Hard Love by Mis Understood (great books of all time txt) 📖

- Author: Mis Understood
Book online «Hard Love by Mis Understood (great books of all time txt) 📖». Author Mis Understood
I remember all those days when she would surreptitously glance at me when I woud walk in late in class.
I loved eveything about her. From her frizzy curly hair, to her heart shaped face, to her cute bottoned nose, to her soft-looking pouty lips. And even though she wore clothes that were huge on her, if you examined her body closely, you could see her hour-glass figure. Everything about her was perfect, but the thing I loved most about her is her eyes. Her observing bronze eyes. They remind me swirls of cinnamon and light coffee. Now, those eyes looked at me filled with contempt. I guess I deserve it. I just wish she'd open her eyes and realize that I was never her enemy.
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"Dude, what the hell? Do you think it's her?" Matt, my best friend asked shockingly.
One would think after all he has done to Jazielly, the girls who haunts my dreams every night- positively and negatively- I would cutt him off. You gotta understand that Matt and I go way the hell back, he's my brother, my partner in crime. He's got my back ad I have his. I'm not saying that what he did wasn't some f-ed up shit but he has his reasons and I have mine. I have a reputation to maintain and no one knows how I feel about her. And he... I don't know his reason because I hate talking about her.
"Of course it's her," Jason gave Matt an are-you-dumb-or-stupid look.
"It can't be her!" Melanies annoying voice exclaimed.
I roll my eyes because.. well, she's exasperating as hell and her high-pitched voice gets under my skin and runs into my veins. Did I mention she's annoying?
I know it's Jaz, how can I forget those eyes and those lips? They're always in my mind. Twenty-four-seven-three-hundred-sixty-five.
"It is her," I nodded, taking a bite out of my chicken patty.
"You sound so sure," Matt muttered.
"I am, she's wearing that necklace with a red birthstone," I assured them.
Everyone in the table looked at me with confusion. Maybe because of the fact I always stood quietly in a corner while everyone argued. Or maybe because I never got involved in their dumb shit they plan to "get" people, typically who are powerless. But it's the fact they're such imbeciles that made me speak up!
"What?" I grabbed a napkin and wiped the corners of my mouth then continued, "did'ya forget what you guys did in order for her to get it back? Or do you guys need me to simplify it for you?" I raised my eyebrows, waiting for their comebacks. They had nothing and I had nothing else to add, so we all went back to what we were doing.
It was Friday, the second day Jazielly being back here. She has a friend with her today, I'll admit that she's hot but nothing beats Jaz. Currently, we're all in the hallway getting our things. Melanie back is against my locker, while I'm pressed against her, with my hands on her hips. My lips are on her neck, nibbling and sucking. I don't know why I do this, I guess it's for release and she's always available. Her nails are digging in my shoulder. Even though I think she's a complete bitch and irritating, right now, as long as she stays quiet, I'm getting what I need.
"Oh more, please," she moans. And just like that my mood dissipates and I step back.
"What the hell?" She shrieks and steps closer.
"What?" I shrug innocently.
"Why'd you stopped?" She's irritated, but I don't really give a shit.
"You know why I stopped, just stay the hell shut when we do things and I'll keep going."
"But babe, how do you expect me to stay quiet when it feels good?" She whines, I friggin' hate it when she whines. And not only that, I hate it when she calls me 'babe'. Not wanting to deal with her, I just walk away.
"Where're you goin'?" she calls out. She should know by now, that I won't answer.
I'm mad, confused and hurt. Mad because I wish I could just move on from her. Mad because she's gotten even more beautiful, I didn't think it was attainable. I'm confused because she came back with confidence. 'Why'd she come back?' I'm confused because I found out at lunch that she agreed to come over Melanie's party. 'Why the hell would she agree to go to Melanie's a.k.a her bully's party?' And hurt, even though I know it sounds so stupid. I'm hurt because no matter how many girls I sleep with, no matter how many girls I mess around with, no matter how many girls I kiss, she's always in my head. And I feel like an asshole after I'm done with those girls, because I have her in my head.
I'm walking towards English and I know I'm late. As soon as I open the door Mrs. Silva says,"Nice for you to join us, Mr. Veveiros." I give her an innocent smile and walk to my seat.
I drop my black JanSport bagback on the floor and pull out my black one subject notebook. Clarice smiles at me and I give an almost imperceptibly nod. Lenna is writing down her notes, like usual. I had a strong urge to look at Jazielly. Even though I didn't want to, my desires got the best of me and I looked up. There she is. Her brown hair was down, her curls remind me of thick slinkies. I wanted to pull one down just to see it bounce back up. As if she could feel me staring at her, she looks up from her notes. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrows and.... wait... hold up.. is she smirking? At me? Two can play this game. I gave a sly smile, picked the pencil already on my desk and started writing my notes.
Since my back was facing the white board, it was difficult to write down the notes. Something nudged my notebook, Jazielly was handing me her notebook.
"You can copy my notes down, I'm all set." Her voice was sweet and warm. Like the warmth you feel and sweetness you taste when you're given hot chocolate after a long day of shoveling snow off your drive way.
"Thank you."
She gave me a you-are-welcome smile.
I remember her having braces before, now her teeth are free from them. They're straight and bright. Her canines were pointy making her look intense- in a good way. I looked at her handwritting, it was so neat. It was normal sized and italic, like she was actually taking her sweet time writing it down. It was different like her. 'Are you seriously checking out her handwriting?'
I wasn't even halfway done when the bell rang. I was going to give it back to her when she shook her 'no' and said to give it back to her on Monday. I simply thanked her again and she gave me a it's-really-nothing shrug and walked away. I couldn't help but notice how her hips swayed naturally side to side and those killer legs.
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I had 'I hate everything about you' by Three Days Grace on blast. Matthew and I were getting ready for Melanie's party. Since Matt wanted to look nice, he was looking through my closet. I'm already ready, I just can't decide what shoes I'm going put on. I'm wearing Camo cargos with a black Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, with a red '3' on the sleeve and a red horse. I can't choose between my blackout bred 11's or my "Camo Swoosh" Nike KD 6.
"Matt," I yelled over the music.
I ask him a question, but since the music is so loud, all I can see him is mouth 'what'.
I walk over my Bluetooth speaker and put the volume down.
"I said, should I wear my blackout breds," I held my black and red sneakers up,"or my Kevin Durant's?" I held my other sneakers that are black with camo in the Nike symbol.
Matt has a chin strap that he liked to grow out once in a while. He scratches his beard and pulls his eyebrows together.
"I think the blackout breds," he nods.
"A'ight thanks."
I walk over to my bed and put them on. When I'm done, I put gel on my hair and comb it with my fingers. After that, I spray on 'Givenchy Pi' cologne, grab my keys and go downstairs.
I walked toward the door to leave, but then I remember Matt's here.
"Yo, Matt you good?" I hollered.
"Yeah man," he comes down the stairs.
He has a grey and white aéropostal shirt on, with light-washed ripped jeans on. He also has on one of my favorite Jordans on; the Olympic 7's.
"If you mess them up, I'll mess you up." I point a finger at him.
"I'd like to see you try," he gives me a cocky smile.
We got into my gun metal grey Dodge Charger STR 2014. I put my 'One Republic' C.D. I was nervous as hell. I just knew tonight was going to be unforgettable, I'm just trying to figure out if it's a positive thing or a negative thing.
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"Whose turn is it?" Melanie asked, examining her french tip nails.
Everyone was drinking except me, Jazielly and Matt. Even her friends, I think their names were Stacey and Lenna had Heinekens in their hands. To be honest, I tried so hard to not even glancte at Jazzy but damn, it was impossible. She had red high waisted jeans with a black criss-cross crop top and black Doc Martens. Her hair was down, again. She looked amazing. I'd look at her when she was not paying attention. Matthew, I noticed, couldn't keep his eyes off of Stacey. She had on a blue pencil skirt, with a white tank top and a black blazer. She had on black wedges and had a tattoo above her ankle.
Melanie's eyes twitched every time she looked at them. She was jealous of them, but she kept a good act. She kept them involved in the conversations and smiled at them. It was obviously all fake, in my eyes at least.
Right now, we were all sitting in a circle. I had Melanie on my side with her hand on my thighs. I wanted to push it off, but this was all an act so I had to keep it there. I have Matt next to me, too. We were all playing spin the bottle.
I hated this game so much, but I had needed to keep my reputation so I played, if not I'd be called a pussy and more harsh things. It never happened to me, it probably won't but I'm not taking my chances.
"It's David's turn," Jason spoke up.
I sighed and spinned the green heineken bottle. The bottle spun and spun and spun. All the girls, not including Jazielly and her friends, were all anxious, silently hoping it was them the bottle would choose. All the guys, like me, were bored. Believe it or not, out of the eight girls that are here, there's only three I haven't kissed, and thats because they're new to these things. The bottle slowed down, it pointed to Clarice, her eyes lit up. As soon as the bottle left her, all hope was gone. It went even slower this time. The suspense was killing me, when it pointed it Stacey, it looked like it was gonna stop but then it moves just a centimeter more, then it ceased completely. The bottle was pointing at red pants. I looked up meeting shocked whiskey colored eyes.
"Lucky ass," Matt muttered.
I couldn't agree more.
This Chapter was so hard to write because it was a guy's point of view. I think I re-wrote this chapter like four times. It was so so difficult! But I did it and I think I did pretty good.
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