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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Married to the Arrogant billonaire by Esther Benson (ereader android txt) 📖

Book online «Married to the Arrogant billonaire by Esther Benson (ereader android txt) 📖». Author Esther Benson

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Chapter 45 Secret Revealed


   Kelvin POV 

"What did you mean she parked all her bags and left without any explanation?" I yell on the phone. Fernando just inform me about Lily allegedly taking her bags and living my house.

I racked my brain to think of anything I must have done but I found none, she forgave me about a month ago. We had been fine since then, I did everything in my power to make her happy.

"Did anyone visit her or did she received any mysterious calls or messages?" I asked closing my laptop as I took my car keys from the table making my way out of my office. I need to get home as fast as possible.

"Oh yes sir, I handed her a mail that was addressed to her a while ago, a few hours later I saw her leave with all of her bags on the verge of tears, I questioned if she was fine but she refused to answer me and demanded that I opened the gates for her," he explained, I listened earnestly as I swerve my car to the right avoiding a car that was about to crash into me, I ignored every speed limit and traffic on the road, I just need to get home and find my wife. 

For fuck sake what must she had received that would make her leave just like that, I hope it's not what I think. Damn it, no it doesn't matter I won't let her leave me. She is mine damn it.

"Did she happen to use any of the cars in the house?" I asked, wishing she had cause it will be easier to track her down.

"No she did not sir, she used a cab, I am sorry I was not able to stop her sir " He answered in a regretful tone. 

"Damn it "I yelled hitting my wheels in anger. 

"It's alright Fernando just inform me of any update about her, " I said as I dial tony number on my other phone connecting it to my car system.

"Okay Mr. Alexandria " he replied, ending the call. I didn't bother correcting him like I always did.

The phone kept on ringing but there were no answers and it keeps forwarding to voice mail, pick up the fucking phone man yell dialing the number again. 

"Hey man, I am so busy now why don't I call you back later" tony instantly said finally picking up the phone. 

"It's really important man, I need your help please can you come to my house now," I said to him.

"Alright, am on my way there," he said hanging up on me why I focused on getting myself home in one piece.


"How did this fucking happen tony, nobody knew about this except, you and I, " I said staring at the divorce paper in my hands with my signature and Lily's on it, I certainly do remember signing them way before we got married along with the contract papers my lawyer was supposed to send them when I requested for them...

I remember telling my lawyer to dispose of them, when I realized I had fallen for my wife that idiot decided to sell confidential documents, this had my father's name written all over this but why would he do this.

"Kelvin you need to see these papers" tony yells out to me. I quickly got closer to him to see them. I scroll through the papers in shock.

"I can't believe my father fucking lied to me " I whispered in surprise. He has taken this way too far, I knew something was up, This was what Lily must have seen that made her sign the papers and ran out of my life in haste. No, I won't let her leave because of something that was out of my control. I will have to fix this. 

"What are we going to do now dude," he asked. Staking the papers together I quickly took the divorce from his hands ripping it into tiny pieces. 

"First off, Am going to get my woman back and you are going to help me track her down, Then am going to pay a visit to my father he has a lot of explaining to do." 


"Where the hell is my father, " I tell angrily at the maid in my father's mansion. 

"He is in the study sir " she replied in a frightened tone Trotting away.

Without bothering much about her or the fact that I look close enough to kill I made my way towards my father's study.

"Oh son you are here to celebrate I presume," he asked, refilling his cup with his wine. Without greeting all sitting down, I immediately went straight to the point.

"Father, why the fuck would you send those papers to my house, don't you dear deny it because I knew you paid off my lawyer, and for what reasons" I yell throwing all the papers in his face.

"You ungrateful son I helped you to get rid of the girl you didn't want to marry, I should be getting a gratitude and not an attitude" he yelled right back at me as he continually sips his wine. 

"What do you mean help me get rid of her, the last time I remember you threatened me into getting married here, so what changed " I yelled, hitting my hands on his table in anger.

"Did you read those papers, you see your grandfather didn't sign any deal for their grandchildren to get married, you see your grandfather was a strong believer of true love so he didn't do that, the actual deal that was signed was that half percent of the Alexander construction business will belong to Carson family, and the successor is Lillian William Carson," he said getting some papers off his desk and throwing them at me. I glanced through the document, this man used me as a fucking bait all these years.

" How could you fucking do this to me father!! " I yelled, I can't believe this man has been stocking lily for years. 

"I knew you weren't going to see reason with me wanting what belongs to our family go to another family, I did this for you son." He retorted trying to use the excuse he used all these years to hid his greedy nature. 

"You didn't do anything for me Father, you did it for yourself!! You just have to have it all don't you father " I yelled with venom lacing my tone at the word father, he doesn't deserve that title as he had never been one to me. 

"Yes I do, your grandfather could have shown his gratitude to his friend by saying thank you or buying him a new car or a house instead of giving half of our business to his damn friend, your grandfather let too much principle rule his life" he yelled trying to shift the blame on grandfather, he would never be, half of the man grandfather was, never

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