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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Driving Me Crazy by K.Armstrong (great books for teens .txt) 📖

Book online «Driving Me Crazy by K.Armstrong (great books for teens .txt) 📖». Author K.Armstrong

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he said laughing in a drunken way. "Ok please get away from me". He grabbed my arm. "Hey, is there a problem over here", some guy yelled. "No, I was just leaving", the drunk guy said as he walked away. "You Ok". "Yeah, I'm fine." Man this guy was sexy, he had bluish-greenish eyes with long brunette hair that covered his forehead. "So, what's your name", He asked in a curious way. "Peyton. "Oh, ok", he nodded. "I'm guessing you have a name to". "My name is Jarod he said smiling at me. "Well Jarod thank you for getting that guy away from me", I said smiling at him to. "Your welcome, so, you here alone". "No, my friend Ronnie is supposed to meet me here but I haven't seen her yet", I said looking around. "Dang, I wanted to hang with you but... "No, it's ok, I can just wait until I see her", I said interrupting him. "You sure". "yeah". I couldn't believe that Jarod wanted to hang out with me, he's so gorgeous. "Hey, do you want a drink", Jarod asked being polite. "Yeah, thanks". As Jarod walked away, Damian came up to me. "Hey", Damian said smiling. "Damian, what do you want". "Who's that guy your with", he said looking into my eyes. I had to look away because I can't stand his green eyes looking into mine. "He's a friend I met, his names Jarod". "Ha, Jarod, what kind of name is that", he said laughing. I just stared at him. "You shouldn't be with that guy", he said still laughing. "I was with you, but you don't even feel the same way I do, you just wanted to have fun with me, and I was just stupid going along with you thinking that you liked me when the whole time you didn't". He instantly stopped laughing. We just looked each other in the eyes. "Uh, Peyton", Jarod said holding our drinks. "Oh, Jarod", I said wiping the tear drops that were coming from my eyes. Damian just stared at me, then walked away. "DO you want to go for a walk, you look like you need some air", Jarod asked giving me my drink. "Yeah, that sounds good". We walked outside and started walking down the street. "So, who was that guy you were talking to in there". "No one, just some guy I know", I said staring at the ground. "You sure". "Yeah". After that me and Jarod talked and had some laughs, it was fun. When I got home that night I went straight to my room and changed into my PJ's, I kept thinking about Damian, and Jarod. Having A Nightmare, While I'm Awake

Me and Jarod have been going out for weeks now, and we really like each other. Right now I'm at his house. "So, what do you want to do", he said kissing my neck. "Uh, you want to watch a movie". He stopped kissing me. "A movie, I meant something fun". He started kissing me again, trying to take off my shirt. I pushed him away. "I don't want to, I'm not ready to do it with you yet", I said looking at him. He laughed and started doing it again. "Jarod, no I don't want to". He wouldn't stop, he pushed me back on his couch and kissed me roughly, while I tried getting him off. "STOP!", I yelled. He looked at me with wide eyes and slapped me across my face. I held my hand over the spot he hit me. "Peyton, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you", he said watching me cry still holding my face. "My anger gets out of control sometimes". "You didn't have to hit me", I yelled at him. "Don't yell at me, that's what gets me angry", he said to me. "I'm just going to go". I walked to the door and opened it, but his hand closed it before I could even take a peek outside. "You don't want to be with me anymore, is that why your leaving", he said angrily. He raised up his fist at me, and hit me again. I fell to the floor crying my eyes out. "Just leave, I can't stand to see your face anymore", he said pushing me out the door. I touched my lip and it was bleeding, I walked to my house. When I got to my driveway I saw that no one was home. I went inside and looked in the mirror, I had a busted lip and a black eye. "Damn, how am I supposed to go to school like this, I have to hide it", I said to myself. That night I never came out of my room. I'm just thinking about what I did to get him so angry, He was so sweet and today it's like he just changed.
Monday morning I woke up from Jeffrey shaking me. "Peyton, Peyton". "What, Aunt Stacy left, she said she's leaving for a week to go on her business trip". "Ok, I said getting out of bed to get ready for school. Jeffrey stared at me. "Peyton, what happened to your face", he said in a low voice. "I fell yesterday, that's all", I said lying to him, I've never lied to him before. "When I was finished getting ready for school me and Jeffrey walked outside and got into my car, I tried to crank it up, but it wouldn't. "Shit", I yelled hitting the steering wheel. We got out and I walked across the street, I rung the doorbell, Damian opened the door. "what, are you doing here", he said surprised. "My car won't crank up, and my Aunt Stacy is gone, and I need someone to take my brother and me to school, so,". "Ok", he smiled at me. Every time I look at him all I remember is him using me to have sex with me. When he dropped Jeffrey off, he than drove to our school. It was so quiet in the car. "So, what you been up to", he said starting a conversation. "Nothing", I said staring out the window. "what happened to your lip". "nothing", I instantly turned around and said. He just gave me a look. When we got to the school, Jarod was sitting in front of the school with Ronnie and Shane. He saw me get out of Damian's car, he looked pissed. He walked up to me and I instantly became scared, I started breathing hard. Jarod just stared at me in disgust. "You look like a whore, what are you wearing". "clothes". "Hey, dude what your problem, you shouldn't talk to a girl that way", Damian said coming to my defense. "Stay out of this", Jarod said grabbing my arm and pulling me away. "Your hurting me". He stopped and turned around. "You listen to me, if I see you dressed like this and getting out of another guys car, I'll kill you", he said angrily. Then he walked away, when the bell rung I went to class, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jarod said to me. During lunch today I ate outside with my friends, we were talking about some of our childhood memories, we were laughing so hard. When Jarod walked over he sat next to me. We were all still laughing at stuff. "Bitch, It wasn't even that funny, you don't have to laugh like that." "I'm sorry", I said to him, "You'll be sorry", he said as he gripped my leg underneath the table. Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy.
It was the end of school and I was searching for Damian, when I saw him I ran up to him. "Hey, can you pick up Jeffrey for me and keep him until I get home". "Yeah, where you going". "I'm walking home", I said looking at the floor. "I could give you a ride home", looking at me. "I can't ride with you", I said walking away. He just looked at me as I walked away. On my way home I stopped by a gas station to get me and Jeffrey some candy, when I walked in I saw Jarod, he had a gun in some ones face. "Give me the money you have", he yelled at that person as they cried. There were children crying and adults scared out of their mind. "Jarod, what are you doing, I yelled as I ran up to him. "Stay out of this, it has nothing to do with you". He grabbed a little girl from her mother. "If you don't give me some money I will shoot this girl, 5,4,3,2,1", he counted down. I jumped in front of the girl right when he pulled the trigger, shielding her with my body. I started feeling a sharp pain in my lower back. "I then fainted from all the pain....

Gone To Far

I wake up but my eyes still closed, I try moving my hands but I find them tied up to something above me. I open my eyes and see I'm in a basement. "Well, looks who's awake", I hear a deep voice say. I'm assuming it's Jarod. "What is this, why am I tied up", I said wiggling my arms around in the rope. He laughed, "I need to teach you a lesson, you've been a bad girlfriend". He grabbed what looked like a wooden bat from behind him. "Your gonna learn to respect me. Your gonna learn to stay out of my business". Tears immediately started rushing from my eyes, I didn't wanna think about what the bat was for. "Please Jarod, just-". "Shut the fuck up!", he yelled very fiercly at me. I just sobbed loudly. He gripped the bat tight and swung at my stomach. I yelled from the top of my lungs, he hit me again in the same spot. I felt like my life was ending right now. "Your gonna learn!", he yelled hitting me again in the stomach. I yelled even harder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry", I tried saying, but it could barely escape from my mouth. He threw the bat down on the floor, then he walked up to me and untied my hands. I fell straight to the floor clutching my stomach. He began walking up the basement stairs until he stopped, "I took out the bullet from your back and I patched it up". He looked

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