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Book online «Elizabeth's lonely world by Marybeth Hale (world best books to read txt) 📖». Author Marybeth Hale

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dog? She is really missing you." Elizabeth said after she shook her head. "Uh no. I don't want her anymore. So I looked around and found your service. Now muffins is yours." The lady explained as Elizabeth stayed quiet from shock. 

"Well, fuck you bitch. I seriously doubt that you should get another pet." Elizabeth said before she hung up and looked at her other requests. "Hi, this is Elizabeth. Before I accept, I must ask you a question. Are you gonna get ur pet when they are done? I just had a client dump her dog on me. If you could call back, that would be great." Elizabeth said on a voice-mail as she tried not to cry. She didn't like it when people didn't know how to to take care of dogs take in dogs and then dump the dogs on someone else. Elizabeth waited as she waned to have a response and some money. "Oh the lady did pay me. Five hundred. Half of what she agreed to but at least it's something." Elizabeth said before she had put her phone away. Muffins looked at Elizabeth scared before she looked outside again. "Apparently, I'm your new mommy, muffins. Your last owner dumped you onto me." Elizabeth said as she looked at muffins. 

Muffins lowered her head as she felt abandoned, though Elizabeth didn't want her to feel that way. "Come here muffins. Don't be sad, girl." Elizabeth said as she stood up and walked to muffins. Muffins didn't look up as she was still grieving. Shadow sat up and walked to muffins as the puppies slept. Both shadow and Elizabeth wanted muffins to feel like she was accepted. "I'm sorry, girl. I know you don't like it here. I am trying my best." Elizabeth said before muffin licked her hand. Elizabeth left and went to get ready for bed as Shadow looked at muffins. "Hey, Muffins. Are you alright?" Shadow asked before she shook her head. 

"I thought my master wanted me to come home. But I'm just a peice of trash no one would want." Muffins said as she held back tears. "Trust me. Elizabeth won't put you in a doggy shop." Shadow said before Muffins huffed. Even though Muffins didn't say anything, shadow knew to leave her alone. "Well, if you want. I'll let you sleep in my bed." Shadow said before he started to go upstairs. Muffins lifted her head and watched shadow quickly run upstairs. "I actually want to go home." Muffins said while she looked outside again.


Despite Elizabeth knowing that muffins was missing her home, muffins slept quietly as shadow slept peacefully. "Good morning, everyone." Elizabeth said as she stood up and walked downstairs. Shadow stood up while yawning before making his way downstairs. "Good morning, princess." Elizabeth said while walking to muffins. Muffins looked up at her before she yawned and stretched. "What a big stretch. Come on. I'm making breakfast." Elizabeth said as she walked into the kitchen.
Muffins and shadow followed her into the kitchen before Elizabeth pulled out a diamond dog bowl. "This belonged to an old friend of mine. Of course, the friend of mine was a dog. But I will never forget him." Elizabeth said as she placed the bowl next to shadow's food bowl. Muffins and shadow looked at each other as Elizabeth went to get some food. "Did you know the dog she was talking about?" Muffins asked before shadow looked up. "I met him when I was a puppy but then he disappeared." Shadow said before he walked to Elizabeth and sat next to her as she cried. Muffins watched confused as she didn't know why Elizabeth was crying. "Oh, hey shadow. I'm sorry. I'll be in there in a minute. Just I needed to let out my pain." Elizabeth said before she wiped her tears away as she stood up. Shadow walked to muffins before Elizabeth followed him with a full cup of food. Muffins wanted to ask shadow what was wrong, but she didn't want to freak Elizabeth out.
Muffins and shadow watched as Elizabeth walked away as more tears ran down her face. "No, I do not know why she is upset." Shadow said as he knew that muffins was looking at him. Muffins looked at Elizabeth as shadow started to eat. "I wish I knew more about her past." Muffins said before she started to eat. Elizabeth stayed in her room as she looked at childhood pictures. A few minutes later, shadow came in and sat next to Elizabeth's bed. "Oh, hi shadow. I know that it is bath day." Elizabeth said before shadow stood up and ran out of the room. Elizabeth got up smiling and walked out of the room following him. Muffins watched confused before Elizabeth smiled at muffins.
"Good, muffins you will go first." Elizabeth said as she walked towards muffins. Muffins walked to Elizabeth before Elizabeth picked her up. Elizabeth grunted as she took muffins to the bathroom. Shadow chased after them and watched as Elizabeth washed Muffins. "You're so calm, girl. Shadow should learn from you." Elizabeth said jokingly though she thought that her dogs couldn't understand her. "You stay here. I'll go and get a towel." Elizabeth told muffins before she stood up and left both of them in the bathroom. "What kind of dog are you? You are supposed to freak out at bath time." Shadow said before Muffins chuckled and looked at him. "I am a purebred poodle and I used to be a show dog. We get lots of baths. I am just used to it." Muffins explained as she sat on the cold tub. Shadow watched as muffins shook with feeling cold. "Yeah, I know muffins. It is pretty cold after bath time." Shadow said before Muffins looked at him confused. Shadow went to the hallway and seen that Elizabeth was taking longer then mormal. "But I didn't say anything." Muffins said as shadow looked at her. "I know. I can see you are shaking." Shadow said before they stayed quiet as Elizabeth walked in. "Sorry, girl. I was having trouble with finding a towel so I went to get mine. Shadow, you are next." Elizabeth had said before shadow watched muffins be dried.
Shadow and muffins looked at each other before Elizabeth smiled at muffins. "You are friends already. That's awesome." Elizabeth said before muffins got out and left the bathroom. "Ok, shadow. Your turn." Elizabeth said before she grabbed shadow. Elizabeth placed shadow in the tub while adjusting the water as muffins sat on the couch. "Such a good boy." Elizabeth said as she started to wash shadow. Muffins seen another dog owner walk up to the door and stayed quiet as she didn't know what to do. "Oh, that should be my new client." Elizabeth said before she finished drying shadow. A few minutes, Elizabeth put down shadow and raced to the door. "Oh, hi. Sorry for not being able to respond sooner. How can I help you?" Elizabeth said before the lady smiled. "Oh, it's ok. Can you please look after my corgi. I need to go on a business trip. Oh my gosh. Did your poodle have puppies?" The lady said before Elizabeth looked at the pups. "Oh uh yeah she did." Elizabeth said before the lady smiled. "I have a few friends that want their own puppies. Do you mind if I give the puppies to them?" She said before Elizabeth looked at her. "Yeah for a price." She said before the lady chuckled.  


 "Are you serious?" The lady asked as a different car pulled up. "Yeah. Lost my job. I love dogs so this is my new job. And I need to know if you love the puppies enough to not hurt them." Elizabeth explained before the lady looked around. "Fine. How much?" She asked before Elizabeth smiled. "Two hundred and fifty-three dollars." Elizabeth said before the lady gave her the money. "Ok. I'll see you in a few days, baby boy. Don't worry." The lady said hugging her corgi while Elizabeth put the money in her pocket. The lady put her corgi down and turned and walked to her car.
"Excuse me, ma'am? I'm here to pick up a poodle." A man said as he walked to Elizabeth. "The only poodle I know is one a rude ass bitch gave me to keep." Elizabeth said before the man looked at her shocked. "Oh, uh. Well then, I can take the poodle if you want. I've got cash." The man said before Elizabeth looked at him. "I only said that a woman needed to pay for puppies to get her to leave. Goodbye, sir." Elizabeth said before she closed the door and watched the corgi sniff around the house. "Hey, little guy. Are you hungry?" Elizabeth asked before the corgi looked up at her. "I'll go and get you something to eat." Elizabeth said before she walked to the kitchen. Muffins and shadow walked to the corgi as they seen that he was scared. "Hi, new friend. What's your name?" Shadow asked before the corgi left and went outside. "Did I do something wrong?" Shadow asked as muffins sit down. "No but you need to give him some time." Muffins said as she watched him go to the bathroom on the tree outside.
Elizabeth walked out to the living room and then looked around holding a bag of treats. "Where'd he go?" Elizabeth asked before she started heading outside. "Oh there you are." Elizabeth said as the corgi waddled to her. Muffins and shadow looked at each other before Elizabeth looked at the dog tag. "Axel. What an amazing name." Elizabeth said as she smiled while giving Axel a treat. "Muffins and shadow come here." Elizabeth said before the both of them walked to her. "You both get treats too." Elizabeth said with a smile on her face as she watched them eat.
Elizabeth left before Axel looked at both Muffins and shadow. "Don't be my friends. Poodles are snooty and pugs are scum. I am only staying here a few days and frankly your owner can do better then you two." Axel said before Muffins growled at him. "You learn your place in our house. Or Elizabeth will have to clean up a blood stain." Muffins said before Muffins and shadow left Axel. "Muffins, you be nice." Elizabeth said before she looked at Axel. "I'm so sorry, sweet angel." Elizabeth said before going back to

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