Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Variations by Jones M (christmas read aloud txt) 📖

Book online «The Variations by Jones M (christmas read aloud txt) 📖». Author Jones M

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off, deciding to focus on the environs around her. Because it was early, there was a comforting silence. There was also a cool breeze in the area that raised goosebumps on Kate's arms. The sun was on its course to rising, illuminating everything hidden in her path.

Kate preferred to run around the campus grounds very early in the morning because it provided her with some privacy. She was not willing to do it when the sun had fully risen. People, especially the male population in the campus, would stare at her with hungry gazes. She would even catch some staring at her butt or boobs, or both, and it made her wary of being outdoors. 

She did not like the attention. She just wanted some alone time away from people, especially those who would look at her like a piece of meat.

Marie sighed, picking up her pace. She continued running around the campus for more than ten minutes. By then, her form was getting covered in sweat. She had started breathing through her mouth. Her feet had begun to protest every time they hit the ground, and she knew she would have to run back to her dorm to rest soon. It wasn't good for her to keep pushing herself, especially when she would need her legs to work once the weekend ended.

"Kate!" she heard someone shout her name behind her. She stopped running and turned, glad about the momentary rest. To her surprise, she spotted Chris heading toward her.

"Hey. I didn't know you run," Chris commented once he was in front of her. He was panting with his hands on his knees, staring up at Kate. A green, wet tanktop was hanging off his torso. It was sleeveless, and so it showed off the perfect bulging muscles in his arms. He had also worn a pair of tracksuit shorts that reached his knees, showing his muscular legs.

Kate found herself speechless for a moment.

"Do you always get up this early?" Chris asked as he rose to stand.

"Yeah," Marie replied. "It's good for privacy, you know?"

"Oh, I know," Chris said, still panting. "Man, do I feel like I'm on fire."

Kate's lips turned, ready to release a laugh as she watched Chris reach for the hem of his shirt. He raised it high to wipe his forehead, and Marie froze with a gulp at what she saw.

She knew that her project partner was fit, but she had no idea how good he looked shirtless. The last time she had seen his naked chest was in high school, and his muscles weren't as developed as they were now. 

Kate remained speechless at the sight of Chris' torso that glistened with his sweat. His shirt had been raised high enough to reveal the base of his pectorals, and they seemed to heave with every breath he took. Kate noticed a couple of dips and ridges she hadn't noticed on his form, especially on his sides and where his abs began. His six-pack clenched and relaxed, and Kate spotted a bead of sweat drip directly in between. She watched, mesmerized as it traveled lower, touching the contracting muscles before moving to his shorts.

Kate's mind caught with her actions, and she turned her eyes away, feeling a hot flush overcome her body. She couldn't explain the emotion she felt. Her cheeks had turned red, and she suddenly felt bad for checking Chris out.

"How long have you been running ?" he questioned, forcing her eyes back to him. His naked chest was hidden once again, and Kate tried not to feel disappointed.

"I think twelve minutes... I don't know for sure. It feels like it's been a while," she replied. Chris stared at her with a grin.

"Wow. It's like you never fail to surprise me every time I learn something new about you," he commented. 

"What are you talking about? I used to be a cheerleader in high school, remember?" she said with a raised eyebrow. He answered with a shrug.

"Well, I'm heading back," she told Chris. "My legs are aching right now. It will even be a miracle if I'll be able to walk later."

Chris laughed at her, and that caused her to smile a bit.

"After you get changed, would you mind if we meet up for breakfast? I know a café nearby, and--"

"Sure," Marie cut him off. "You had me at breakfast."

"Okay, see you soon," Chris said with a smile before jogging away from her. Kate observed his behind, and she shuddered at the sight of his clothed ass. 

And damn, was that ass fine.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it," Kate said, slapping the side of her head each time to calm her thoughts as she jogged back to her dorm.

********************** ************************ ********************** *************

More than half an hour later, Marie found herself preparing to leave her dorm. She had showered and dressed in casual clothes, waiting for Chris to call and tell her where they would be meeting.

She went to unlock her phone, but a knock on her door interrupted her movements. She headed to it, making quick work of opening it.

To her surprise, Chris was standing at the entrance. He had changed out of his workout clothes, choosing to wear a short-sleeved checkered shirt with a pair of blue jeans.

"Chris!" Marie could not help but voice out her surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"We have that breakfast thing, remember?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's just that I thought you would call me or something," Kate answered as she exited her dorm, closing the door behind her. She found herself unconsciously moving closer to Chris, and her nose picked up a whiff of the cologne coming off him.

It did things to her that she couldn't explain.

"Yeah," Chris replied, forcing her attention back to him. "I didn't think it through."

Kate eyed him before saying: "I must say that I didn't even think you would remember where I live."

Chris chuckled at her before replying, "You know how our minds work. They can choose to remember small details at times. Now come on. Let's go eat."

Chris had led Marie to a café that was a short walk from her dorm. It was surprisingly packed with students like them and other people who were probably heading off to work.

"So, how is the project going?" Chris asked Marie once they had occupied a booth and given their orders to a waitress.

Kate groaned before replying, "Not good. I feel stuck."

Chris nodded along before saying: "Me too."

"This is bad, Chris," Marie commented.

"It's normal," he replied with a frown. "It is usually not very easy to come up with designs for characters."

"And the bad thing is that we cannot copy character designs from other sources."

Kate hated that. Sure, she understood copyright laws and other stuff, but it was a huge inconvenience for her at the moment.

"Kate, let's not think about it now. The important thing is that we have our story. We also have made the designs for the scenes, remember?"

It was true. On one evening when Marie had complained about the problems with the character designs, Chris had suggested that they save the characters for later and to instead focus on the scenes for their story. It meant that they had to draw everything they needed for the film, and that included trees, rocks, hills and other structures found in the wild. Weeks later, they had completed that. The only thing they had left to deal with was to change the drawings into 3D.

"Yes, you are right. And again, thanks for helping me with the scenes," Kate replied, earning a pleased smile from Chris.

"You're welcome. So, do you have any plans today?"

"Yes," Marie replied, earning a frown. "There are a couple of movies I wanted to watch today--"

"Those are your plans?"

"Spiderman Homecoming should be available on DVD soon," Marie said with a smile.

"I wanted to ask you out to the movies today."

Marie seemed to freeze once she had heard those words come out of Chris' mouth.

"Not like a date," Chris corrected with widened eyes. "As friends. If you want."

Kate felt a little disappointed all over a sudden. Then she wondered where that emotion had come from.

"Oh. Okay," she replied.


"Yes, Chris. Why wouldn't I go out with you? It sounds better than my plan to stay in my dorm." 

"Okay," he grinned. "I'll pick you up later."

"Here you go," a waiter appeared before them with a large tray filled with their breakfast options. The two thanked the server before digging into their meals.

************************ ******************************* *********************

That evening, Marie had found herself being driven to a movie theatre that was in the town near the campus. Before Chris had arrived to take her out, her roommate made her endure minutes of nonstop teasing.

"Make sure you kiss him!"

"Don't be afraid to get bold. Touch his abs if you want to!"

"Kate, it won't be slutty if you make him take you in his car."

Those were some of the words Gwen had told her, and Marie had been a blushing mess by the time Chris arrived at her place. 

He had asked her what was wrong, but Kate silenced him with a quick "Nothing!" He knew she was lying, but he decided to let it go.

As they drove to the town, Marie wondered about Gwen's words. Gwen was teasing her about Chris, and it didn't take a scholar to know she wanted them to date. Sure, the guy was great. He was good company, and he also made Kate smile whenever he was around.

She also felt comfortable around him as if they had known each other for hundreds of years even though they had been hanging around each other for weeks. She felt as if she could tell him anything, like when she had told him about her virginity. He proved she could trust him with her secrets, and it was a good shock for her.

She sighed, turning to look at Chris. He was focused, staring ahead as he drove the car. In a way, the orange lights provided by the street lamps outside made Marie view him differently. Her heart swelled again with an emotion she still did not understand.

Six radio songs later, the two pulled into a parking lot near the large cinema. They had quickly got out and made their way into the lobby.

"Oh! That It movie came out!" Chris said as he pointed at something behind Kate. She turned, and she almost jumped in fright.

Among the movie posters pinned high on the wall in front of her was of the famous IT movie. Marie had forgotten about it, but once she saw the poster, she remembered it. She had not seen the movie, but she had seen the trailer.

The movie features a clown with red hair, a fading clown attire and a sinister look. It was enough for Marie to say no to it.

"We could go watch it," Chris suggested, and that had Marie turning to give him a look of disbelief.

"Are you serious?" she asked.

"Yes," Chris replied. With a sigh, Marie took out her phone and entered her browser. She searched for news related to the film.

"This movie got high ratings," she pointed out.


"Chris, let me repeat. It. Got. High. Ratings. Shouldn't that be enough of a warning to tell us it will be creepy?"

Chris frowned before saying: "Insidious got near-average ratings, and it is still scary as hell."

Marie did not know how to reply to that, but she still continued: "Chris, let us not watch this movie. I saw the trailer, and on that same night, I had a nightmare about the freaking clown. It should be enough to tell us we cannot handle it."

Chris snorted. "Please, it's just a poster. It's not scary at all. Now come on. Let's go see it."

He had already purchased the tickets for the movie. Marie turned to see the other options available, but they were all related to horror and paranormal stuff.

"What kind of movie theatre offers only one genre of movies at one showing?" Marie grumbled as she found herself walking with Chris towards the viewing area.

********************** ******************************* ****************************

"So... I was wrong," Chris replied hours later, staring ahead as he drove the car away from the theatre.

"You think?" Kate stated, shivering a little when he noticed the vehicle moving faster.


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