Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Mine! by H.N. S (best thriller novels of all time txt) 📖

Book online «Mine! by H.N. S (best thriller novels of all time txt) 📖». Author H.N. S

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back from her business trip so soon!

I hastily pushed against Nick’s chest, but it was no use- it was like trying to push over a building! I looked at him. He had a look of disbelief and resistance as we both remained entwined with each other. His hand sill at the opening of my robe and his hot breath on my neck… oh how I wish we could continue…

I tried to push him away once more, but he still didn’t budge.

“Please. Please leave!” I begged but was soon silenced by the sound of footsteps gradually getting louder as my mother made her way up stairs.

“Honey?! Eva!”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“please, please, please!” I pleaded “she’ll kill me right after she’s done castrating you!”

This had no effect on Nick, other that the wicked smile that crossed his face and a light gleamed in his eyes... oh no.. that look was bad! What was he thinking! I have no time for his games!

“I will…” He pretended to inspect his nails, whilst effortlessly pinning me on the bed. “I will, if you promise you’ll go out with me tomorrow”

“What!? No!”

“Okay then…” He got off me and headed to the door “I guess I should formally introduce…”

“okay okay! I will” I rushed

He stopped in his tracks and smiled that gorgeous, full white purl smile in triumph “good”. And if it weren’t for the situation, I would have melted there and then… but there was no time!

He strode to the window “I’ll pick you up at 1.30 tomorrow” he winked then jumped… HE JUMPED!

I ran to the window after him and immediately exhaled as I saw him swinging down from the tree outside my bedroom.

“Eva Shaw! I’ve been calling you! What are you doing?”

I turned to my mother tapping her foot in my doorway- I sighed preferring to see Nick standing there…

“EVA! I’m talking to you young lady!”

“oh sorry mum, erm… well… I was… in the shower…”


-Nick’s P.O.V-

My heart was pounding at a million miles an hour! Damn I hate her mother for walking in just as I was about to take Eva! But damn Eva, she looked so sexy in nothing but that gown… If only I got to see under it!

OWOOOOOOOOOOO! My wolf cried out.

I was on an all-time high! The way she moaned my name! GOD! It sounded so sexy coming from her mouth, it sounded like only she is meant to say it. And now I get to see her again tomorrow.

I ran to the lake hidden in the woods. I needed a cool swim to help settle my… urges… but I think I’ll be needing more than just a swim for that. Nevertheless, I striped freeing my hard shaft. Once naked I turned into my wolf and pounced into the water.


I jumped up to my balcony and sneaked into my bedroom to get dressed before joining my pack downstairs.

I heard the majority of voices coming from the kitchen. “Hay guys, what’s going on?” the room silenced at my arrival. Strange… It was crowed and in the middle was my father and Jay. All eyes now on me.  

~”sorry Nick we had to tell him”~ Jay confessed telepathically.

Fuck. Now my father knows about Eva!

“Dad…” I began to explain

“Its okay son, I know its not in your control. Come with me, we need to talk.” Clive, my father reassured me and I instantly calmed. He led me off to his study.

“I take it you were just with her? How long ago did you find out she was the one?” I guess its straight down to business.

“Yes, and 2 days ago”

“Wow” He took a sip of his beer “How did she react when you told her?”

I looked down at my shoes and began to sweat.


“Uh…I …. Uh…” I stuttered

He raised an eyebrow “you have told her about us, about what you are? That she’s your mate, right?”

“Not… exactly”

“Not exactly!?”

“I haven’ told her. But she likes me, she may even love me! It will just take time and I need the right time to tell her! I don’t want to scare her away before she’s even gotten to know me!”

Clive’s jaw clenched “You’re right, but you know you’ll have to tell her soon. This has happened once before, a werewolf mating with a human, and we don’t want history to repeat itself”

I bowed my head “no… no we don’t” I agreed

He was right and I knew it. He spoke of what I feared most, speaking the worries I’ve not stopped thinking since I first saw Eva….

… She’ll never fully be mine!



Chapter 12- Text Message

-Nick’s P.O.V-

 I stumbled into my room and fell onto my bed. Different emotions swamped my mind- I was ecstatic over being able to see Eva tomorrow, but then I’m haunted with fear. The fear of whenever I’m around Eva it may be the last time… and she is the constant reminder of no matter how hard I try or how uncontrollably I fall in love with her, she may never feel the same way!


I buried my head under a pillow in attempt to hide these troubling feelings, but it was no good. I could never escape their haunting.


What the….

I checked my phone but it was switched off. Where is that beeping coming from?

I searched my room until I focused in on the beeping. It was coming from the bathroom… strange.

Finally, I found the phone- it was coming from inside Eva’s bag. She must have forgot it when she left the party before. It’s crazy, but my party seems like a lifetime ago!

Bag in hand, I walked back into my bedroom. Placing it on my bed I sat in front of it, investigating the bag as if it’s an alien object that I have never seen before.

“This is Eva’s bag” I told myself. “This bag could contain secrets, secrets that will bring me closer to her…”

My hand hovered over her phone, still unsure of myself

“This is a bad idea… you’re playing with a double-edged sword!”

“I know but…”


Her phone vibrated once more and all rationality left me as I grabbed the phone and investigated.

It was lit up with multiple text messages and missed calls. My jaw dropped. Who… who was this man texting my Eva!!

His caller ID was a picture of a young man in his 20’s called ‘Ally’…. What!? Ally? Isn’t that a girls name? I laughed.

“Someone’s Jealous!” My wolf sang

“SHUT UP! I’m not… its just… just a funny name!” I snarled.

I took another look at his picture as the phone rang again. He was muscular, I’ll give him that, blond and grey eyes. In the picture they’re at what looks like a lake, he was topless and has his arm around Eva, attempting to push her into the lake. She looks so carefree and happy as Eva is laughing and not even notice the picture being taken. This makes me even angrier… this man is close to Eva, so much that she’s comfortable around him, sharing jokes, jokes that only they know.


I threw the phone to the other side of my bed and began pacing around my room with confused thoughts going wild around my head.

Who is this? He looks nothing like her to be a relative. He’s too old to be her brother, he’s too young to be her father.

I came to an halt “Maybe ‘Ally’s’ her cousin..” I said, trying to convince myself.

Ughhhhhhhhhh! I pulled on my hair hoping it’ll pull out a better explanation from my brain, but it was no good.

“Maybe the text messages will hold some answers!”

My wolf was right! I ran to the bed and swept up the phone but stopped. I can’t invade Eva’s privacy any more than I already have… My gaze fell on the alluring phone resting in my grasp.

“But what about Eva’s privacy”

“You’ve already looked, you might as well get a better understanding.”

I took no more persuading. I swiped open the phone, but was met with a password lock! There was no way in to have an investigative look, so I settle for the limited amounts from the notifications said.

Ally                                                                                        10:35PM

Hay baby girl! Just lettin u know I’m coming to see you…     
    Ally                                                                                        10:50PM

Are you out? Text me when you can :) xxxx

Ally                                                                                        11:01PM

Missed call (2)

Ally                                                                                        11:17PM

This isn’t like you Eva! Are you ok?

Ally                                                                                        11:20PM

Missed call (5)

Ally                                                                                        11:22PM

Ok, officially worried Eva!

Ally                                                                                        11:23PM

Missed call (4)

The phone fell from my hands, as if it had burnt me. I was in a state of shock… who was he?

Anger overtook the heartbreak. I turned and burst through the doors leading out onto the balcony, jumping down and into the forest. Running through the brush and branches of the great oak trees surrounding the house. Nothing would slow me down, I need explanations! I need to know who this man was and what he means to Eva.

My wolf was taking over.


I shifted and my speed increased on my course to Eva’s house.

“STOP!!!” I tried to tame the beast within.

“Why, we need to know who this PRICK is and why he thinks it’s okay to talk to our Eva like that! Who is he? We need to know!” He snarled.

We can’t force her! We can’t let her know that we betrayed her trust by reading her messages. It’ll push her away from us, further than she already is! With time we’ll find out who he is… and then we will sort this ‘Ally’ problem out.


I began to slow down. My breathing heavy. I came to a halt and fell to cold ground, growling up at the moon. My wolf whimpered with defeat.

I want to know who this dick head is to, but confrontation is not the way to solve it. If Eva does lov…lov… like him, then I need to respect that and work to get Eva all to myself.

My breathing steadied and my eyelids grew heavy as I drifted into a restless sleep, dreaming of Eva and that boy.

Chapter 13- I... like you

I…I like you

Eva’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t get to sleep. No matter how much I tossed and turned, I just couldn’t get comfortable… I couldn’t get the thought of Nick out of my mind. A part of me was scared that if I did fall asleep, then I would wake up and this had all been a dream! The way he touched me, the way he kissed me. The feel of his hands caressing my body, how our

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