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Book online «Kingdom of a thousand [EN Premier] (BX-Edition) by Eftos Eftos (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Eftos Eftos

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girl with red hair. As robust as it was built just goes through as such. Quite clear that such a caliber must prove military history. She also appears in the orbit of the Herald is only natural.
Mikkel bye to the young prince, he has to do something technical management. He mumbles something about Secretariat and Hippolyta hoax.
Therefore Henley goes alone over to the community room next to the cafeteria. Once there, he sees Svinenysh Patchara and sit together at one table.
The first waves his arms and looks animating over to second. This sits with his elbows on the table and his head between both hands. Henley knows immediately what that meant.
"Well, during the training? He asks in the round. "I just returned" babbles off Svinø "Look, I show Patschala, the sssuper."
This looks at Henley for help and discovered a reason, at least briefly, to change the subject.
"So now tell me: How was the first hour," you ask Him. Henley wants to answer when drowns him a strong female voice.
"Wuäh, look at diee! Looks like! "It's the stocky girl from before and she means Patchara. Her name is Margot Rottweil. The name gives it away: it is the twelve year old daughter of his brother's personal assistant to Maj. Gen. Rebelkov.
She taunts continued, "I say: All in one bag and return to Indi!" Some of your companions giggle. A schleimt even "How right you are, dear Margot."
Patchara pulls up her eyes a bit, but looks more to Henley. In a lot of you can read: What is this? What is this? But also: How stupid is that?
Otherwise, you ignore the attack sent, just like Svinenysh, although this is ignored because it has two buttons in the ear and is just the latest Ruba-Medley purely draws from the grid.
Henley is still not on a collision course. He could have easily said exactly what Margot had definitely heard the least liked. Oh yes, he certainly annoy you could, instead, he simply says: "So much for military history. Need I say more? "Patchara slightly shakes his head.
Margot makes a disparaging gesture yet in your direction, then the pack is also passed by already.
Another military history-haunted problem but still around in Henley's head: "If I only knew what this Iliev against me ..." he says to himself. Patchara makes big eyes. Something she keeps in mind.
The next day, then determines the Svinenysh by lot was chosen as the first hold his lecture. Same in the next hour inter-regional communication it's his turn.
That brings him completely off track! Just two days! Constantly hums Patcharas Comm and the songs that he be sent crazy. In the highest octaves you jump to an estimated 200 BPM.
In one of them says Patchara "Stop!". It is the shortest of them all. "Galactic" and say it's just 2:41 minutes long.
Svinø looks at her: "Aaah, you like Galactic! Yeah! Each Trymoo to know, love all Ruba! We rehearse the same. Come on, I search the room. "
It is always just trundles off the school day so young Ruba, Patchara shuffles behind his head drooping. It expresses briefly Henley and cheer them on. "Be glad it is over soon. That's the best anyway. 'll Be right "
Well, enthusiasm is different. So she crawls behind him still in a stooped posture. Patchara can be happy that Margot Rottweil shows no inter-regional communication. That would be a godsend for you.
Of course, the other compartments of the Alanis were also interesting. At times, even then sneaks Mikkel Silva with the curves, but mostly he is left alone. Just like his uncle Nef earlier in this mysterious prison and he is more of a loner.
He also occupied other, mostly technical subjects. Inter-regional communication interests him very little contrast. Is clear from the caliber of Mikkel Silva connection, even if he was the youngest student of the entire Alanis College. Probably it is for him to even the youngest ever, although this is pure conjecture. Regis Vect know the detail.
Let's put it this way: From our triumvirate is no Quadriga become Mikkel although both Patchara "Hello, nice to meet you" and Svinenysh "Aha! You are small! "Was presented.
Unlike Mikkel Inter Region Communication is a huge issue in the latter, and even with Patchara. Next hour or so it's their turn, then roll your head.
Unfortunately, unexpectedly, the guillotine falls, but even earlier. Just a quick group strutting round the corner in the hallway of our three heroes.
It is the girls' transition to Margot Rottweil, even one or two guys are among them. Margot has set up a devastating, triumphant grimace. Even from 15 feet away She screams:
"Aaah, they are at times, since the dancers!" All laugh out of your allegiance, even Svinø looks in your direction, he sees you even now for the first time
"Come on, Petch-a-boon, swinging your hips, lol!" Wobble you stupid in your direction. Patchara itself remains calm but alert Svinenysh looks in your direction.
Although the Ruba are hardworking and lovable and strife is virtually unknown among their peers, but he recognizes the situation rectified immediately. He says: "you are evil! A cow that. "
She laughs. "Petch-a-boon now needs a toilet cleaner in order to defend themselves" Then turns to Ruba and hisses: "Shut your big edge you Trymoo zero. Kicked you belong! "
Their attack against the weaker Ruba was a mistake, because now the time has come for Henley intervene. Patchara is too smart to be provoked, but the attack on Svinenysh cries for vengeance.
Henley is on Margot and says quietly: "I have no idea who you are and I do not care also. But I've never seen such a jealous box like you. "Then Margot has no answer.
"So you're also under-exposed, so you know that you are inferior in every point Patchara. You almost burst with envy. Your soap bubble around yourself around that's known. "
Svinø clasped his hands and says "Oh, oh, oh, yes!" He nods to severe.
It is only at the handsome prince that his words hit a chord. If he had anyone been so overflowed so you could have missed your effect. But as it sees him one way or another from the bladder with admiration. Margot gets with this. She snorts:
"Well good luck with your childish performance. I'd love to look at me like, but such a trade show only loser! "
She cooks, turns on his heel and applied to the struts through the back passage she had arrived a few minutes.
You follow the course, some try to reassure others smile again at Henley stupid loving and blink thereby. Then you also have disappeared.
"Thank Henley" Patchara said "Oh yes, it is evil" Svinenysh. This scene just result shall remain private, without being noticed by their classmates. The three were the first to find room E12.
Aha, look here, just now creeping Heexio the Palk Eemit cozy at the same corner down the corridor. Not three minutes later the teacher closes the door.
Inside has Svinø, probably yesterday, a little redecoration. The teacher's desk, he had thrown a bit, the first row is pushed back three feet. This results in a small dance floor.
Behind her in the wall he has hung up a chain of colored lights. Patchara dizzy, Svinenysh Comm closes his room at the sound system, with your hidden in the ceiling speakers. Crack!
Then coast down the first one even classmates. The Ruba rotates now complete! He constantly talks to his poor background dancer, and in between he shrugs at unprecedented speed.
Five minutes later, all students sit in rapt anticipation to your seats. Heexio Palk takes the floor:
"In our series of specific habits and habitat, krrrk, cultures, we are now experiencing our first paper, in this case, krrrr, there is even a show." Svinø puffs up, Patchara pulls together even more.
"So today is the Svinenysh Ruba, kllck, together with its support for the popular music Patchara Petch-a-boon the green, Krock, forest moon Trymoo in sound and dance dar."
"You want maybe something kracc, more accurate to say this, dear Svinenysh?"
"Ooh yes, there is Galactic, well known to Trymoo. All Ruba like! "In fact, sit Svinø's fellows with bright eyes in their seats, ready loszutanzen. Some chug along even slightly.
"Come on then, then!" Svinenysh calls and presses the button. The show begins, the whining going on trötet.
The image on stage is as follows: Front Svinenysh. He shakes everything he has, including the head, joints, bones, fingers and feet.
He constantly goes around in circles and jerks to fiercely. With his distinct facial expressions, he supports the song. This screw is always higher and faster and faster.
The audience responded revered divided: the human species simply amazed. Jaw down so many sitting there. Eemits the other hand, it goes much too quickly. Although they look back, but seems to be some of you's dizzy. Some hold hands before his eyes. The speed of presentation exceed your collection force.
Unlike the Ruba: They all make almost perfectly in sync with. Of course, less wild than Svinenysh on the dance floor. He is the lead dancer, so to speak, the measure of all things.
And Patchara? How are you making? Well, quite OK. She meets the district well and dance with pretty unremarkable but accurately and skillfully in the background. Of course, the least look at them, except perhaps Henley.
Oh lala! The climax of the composition and thus Svinø's performance is coming! He is now only in the air and makes it the wildest contortions, and even screws. He stutters every sixteenth note with any body part from it.
Then it gets quiet, shortly thereafter, are Patchara will thank's, the already over 2:41 minutes.
What is it? Thunderous applause from all corners! They even look in the window. The entrance to the class is packed with people.
Henley opens the disc, Mikkel Silva and a few others going to jump. What happened?
Well, just wanted Svinenysh Although the system connect to his class but he must have confused Comm actually the connections. The whole school intercom, he had wired!
All you are left out there now and run around, even a brilliant Regis Vect underneath.
How you had been found? Easy! Such things can happen only in inter-regional communication. The director had already started running when the cracker plant, the others were near or free tuition. Even now, still one more spin and more.
Svinø looks around, overwhelmed! He expresses Patchara briefly but she was more than she knew herself, participated in the success. Seconds later sneaks these unobserved, happy and as fast as possible to your place next to Henley. Then cheer on both their friend.
All you are now because, even Heexio Palk rises and claps as fast as it allows its Eemit geometry. In a hundred and fifty years he had never seen such a performance. He also pays tribute to the talented young Ruba respect. 
(XIII) promotion
Rebelkov waiting. This time, however, he is inwardly delighted shrieks. Oh yes, he can be barbaric.
Increases in the anteroom of his office while his personal assistant, Ms. Helga Rottweil a visitor in reception: "Good day, sir," she greeted him.
"Dear Mrs. Assistant General Rottweil, it is my honor and pleasure at the same time," responds Alepto Retzlav, where he bows slightly.
"Please, sir," blushes replies Rotten "The General is waiting for you. I would like to sign personally. "She turns around and knocks on Rebelkov's door. "Ah yes" and "come clean" is intended to be heard. Helga turned your back so to speak and host: "Please stand up."
Retzlav jagged jerks, kicking, his cap tucked under his arm in the office of his superiors. He immediately gives a military salute: "My most esteemed General I am at your complete disposal."
Rebelkov looks at him
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