Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm Yours Only by Sophie J Brain (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm Yours Only by Sophie J Brain (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖». Author Sophie J Brain

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proud he's really a great person”

“I'm glad to hear he helped you” the woman said “I hope it wasn't too much of a bad experience”

“Oh no, just some tramp attacked me which ended up with me hitting my head quite badly and Mr Williams' helped clean up the wound for me” Nicky blushed slightly “sorry that was rather a lot of information”

“No matter” she smiled as they arrived in front of the Maths block.

“M4 is just down here” Nicky pointed down a corridor “I'll show you, so how do you know Mr Williams? If you don't mind me asking”

“Oh I'm his girlfriend. I have been for about 2 years now. Our families know are close friends I've known him since we were both young children”

Nicky looked ahead her eyes wide with pain “Oh I see” she mumbled knowing that anything more would drive her to tears, the door to M4 loomed and her heart broke a little more with each step.

Chris glanced at the time and smiled with anticipation, Nicky should be there soon and he could barely wait for her. They hadn't seen each other in two days and he was already missing her smile, her wit, her silly hand gestures and well everything from her sparkling eyes to her scent of coconut and apples. Once the secrets were all over he wouldn't have to wait days before seeing her again or have to look both ways before kissing her, he would be able to see and kiss her whenever he wanted and he'd be able to finally make her his in the eyes of the law. Marriage, it was just one simple word and he knew that at some point in the near future he would be using it in the form of a question. As soon as they had spent their first weekend together he had told himself that he was going to marry Nicola Bennett. Maybe not in the next year or even in the next five but at some point in his life he would marry her and he would make sure she was happy and smiling for the rest of her life.

He heard her knock on the door, three long taps, four short ones and then one last long one to round it all off. Chris walked towards the door slowly, careful not to seem too eager even though he knew she knew how eager he truly was, and pulled the door open a jar. He saw her stood looking at him with wide painful eyes, he looked more closely and noticed she was trying hard not to cry. Worry built up within him and he wanted to reach out and hug her but of course he couldn't so he just looked at her and asked what was wrong.

Nicky swallowed “Mr Williams, nothing at all is wrong the wind outside has made my eyes water slightly”

“The wind?” he echoed wondering why she was being so formal.

“Yes sir” she smiled “even the slightest bit of wind makes my eyes water”

Chris smiled back it seemed like things were ok after all and maybe she was just being formal in case anyone was around he decided he had better join in with her otherwise it would look odd “Do you need help with your work?”

Nicky shook her head “No not now sir, I think it’s best if I see you later, you have a guest” she indicated to someone behind her and he opened the door to see who it was, he actually felt the blood drain from his face “Maisy?” he whispered.

Now it all made sense, Nicky's stricken and pained look, her formality and her inability to be able to look him in the eye. Maisy must have told her that they had been dating for two years, if you could call it dating at all, their families were close friends and when he had returned from university two years ago his parents had thrown a party for him and they had invited the Hornbeams who had in turn brought their only daughter along with them. She had been a girl of 20 and he had been 23, they had gone on one date after the party which had gone well enough and they had they proceeded to date and when he left six months later to do some teacher training they had carried on in a long distance relationship but he it hadn't taken him too long to work out that he didn't really love her. He had hoped that once they spent more time together he could fall in love with her so he had carried on with the relationship just because he couldn't be sure and he didn't want to hurt her if he didn't have to but then he had met Nicky and he had realised quite soon that he would never love Maisy, things just weren't the same for them as it was with him and Nicky but over the past month Maisy had been distant and spent most of the time on an extended holiday so he hadn't been able to speak to her about ending their relationship.

He had planned to do it when he went back home for a visit next weekend but it seemed Maisy had beaten him to it and turned up for a visit with him and from her smiling face she obviously didn't have breaking up on her mind.

“Well here you are Miss” Nicky said smiling despite her clear upset “Well I had better be off; Mr MacDonald wanted to speak to me. I'll see you later sir”

She started walking towards Mr MacDonald’s classroom, quickly telling Maisy to wait in the classroom for him, he called her name and waited as she stopped and turned around “Nicky please let me explain” he said quietly as he walked towards her.

“There's nothing to explain sir” she mumbled looking down “I understand perfectly, I was a nice bit of fun for you while you waited for you girlfriend to show up”

His mouth dropped open “You think that?”

Nicky sighed “No I don't think that, I think you were in a difficult situation and you were just trying to find a time to end things with her. Your families are friends so I'm sure that made it harder. It just came as a big eye opener that’s all. I thought you knew me but I must have been wrong”

“I do know you” Chris said urgently fear creeping into his heart “please let me sort this out and then we will be together properly, well you know things can go back to how they were”

Nicky shook her head “No we can't you don't understand. I'm not angry or upset because you have a girlfriend; I'm upset because you didn't tell me. I thought you knew me well enough to know I would understand, I thought you would trust me enough. I'm sorry sir but if you don't then there's nothing we can work on. I'm sorry”

Oh why didn't he just tell her? He thought about it in detail numerous times over the past month and a half. Why hadn't he just told her the truth? “Nicky I-”

“I know” she said finally looking up at him her eyes flaring with anger and pain “you're sorry but it doesn't mean anything to me now. The person I thought I knew would have known me and trusted me well enough to tell me the truth. I'm sorry you think I'm just some stupid little child who can't understand something like this.”

She turned around to leave “Nicky please”

Nicky turned back around, overcome with anger, frustration and pain and said in a low voice “Look sir as far as I'm concerned we no longer have any sort of a personal relationship, every time I come to see you from now on it will be in the capacity of a student to her teacher and even that will be as an absolute last resort. Hopefully the next two months we will see each other as little as possible and then after that not at all” she took two steps away and then walked back “And as far as I'm concerned anything I might have been coming here to tell you is now unimportant, the person I thought I loved would have told me”

As Chris was pondering that statement she walked off and ran into the nearest toilets before bursting into tears. She could feel her heart ripping into pieces and she just couldn't stop crying. He had a girlfriend. She had just spent the last month and half being with someone, spending most afternoons with them, kissing them, sharing their bed and through all of it he had had a girlfriend waiting back home for him.

She hadn't lied to him, she really did understand how something like that could have happened especially as their relationship had started off quite spontaneously but how could he not have told her? How could he have not trusted her enough or maybe she was just over reacting, maybe she should have let him explain? She still loved him with all her heart, she would have listened to him and forgave him if he had just said the truth and she would have been happy to wait. For him she could wait forever but if he didn't know her well enough to know that then what was the point in it all?

What Nicky really needed was time to process the news properly, maybe once she had she would be able to talk to him about what to do now, there was sure to be a reason why he didn't tell her and surely that Maisy woman wouldn't be around to long not if he had been trying to break up with her.

Her heart was still shattering to pieces however so for the time being she was just going to be upset with him until a time came where she could approach the subject without her eyes welling up with tears. Once that woman was truly gone then she could start to mend her heart and then maybe it would be mended enough for her to once again offer it to Chris. If not, well she would just have to get over him and accept the knowledge that they must not be suited for each other.


Chris blinked back tears and walked into his classroom, she loved him. Nicky Bennett loved him and God he loved her too, so much. How could he have been so stupid? He'd had two choices and he'd chosen the wrong one. At first it was because he had been afraid she wouldn't understand because they barely knew each other and she might not have let him explain but he knew that this wore thin after a while and he had no suitable reason not to have told her later once they had been spending nearly every day in each other’s company. She would have understood then.

He had been an idiot, a total idiot, and now he had lost the true love of his life, it had never been the same with anyone else before her and he knew that no one else after her would ever compare but Nicky had made it perfectly clear that there was no future for them now. At least not until she was over her anger and pain but there was only two months before she left school and he could imagine it would take her far longer to get into a more rational frame of mind when it came to him and once she left how could he find her again? He knew she was planning to go to university but he had no idea which one and the thought of going over to interrogate her parents was not an appealing one.


He looked up at Maisy, standing there smiling at him and looking like she should have been perfect. She was always a pretty little thing even when she was ten years

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