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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sebastian's Obsession by Pushpa Naik (scary books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Sebastian's Obsession by Pushpa Naik (scary books to read txt) 📖». Author Pushpa Naik

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Petal's pov

My alarm went off , I woke up, my body was aching due to I slept in uncomfortable position, I stretched my body and got down from my bed, I went to my closet took clothes for today and went to bathroom, I took a shower, I got ready came outside and started to do my hair, "staying in home, brings back those memories, its better to go college and divert my mind in studying for my exams" I thought in my mind.

I came downstairs with my bag, I was afraid, what if my parents are angry with me, yesterday dad took Sebastian with him and asked me to sleep, we didn't get to discuss anything, I made my way towards dining table still scared, my father was sitting there sipping his coffee, as usual my mom was serving breakfast, I went there, my footsteps caught there attention.

My mom asked while smiling "good morning dear, did you slept well?". I got confused but still replied "good morning mom, yea I did slept well mom", when we were talking my father also greeted me "good morning dear".I also greeted him, they saw my confused face and asked "what's bothering you petal" my dad asked.

"Nothing, aren't you guys angry with me? I mean, I took decision on my own without asking you guys" I said , my mom smiled and said "come here, sweetheart", while confused I went to her, she hugged me as stood in front of her, I also hugged her tightly, then my father made me sit near him and said "Don't be scared petal, yes we were sad that you didn't even discussed about this with us but you are our daughter, we love you, we want you to be happy, if your happiness is with Sebastian then we are also happy for you" my father completed.

By hearing them "I'm sorry dad and mom, I'm really very sorry, I hurt you both with my decision" I apologized and started to cry, my mom "there there, everything is OK , you didn't hurt us, sweetheart don't cry" hugged me again. I cried in her embrace, while thinking, how considerate my parents are, when they get to know that their daughter is got forced by him, it'll hurt them more, it brought more tears.

"Thank you mom, dad, thank you for forgiving me, love you guys" I said and we trio hugged, "come have breakfast" my mom said and served my favorite cheese pasta, while we were having breakfast my mom said, "your brother Matthew wants to do face time in evening" she informed, I got happy coz he's not only my big bro but also my friend, who listens everything what I say and guides me.

After having breakfast, my dad said "if you want you can take a leave today and stay in home", "no dad, I'll attend my classes, and it's soon my exams so I can't take holidays" I answered, "OK dear, do as you want, hurry up and come , I'll drop you to university on my way" said my dad and went outside, "yes dad, coming" after drinking water, I took my bag and screamed "mom, I'm going to college" and went to car.

My dad dropped me to university, "see you in the evening, sweetheart" said my dad, I nodded and got down from car , my dad drove off, I went to my physics class, there samy was already sat with her boyfriend, she waved at me and asked me to come sit beside her, I went to her and took my seat, as they were talking, I didn't wanted to bother her, so I took my phone and started scrolling.

As I was scrolling, a msg popped up "good morning love, had your breakfast?", as it was unknown number, I didn't wanted to give any reply, so I just ignored it but who's this calling me love, what a bastard I thought, then again a msg arrived "when I send a msg, then I expect a reply from you!! and save this number, your soon to be husband😉".

It was him, a chill ran down my spine, "how did you got my number?" I asked the first thought which came to my mind.

"It's not the way to reply good morning, love, it's alright, I'll let it slide this time,....
As for your question I have my ways love, 
Now did you had breakfast?"

He won't stop messaging me if I don't reply, I got irritated by him, what a jerk first took my number from where I don't know, now texting me nonstop.

P:- "yes, I had my breakfast, and before you ask me what I had, I ate cheese pasta, satisfied" I replied.

It didn't even took him a sec, I got reply from him,

S:- "oh cheese pasta, you know whenever I eat cheese pasta, It reminds me about you and dinner at your home, and cheese which I tasted from your lips, I can't even express it" he texted.

Eww, how gross and dirty he's talking, I have to give him a piece of mind.

P:- "for god sake, don't talk dirty things with me Sebastian and don't text me I'm attending my classes, goodbye". I replied to him, what a bad guy, how can he behave like this. I turned off the mobile screen and I kept it back in my bag.

I got zoned out through while class was ongoing, I didn't even listened a bit, I didn't even noticed that bell rang and everyone making to their next class, samy nudged me and let me know that class is over, I turned towards her "petal, are you okay?, you were zoning out in class" she was concerned and confused at the same time, "yea, I'm okay" I trailed her off. She didn't buy it still nodded.

After attending 2 more classes, me and samy, we are sitting in canteen, she and me ordered coffee for us, she brought both coffee and placed in front of me, I didn't even saw when she came and sat, as I was still thinking about all the things which is takes place in my life, she shook my by helding my shoulders, "earth to petal" I looked at her "huh, what happened?" I asked her.

"Now, seriously tell me what happened, why are you zoning out today?, you weren't like this before, now spit it out" she said doubtfully. "Nothing happened samy, its just that, its just that......" I said, she frowned on my incomplete sentence then questioned "just what?".

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