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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Bad Girl Broken by Jena Yao (book reader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «Bad Girl Broken by Jena Yao (book reader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Jena Yao

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"You're glad I'm in this car." I mumbled.

Her head shot up. "Excuse me? Was that a threat?"

"Annnnd you heard me."

 "Damn right I heard what you said." Ali stepped off her motorbike. I held back a grin and opened my car door, stepping outside and watching as she walked towards me. She slammed me against my shiny red Porsche and raised her hand as if to slap me. I caught it before it could hit my cheek and her eyes widened in surprise when I pressed her against me.

Then her innocent look was gone and her eyes narrowed. "How many times have you used this on bimbos?"

"Uh...thirty, at least."

She checked her watch, still pressed against me, and yelled out, "Shit! Landon, we just missed like ten minutes of school. James is going to kill me!"

I tilted my head. "Who's James?"

She looked angry and then swallowed. "My step-dad, dumbass. Now come on."

With that, she stepped away from my hold, and drove away on her motorcycle. I sighed and followed her, and in about fifteen minutes we drove into the school parking lot. 

I realised she was still wearing my clothes, but she didn't seem to care, looking down at them and shrugging. No one would probably notice, since they looked natural on her. She smiled at me once before heading inside. I missed her as soon as she left my sight.




I stepped out of English, followed by Kathlyn and her chirpy blonde friends. I was seriously getting so annoyed of them trying to make a move on me when I had another girl I wanted.

I opened my locker and saw Ali walk through the hall, catching the eye of every guy in the hall. They were practically drooling over her, and even Jackson - dammit, he was here - was staring at her. She didn't see him, but instead spotted me.

She started walking over, and raised one hand to wave when she spotted Jackson. Her eyes flashed with pure hate and anger as Jackson smirked. 

"Damn, boy, isn't it sad that you didn't get some and you got beat up like shit?" She said, leaning against someone's locker and staring into his eyes. 

Someone snickered and Jackson looked around, his eyes blazing. 

"Who was that?" He growled. His eyes landed on a scrawny kid in the back, trying to hide behind another group of kids. He stormed over and grabbed the kid, raising his fist. Before he could do any serious damage, someone had stepped in front of the boy, grabbing Jackson's fist and holding it tightly above his head.

"You shouldn't do that." I heard Ali growl, pushing the kid behind her and pushing so close to Jackson he stepped back. They were in the middle of the hallway now. I started inching my way towards them, praying Ali wasn't going to get hurt.

"It's kind of sad to say that you aren't even able to punch someone, right?" She motioned to his fist, still stuck in the lock of her hand. 

"You bitch," Jackson said. The bell rang above but nobody moved. They were all focused on the middle of the hallway.

Ali looked as if she was about to slam her fist into his face, but instead she took a deep breath and laughed. She let go of Jackson's arm, setting it down by his side as if he were still a kid. 

"Next time you touch a girl -any girl- like that, Jackson, I swear I will rip your throat out and feed you to the dogs. And get a damn girlfriend. You seem so miserable."

With that, Ali stalked off, her mouth set into a firm line. Jackson looked surprised at the threat she had just given him, and I laughed. He turned my way, flinching when he saw me. Good. He deserved it.

The coach had kicked him off the football team after finding out what he had done to Ali at the party, and most of the team besides his two buddies had been pretty happy. He was annoying as hell.

Lola finally had to lead me away, but I could still feel Jackson's eyes burning into my back.




I met up with Ali in the parking lot later that day. She was surprised when I walked over to her instead of the group of girls who were always trying to make me their boyfriend. Even Kathlyn had been super shocked when I waved her off.

"What are you doing?" Ali hissed.

"Saying hello." I said, smirking. She sighed and looked behind me, as if expecting a rampage of girls to attack her. 

"Don't worry. Kathlyn stormed off to go rub herself on the football team."

Ali's eyes went wide. "Does that girl ever not get horny? She's more whoreish than you."

"I'm not a whore."

She feigned a gasp. "Ok, you're not a whore. Let's go with man-whore." She slung her legs over her motorbike. 

"Man-whore?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Man-whores are guys who are whores, buddy."

 I huffed and crossed my arms, glaring at her. I knew what a man-whore was, and I definitely knew I was one, but I wasn't going to admit it. 

"Don't be afraid to admit you love this," I said, gesturing to my body. Ali rolled her eyes, averting her eyes away from my chest.

"It's great," she said. "For attracting sluts."

"You're so mean," I whined, trying to keep a serious face. "It's not my fault I'm so hot, babe. My perfect body and sexy face-"

She smirked before saying, "And a small dick."

I was about to retort something sarcastic back when Jackson walked by, with one of his buddies. His checked Ali out bottom up and made a "perfect" sign to his friend. I stiffened, which Ali clearly saw as she turned around. Her eyes hardened, but she turned around before Jackson's eyes met hers. 

"I'm leaving." I heard her say in a low voice. 

"Ali, kiss me." The three words came out so quickly. I wasn't even thinking, and Ali could easily see it when she looked up in surprise. 

"What? No-" I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. She jumped in surprise before responding and pressing against me. I asked for entrance and she granted it, thankfully. A few seconds later she pulled back and smiled before revving her engine and twisting her throttle. She gave Jackson a two-fingered wave as she pulled out of the parking lot. 

I watched her leave, speeding onto the main road, looking sexy and bad-ass at the same time. Jackson turned to glare at me.

 "You just get all the girls, don't you, Landon?" He said, venom dripping off every word. "And I thought she was a "no-boys" type of girl."

I stared him down, glad that I was two inches taller. He finally backed down when one of his dumbass buddies said, "Let's go, Jackson, it isn't worth it. We're wasting our time."

Jackson sighed and turned around, flipping me the finger. "Fine," he barked to his friends. "Move it."

I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face when he stalked off. I deserved that kiss from Ali, but Jackson didn't seem to agree.

But who gives a shit about him?



Chapter 11- Ali

 As I pull into my driveway, I see James drunkingly nodding his head in the front yard. In his hand is a half-empty bottle of beer, and another empty one on the grass. Our neighbor, a single man who is balding in the middle of his head, gives us a disgusted look before returning his gaze to his plants.

Our neighborhood isn't very special. It's more run-down than full of potentiol. Our house is a mess inside and out. I mow the lawn every week and try to keep in good condition, if by chance someone ever wants to buy this house in the future. I've repainted the front part of the house with the cheapest paint I could find, and fixed the hinges on the front door so it's not floating open during the night. Still, it looked like shit, and everyone could see that.

Our neighbors - who hated us so much I didn't even know their name - had the complete opposite of us. They had hired a couple of horny workers that stared at me every time I passed them to repaint, refurnish, and replace the shingles on their house. It looked like a mansion compared to ours.

I parked my motorcycle and stepped off. James didn't even look my way as I stepped through the sloshy puddles of alcohol, trying to keep my shoes from getting dirty. I pushed through the front door, thankful to be away from the insane man sitting on the porch.

I went upstairs into my plain, white bedroom and unlaced my Converse. These were my favorite white high-tops and I wasn't going to let James ruin these. I slipped them under my bed and changed into some loose shorts and a T-shirt that was from my old school, Westfield High.

Memories flashed through my mind, bringing a sharp pain to my chest. I had loved those days, even with James being an asshole. He hadn't even been that bad; just calling me a few heartless names when he got mad. He hadn't been a cold-blooded murderer back in that time. 

I had been a well-known gymnast, not the motorcycle-rider I was known as now. I wasn't a goody-two shoes ever in my life, but I had been better and more vunerable back then. Especially when I was a freshman, following the lead of all those stupid seniors. They had forced me to do things I would have never done in my whole freshman year. 

When I'd become a sophomore, I had started saving up money for a car before my mind switched to a Ducati sports bike. The senior boys that year had started to make moves on me as I grew breasts and my features became sharper. I had even dated one of them before realising what an asshole he was when I caught him making out with some other girl in his car.

Ever since then I'd had a problem with boys, and James didn't make things any better. If only he could stop hurting me in my weakest spot and find a girl who actually found the type of things he did to me pleasurable. 

I sighed and slammed my textbook shut. Homework could wait. I needed to walk and sort out my mind - and get rid of those memories before they came to haunt me any worse.




The night breeze left me calm and collected as I walked on the empty sidewalk of the street. A few people were heading out of small shops and into their cars. I saw a woman struggling with keeping a hold on her son, who was whining as they headed out of the grocery store.

"But Mom!" He yelled. It was cute; he couldn't have been more than 4 years old. "I want candy! Please?"

I shrugged and walked over to them, kneeling down next to the boy and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey buddy, I'm Ali." I said, smiling. "How about I buy you a candy bar? Your Mommy doesn't seem to have the money to buy it for you."

His frown turned into a huge grin. "Yeah!"

I looked up at the woman, who had a grateful smile on her face. I nodded to her and walked into the grocery store, trotting

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