he forgot the prom?

I can’t believe this. It’s so strange! Maybe I should look in the phone book and call him?

The phone book is an old green-coloured book with spider webs.

Logan Cooper.


Ah, there he is.

With trembling fingers I type the number.




"Good morning, if you're looking for me, then I'm probably on way to somewhere and you can’t get me on the phone. Try it later. Perhaps I’ll hear your second call. If you want to annoy me with any of these interviews, I hope that your phone number isn’t visible. Otherwise my dad will contact you immediately. If you are one of my friends, I'll call you back. Promise. Otherwise, leave a message after the beep tone.”

That means he is no longer at home. I start to tremble. Please, I hope nothing bad happened to Logan. That would make me sick.

I can’t even think about it.

Quickly I put my jacket on and slip into my shoes. They are very uncomfortable because they are high heeled but it doesn’t matter. My mind is blowing off and there are a thousand thoughts of what could’ve happened to Logan. With a lot of blood out there. Or like Sam breathless on the floor. I run through the streets as fast as I can, looking for him and shivering.

Actually, I should be in school right now. And strangely, my feet run towards my school. There it is: “PROM NIGHT!”

I stare for several minutes at the poster. Outside of the building is nobody but I can hear the noise of the kids and the music. At that moment the front doors open and I walk straight into my school. It’s so hot and humid that it feels like being cooked alive. As I arrive, the crowd split into two parts and I walk through it like on the red carpet. I didn’t even notice this strange thing because I stare straight to the point of my attention.

I start to sweat and my eyes fill with tears.



I pray to god that this isn’t him but exactly in that moment he turns around and laughs. He holds a pretty little fair-haired girl with huge eyes. And she looks at him with a dreamy sight.

A few days before I probably looked like her I think. But then I fell like struck by lightning. Damn.

The tears are running down my cheeks and I feel betrayed.

Then he notices me and the laughter disappears.

In his eyes I can see something very extraordinary, I think that it is an apology but then he says in a loudly good sounding voice: “Well, here comes the fat-baby. Nobody missed you. Right guys? Did someone here miss her?”

The crowd laughs and shouts “NO!”

I gasp softly. He hurts me. He hurts me with his words.

Very hard.

The whole school hurts me with these words.

Maybe they don’t even have an idea what’s going on but there is nobody who is nice to me.

But maybe Logan told everyone the story that I killed Sam. That would be too bad.

From that moment I began to hate him.

It was not an disappointed hatred, but a deep burning aching hatred that dug through my veins.

I can’t believe that I was afraid that he would lay dead on the roadside. I just really can’t.

“Logan. You’re such an asshole,” I curse. Very quiet actually but it seems like everyone heard it. Because everyone is as silent as a grave. I can hear every breath of air.

Suddenly somebody hoots: “The first time that a girl is mad at Logan and says it!”

But he twinkles with his eyes and it’s silent again.

“What did you say? You don’t even know why I actually was on a date with you. Do you? Of course you don’t. Why should you? But I can tell you, I would never go willingly with a girl that is like you. I can’t believe that you seriously believed in that lie.”

“Why did you go with me on a date, Logan? I want to know.”

“Oh, that’s not important.”

“That is important to me! So tell me!” I scream.

A few kids start to laugh at me.

“Well, if you want to know, I have to warn you because it’s going to be very embarrassing to you.”

“Stop saying this. I don’t care.”


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