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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 26


Mike yelled and slapped her hard across her face. It was so brutally hard that she felt blood inside her mouth and her face was turned to the side with the impact. If not for Cane securing her, she would've fallen down.

Mike was about to slap her again but Cane moves Alizey behind him. Mike gave him a death glare but Cane wasn't a bit fazed by it. 
Mike cursed loudly.

Cane faced her teary face. "Look Alizey I don't want to hurt you but you're forcing me to hurt you. If not for Alexander I would've liked you trust me, but now I want you to do as I say or there will be consequences." He said calmly.

"I'd rather die then being liked by the likes of you! Trust me!" She spoke venomously. Her anger taking the best of her. "I will never do as you say!" She blanched.

Cane looked her dead in the eyes for few seconds, and then he dialed a number before pressing the phone to his ear. "Do it!"

Her eyes widened at his words, and she saw Mike turned the screen of the laptop towards her where a live footage was shown in which her mother was washing dishes in the kitchen, and after just two seconds she saw red laser moving from her mother's head towards her heart. Her blood froze as she stared baffled.
"No!" She screamed at Cane. "Please don't!" She pleaded. "Don't kill her PLEASE!" no response. She can hear the safety of the gun going off in the footage and her heart almost lurched to her mouth. Before she could say anything further a shot was heard and her heart stopped beating for a second. Her mother fell down screaming.

Alizey lurched towards the screen as if she can get to her mother through this. Her father came running in the kitchen and his eyes widened seeing her wife on floor clutching her arm and blood was oozing out it. He helped her up.

"Next shot will not miss the target I can promise you that it is just a trailer." Mike mused. She stood there silently watching her father panicking and making her mother to sit on the chair. Cane was about to call again but her words stopped him.

"YES! I'LL DO AS YOU SAY. I PROMISE PLEASE S-STOP HURTING MY FAMILY!" Mike chortled a laugh at her, whereas Cane called again and told the man to back off.

She felt utterly helpless at that moment. If these monsters can put cameras in their houses and can shot her mother just for their sick game trailer then no doubt they can kill them in a blink of an eye without any remorse.

"Good girl!" Cane mused. Alizey felt so much anger towards him that she had to clench her fists to stop her hands for slapping him to death.

Cane gave her a large bag and said. "Change into this and get ready for our marriage. And here is what's going to happen. Mike is going to text Jack about a location where they can find you and they will come searching for you until then we will be married. Then I'll tell Alex that we both love each other etc and you are going to agree with whatever I'll say. Because if you don't, Mike will be standing just at the gate of your house."

Mike interrupted. "One wrong move from your side and trust me I won't hesitate to kill your friends and by any chance something happened to Cane your family will die. In simple words if Cane dies your family dies. So you must protect this man with your life and you know whom I'll kill first, any guesses?" He asked excitedly, when she stayed silent he continued. "Your precious little brother Ali."

Her heart almost dropped, listening to his words. She really wanted to scream at their faces that Alex didn't like her but it was like they already believed it and nothing is going to change their mind.

Her whole body went rigid when she felt large arms wrapped around her waist, and she was yanked back where her back collided with a hard chest and a face nuzzled in her neck. He inhaled her scent and groaned, "Fuck! You smell like roses love."

For few seconds her senses were numb but when she felt his hands moving up towards her ribs, she with the speed of a lightening thunder elbowed him hard on his ribs. He instantly let her go and held his side groaning painfully. Mike on the other hand boomed with laughter. "She's feisty damn it! I like her."

She gave him one of her best deadly glare. Mike's face was all bloody, and she felt proud of her handy work.

Cane grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the office into one of the room. She struggled hard to get out of his hold but it was impossible. He threw her on the bed and locked the door.

Alizey's blood went cold and her eyes widened when he lurched towards her. She tried to move away but he was faster. In one swift motion he was choking her and it was extremely hard to draw breath.

"Listen here bitch. I was trying to be good to you but you didn't like that, I guess." Cane seethed his face got closer.

Her face turned red due to lack of oxygen, she was viciously clawing at his hand but it was of no use and if anything his hold got tighter. Large painful tears fall from her eyes and disappeared into her temples.

"S-s-top!" She croaked out hoarsely. "If I want I can fuck you right now and then can give your battered body to Mike who is dying to taste you after that you'll be tossed around my men like a fucking toy." Cane snickered and continued. "Do you want this love?" He mused calmly this time.

Alizey closed her eyes in complete despair, and shook her head in negative slowly. Black dots started to appear in her vision and for a second she thought that this might be her end but before anything could happen with tight squeeze to her neck he let her go completely moving away from her.

"Get ready the beauticians are coming. I want you to look beautiful for me." With that said he left the room with a loud bang of the door.



Alizey hastily touched her neck and winced in pain. She knew there is a bruise on her neck.

The first thing that came in Alizey's mind was to escape. Without thinking much she ran to the entrance door but unfortunately it was locked.

Of course!

She just hopes that Cane is alive because if he's not, Allah knows what will happen. Her heart felt heavy with all the emotions.

She didn't know what will happen now as nothing went according to Cane's plan, but she still hoped that he's alive, so her family can be saved.

Wiping her tears, slowly she went to the same room where she stayed last time.

She needs to get out of this dress. She checked the wardrobe but it was empty. So she went upstairs and checked every room in order to find something to wear. At the end of the corridor was standing a large wooden door different from the all others. Slowly she opened the door and was met with the most beautiful luxurious room she had ever seen followed my his cinnamon musky scent filling the room.

There was a king-sized bed in the middle wrapped up in black silk sheets. A large chandelier was hanging on the roof. Beautiful luxurious furniture filled the room with a large portrait of him on the wall behind the bed. A large mirror was placed in the corner which was reflecting the bed. A large pool with fresh water was shining brightly at her, there was a glass wall between the pool and the room.


The room was so beautiful that she felt like if she walked on this posh marbled floor it will get dirty. Dismissing the thought she made her way towards the door which she assumed was a wardrobe. Once she opened the door she was stunned to see so many clothes of him. It was looking like a small boutique.

She rummaged through the clothes until she finds the longest white button up shirt. With that in hand she went to the room downstairs. She immediately showered and changed into his shirt, his scent filled her nostrils. The sleeves were so big and the shirt was looking as if it is placed on a hanger. It was reaching her thighs, and she thanked Allah that she was wearing tights under that dress. She dried her hair and wore the hijab she was wearing with the dress.

Folding the bed sheet she placed it on the floor, even tho she has not the slightest of the idea where was the qibla direction, but she still prayed her Esha prayers as it was dark outside. After praying, she placed her hands in front of her for supplications. Tears one by one started flowing through his eyes.

"Ya Allah p-please help me. Please, Allah protect them. You're the only one with whom I can share my heartache with. Allah I know you don't burden the soul more than it can bear, but please I want everything to get normal. I want to go back h-home. I want to go back to my family." She sobbed and cried to her hearts content. She poured her feelings in front of her lord.

"Surely my lord is with me. He will guide me through."

This was the only thing going in her head. After her supplications she felt a bit relieved and with a determination to overcome all this, she motivated her own self that she is strong because she has her lord with her.

A wave of dizziness hit her again, and she was glad that she was sitting on the floor otherwise she would've fallen really hard. It's more than 36 hours she has eaten anything.

With steady steps she moved into the kitchen and luckily it was fully stocked. Her stomach grumbled painfully, so she hurriedly made herself a bowl of soup.

She set it on the mini dining table which was in the kitchen and hurriedly cleaned the slab.

A crashing sound scared her to core as she hastily turned around to find her cooked soup on the floor with broken pieces of cutlery laying here and there.

She felt like fainting, it was so difficult for her to cook that in this dizziness condition and now this.

She looked at person who did this and her breath get caught in her throat when her eyes met with chilling icy cold gray orbs.
She looked at person who did this and her breath get caught in her throat when her eyes met with chilling icy cold grey orbs             

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