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Read books online » Romance » advertising-for-love by Rakhibul hasan (fb2 epub reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «advertising-for-love by Rakhibul hasan (fb2 epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Rakhibul hasan

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concern he showed for the welfare of his staff, and dismay at what Becky’s absence would mean for her. Becky had been sick in the past as well, but the meetings had always been postponed or Tina from the sales office had stepped into Becky’s shoes. Tina unfortunately had resigned so that she could join her husband overseas.

As soon as Becky left, Tizzy braced herself for Grant’s call. Instead of a message, Grant came himself. He confirmed that he had given Becky the next couple of days off. In face she was not to come in until she was feeling a hundred percent. Now Grant wanted to familiarise himself with all the urgent files, so they spent the next hour sitting in a corner and going through each project. Tizzy knew every detail of every project. She had anticipated the situation as soon as she saw Becky leave and had made detailed notes for Grant. Tizzy’s conversation remained limited to work. Her speech was fluent and her manner professional. Grant found himself listening to the tone of her voice. He found himself watching her hands as she made notes or amendments. It was only when he found himself hoping that she would take off those hideous dark glasses that he brought himself back to reality. Tizzy was not his type. Hell! If she was not working for his firm he would never have even given her a second glance. What was happening to him? She had been working for T & G Mallaby for all these years and he was used to her, sowhy had he suddenly become more aware of her and her movements?

While Grant fought his thoughts, Tizzy tried best to ignore her feelings. For five years she had worked for the company and had watched everyone swoon over Grant. She even known that despite giving all of his attention to his company he did continue to socialise and enjoy the company of women. She was also aware that he met a model on a regular basis, which was every time she was in town. She had been happy to sit in her little corner and do her work. She told herself, it was her work that was important not who she worked for. Yet after that short drive in her car just a few days ago, everything had changed. Her feelings no longer seemed to be under her control. She remembered the pain she had felt at seeing him rush to leave her both her car and her company. The cruel remarks others had made in the past had only added to her feeling of

insecurity but had never made her cry. Grant’s comments on the other hand had caused her so much pain. Why had she cried herself to sleep that night? And the palpitation yesterday! She knew Grant’s presence had caused it. Fear of the impending meeting had only aggravated it. But beyond all these feelings was the sense of disappointment that she felt in herself. She wished dearly that she could take on Becky’s role. But she knew that she could never manage that. She never wanted to be the center of attention again. The thought of everyone looking at her, listening to her, was making her sick in the stomach even now.

“Just the person I’ve been looking for.”

Both Grant and Tizzy looked towards the doorway. They knew who would be standing there for Peter’s voice had announced his arrival.

“I didn’t know we had another meeting today.” Grant remarked, finding Peter’s presence strangely irritating.

“Well actually we don’t. I was just passing by and wondered if Ms McKenzie would like to join me for lunch?” Peter replied Grant but his eyes were focused on Tizzy

Tizzy was taken aback. Everyone knew she never socialised outside of work and morover she had only just met Peter Branson that morning. Why would he want to take her out to lunch? She did not have to think before giving her reply. It was polite, but it was a no.

Grant was pleasantly relieved when she declined, Peter looked visibly disappointed and Tizzy found herself immediately softening the blow.

“Becky has gone home sick. With the additional workload, I won’t be t..taking a lunch break. It was nice of you ask Mr Branson.”

“Please call me Peter.” he clarified and then continued. “I understand. What about dinner then?”

“I wish I could, but I am taking the to the movies tonight.” she answered quickly.

Both men knew thatTizzy was lying. No one took their children to movies on a weeknight but Peter was astute enough to know that if he insisted, he would jeopardise his relationship with both, Tizzy and Grant. He could see Grant getting more annoyed by the minute. ‘I guess he has a right to be’, he thought. With Becky away sick he only had Tizzy to rely on and with her problem it meant Grant would have to take on a greater load.

“I understand again. Maybe another time then By the way Grant, I have asked Wayne Lundy to contact you about the work I mentioned earlier. Guess it is the wrong time with Becky sick but they really want Tizzy to do their job anyway.” Again Peter spoke to Grant yet continued to look at Tizzy.

“Thanks. Becky’s is only a short-term problem. We should be fine soon. Thanks for that. I’ll look forward to his call.” Grant answered. Any other time he would have been really grateful for the additional business, but in his heart he knew that Tizzy would not be able to do it on her own, and Becky’s problem may not be short term. Roger had already hinted that some women go through months of morning sickness. He should have foreseen this problem and had more staff working in this department. It was after all, the pivot on which his company revolved.

They shook hands and said their goodbyes. After Peter left Grant and Tizzy got back to work. Though she continued in the same professional manner he could sense that Tizzy was now tense. Neither spoke of Peter’s invitation but it pricked like a thorn in each of their sides.

After the briefing session, Grant went in to the first meeting. With the help of her notes everything went like clockwork. The second followed in the like manner. It was the third that he ran into trouble with. The directors questioned everything and wanted the minor changes to be done straight away. Running in and out of the meetings was neither professional nor appropriate. This was not how Grant worked. He hated doing it to Tizzy but he had to finally call her into the meeting. He could tell she was nervous as hell, her hands would not stop shaking, her voice was almost a whisper and her stutter was worse than ever. He explained the situation with Becky and

luckily the directors were gentle in their questioning. After the initial horrific moments of spilled cups, broken nibs, disastrous sketches, Tizzy seemed to settle down. She listened carefully and spoke only a few words, but her artwork spoke for her and won the respect and awe of the directors. Satisfied at the outcome, they left praising Tizzy’s efforts. They parted shaking hands, praising her and complimenting him on the good fortune of having such a valuable employee.

For the first time, Grant realised that this plain and simple woman, in her old fashioned clothes and her hooded eyes, had made him very proud. She had made him far prouder than any other woman in the past. That pride must have been expressed by his eyes, for Tizzy quickly looked down and began to collect her things.

“Tizzy, I am sorry, I just could not avoid calling you in. They wanted too many changes and asked too many questions. I needed you here.” Grant felt compelled to explain his action.

“That’s ok Mr Mallaby. Things worked out better than I expected. If there is nothing else, I better get back and complete this.”

“Tizzy, as we are going to be working together a lot now, maybe calling me Grant would be better.”

Tizzy looked in his direction and smiled. It was the first time that he had actually seen her really smile at him. ‘It’s a pity she doesn’t use any make up for she could make herself look quite nice’ he thought.

“I will try Grrant but I find it easier to say Mallaby.” With that she collected her things and walked out. She left Grant with a smile on his lips.

Grant went back to his desk and from the second he sat down, he did not have a moment to spare. It was phone call after phone call, punctuated by meetings. Tizzy did not see Grant at all that afternoon but she was aware of his presence more than ever.

At 1 pm Roger walked passed her desk and left a lunch time pizza on it.

“Roger, I think you have the wrong desk. I did not ask for one.”

“Grant did. He said you were not going to take a lunch break and asked me to drop it off for him as he was running late for his meeting.”

Tizzy had the most wonderful sensation in her heart. He cared. And then she remembered his kindness to Becky and admonished herself for getting carried away with her fantasy. She removed her glassed, stretched her legs out and sank her teeth into the cheesy delicacy.

At 5 pm when the phone calls stopped, Grant had a quick look at his emails. He worked through them in order. When he came to the one Tizzy had sent, he opened it with a strange eagerness, only to be disappointed with the contents. He told himself he was being foolish. She was just another employee, possibly a married one. Grant had one rule he never broke. He never got involved with another man’s woman. He decided the email did not warrant a reply. But he could not help remember the pride he had felt when the directors had praised Tizzy and her work. Becky too had received many compliments but none had given him such gratification. Once again he told himself it was because he felt sorry for Tizzy. Then he saw the email thanking him for the pizza. No he no longer felt sorry for her, his feelings were now very different. Hell! He even liked the way she had said Grrant.

He worked on for another couple of hours. At 8 p.m. his phone rang. It was Becky ringing to apologise and to ask if things were running smoothly. She had asked Roger to take some of her ‘non-urgent’ work home and promised to bring them back when she returned. Grant reminded her to take it easy but he was grateful when she insisted on finish some of her tasks at home.

“What’s this I hear about Branson wanting to take Tizzy out to lunch?” Becky asked out of the blue.

“Who told you that?” Grant expressed his surprised.

“Roger. He heard it along the grapevine. Is it true?” Becky knew the grapevine had a habit of being the carrier of the truth.

“Yes he did.” Grant was short in his reply

“He seems to have developed a sudden interest in Tizzy. Grant just keep an eye on him. He’ll

scare her off, if he goes after her.”

Becky had said too much and shut up but Grant on the other hand was intrigued. “Is that what happened with the husband?” Grant has asked the question before he could stop himself.

“Look Grant, just keep an eye out for her. And don’t force her into attending any meetings. I have never told you but she suffers from panic attacks. They can get pretty

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