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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Married To My Bully by Sakshi C (rosie project TXT) 📖

Book online «Married To My Bully by Sakshi C (rosie project TXT) 📖». Author Sakshi C

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The menu was quite long so it took us more than three hours to get every item ready. I was beaming with happiness. Thereafter, I went to meet my sister Fania for whom this celebration was being organized. She was in her room trying on different dresses. I entered and she practically jumped over me with joy. 

"I am so glad you're here. Now help me pick one dress," she said in one breath and dragged me to her bed which had a heap of dress sat over it. Fania told me about David and the day he proposed to her. She had a dreamy look in her eyes and a beautiful smile on her face. I was very happy for her but also felt a pang of jealousy for she had her love of life with her but mine....I was as lonely as ever. 

I realized how time had flown by when Alex entered through that door. He was early. My smile fell and a sour expression too over as soon as our eyes met. He gave a warm hug to my dad. The smile on his face looked so candid and harmless. I also noticed how my father's face lit up when he saw him. I was still not able to fathom why he was such a big fan of Alex. I rolled my eyes and went back into the kitchen.

But my mom pushed out of the kitchen as soon as she learned that Alex had arrived. She urged me to spend time with him. So I came back into the hall. Fania's fiancee had also arrived with his family. I rushed beside my dad and got a little surprised when saw Alex welcoming them too as if he was a part of our family. I mean technically he was but I wasn't sure if he considered himself to be as he never accepted me as his wife. 

We ushered the family to the living area as Mom was preparing the dining table. I was happy for Fania as David did seem to be a nice guy. David was going to take over his father's business in a couple of years. I gathered this much from the talk he was having with Alex. Apparently, Alex was giving him tips to run a business smoothly and David was listening in awe as if he was some business guru. I again rolled my eyes and decided to concentrate on other people. But much to my dismay, almost everyone including my dad was listening to Alex with keen interest. Great. Just great. 

I felt his gaze on me every now and then but I ignored it. I was still very angry at him.

The dinner went smooth. I was surprised to see Alex in such a different light. So obedient and warm. The people gathered again in the living area to have a little chat before leaving for their house. I was sitting with Mom and Fania when my phone rang. It was from Ian. 

I excused myself. I felt Alex's steely eyes on me as I turned a corner to pick the phone. 

"Hello," I said

"Hey, Crystal. I hope I am not disturbing," he sounded distressed. 

"No. What happened?" 

"Ummm..I got my transfer letter today."


"It says I'll have to move to London's office the day after tomorrow," 

"You want to go?" 

"No. You know I...I like Shirly and this transfer will mess everything up. Crystal, I need your help. Can you please do something about it?" 

I went silent for a moment. Ian didn't know that I had no influence, let alone power over my husband. He would never listen to me. But I decided to give it a shot. I assured him that I would talk to Alex and disconnected the call. 

My edge of irritation had returned. I knew just why Alex was sending Ian away. Just to prove his freaking point. The cloud thundered outside and windows' drapes swayed as the wind passed through them. I made my way back to the hall. David and his family were taking their leaves. They left in a few minutes. Now it was our turn. We said goodbye and left for his home. 

Silence fell between us as he put his car in motion and I looked outside the window. the raindrops pitter-pattered against the window. My lips were silent but my mind was clattering with so much noise. I didn't have an ounce in me to see his face or even talk to him. But I had to do it for Ian. SoI steeled my nerves and turned my eyes at him. His eyes were fixed on the road. 

"Could you please revoke Ian's transfer order," I said in a calm tone, not wanting to initiate any argument and I didn't have that energy in me. 

My heart thudded when I saw him clenching his jaw. His knuckles turning white because of the tight grip he held around the steering wheel. 

"Why are you so concerned about Ian?" did I just hear a hint of jealousy in his tone. Impossible. 

" Because he wants to stay here," I explained

"And I want him to leave. And he will leave," he gritted out without turning away from the road. 

Something snapped in me when he said that. I had grown tired of his hotheadedness. His habit of looking down on people. And his sadistic need of belittling others. Fury surged through me and this time I didn't hold back.  

"Why are you doing this? Do you get some sadistic pleasure out of persecuting others?" I snapped at him with a little care for consequences. He didn't say anything but a twitch in his jaw told me that he wasn't liking it.  

"I have been trying, Alex.I have been trying to understand you. To get you. But you are making it impossible for me. You are making it impossible for me to even tolerate you. I know you have a horrible past but it doesn't mean you will make other's life difficult," for the first time I saw him flinch. His past was a sore subject for him.

His reaction encouraged me to speak more. "I know about your dad and that he killed himself in front of you. And I also know that you beat yourself up every day for not being able to save him. You consider it your fault. But that wasn't your fault, Alex."I said in a soft tone. His eyes didn't wander away from the road but I knew he was listening to every word I was saying. "Get out of your past and live your present. It is ruining your life and others too who want to see you happy. I wanna help you, Alex," he pulled over the car in the middle of nowhere. He turned towards me. I gasped in horror when I saw his orbs hard like stone. They looked so unforgiving and blood-crawling.

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