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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by Heather Ray (early reader chapter books TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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at the defiant Power Ranger, who was holding his blaster in a no-nonsense manner.


, Tommy," Invidious muttered dramatically, straightening his back and pulling Artemis to her feet, "we all know you won't do anything. Your little protector is just too close for comfort."

Artemis grated her teeth in fury as she saw Tommy lower his weapon helplessly. She couldn't believe she had gotten herself into this situation. Here she was, at the mercy of her enemy! And she didn't even manage to get Tommy to safety!

I have to save him,

she decided, her silver eyes closing in concentration, Whatever happens to me, he's got to get out alive!

Invidious' laugh of triumph faded quickly when he noticed the bright uniform of the Red Ranger had suddenly lessened in intensity. He stared in fury as Tommy slowly vanished from the scene in a ripple of energy.

"Looks like this mission was a wash, Invidious," Artemis said, cold satisfaction in her voice, "I do

hope I didn't get you in trouble with your boss just now."

Invidious snarled angrily, turning her around and yanking her into the air to make eye contact... bright silver against the deepest ebony.

"The Chosen cannot hide from me," he spat, "Once you're out of the way... no one can protect him from Corruption..."

A smirk crossed Artemis' face, and she quickly thrust her arms out, and grabbed the arm that was holding her brown and silver ringlets. Using her grip on his arm as a balance, she swung her legs back, and launched them forward, jamming her knees into Invidious' groin. His face contorted with silent pain, and his grip weakened, dropping the Avatar. She rolled onto her feet, and stood beside him as he writhed along the dusty ground breathlessly.

"You're more human than you look," she commented brazenly, holding out her hand. Her bow, which she dropped when she created the silver flame, responded to her command and flew into her grip. She turned to fire her arrow again, but she saw Invidious' form melting into the ground like a black snowball.

"We'll meet again, Avatar," he muttered weakly, until he was nothing but a puddle. Then, the puddle seeped into the cracks of the ground, leaving no trace of the creature in his wake.

Artemis stared at the spot for a moment, and then hurried back to Tommy's car, which was still parked where he left it. She was trying to decide what to do with the automobile when she saw a red form racing up the cliffside.

"What did you do?!" he demanded, his voice heavy with exhaustion, "I was at the bottom of the cliff! And I couldn't even teleport back!"

A wry smile crossed her rose lips. "Your communicator and your teleporter have been compromised by Invidious, in order to trick you to drive here. I suggest you ask Billy or Zordon to fix them as soon as possible. You should be able to remain in contact with your friends at all times."

The Red Ranger remained still for a moment, pondering over this revelation. "But, why did you send me away?"

"I had to get you out of danger." She turned, and her cold silver eyes locked with the obscure visor of his helmet. "You were in my way."

Kimberly couldn't see his face, but she easily perceived the surprise he displayed in reaction to her comment. He stiffened, and his head and shoulders twitched slightly. It wasn't a very dramatic response, yet as the Huntress, any movement was quite clear to her.

"Well," he muttered, "I apologize for being so incompetent."

Kimberly huffed in annoyance. She knew all to well how easy it was for her, or anyone else, for that matter, to bruise Tommy's ego. He never could deal with being useless. Still, she found it exceptionally odd that he could behave in such a nonchalant manner with her. After all, from his point of view she might as well have been a goddess.

Taking a breath as she mulled over her next words, Kim straightened her back and stood with as regal a posture as possible. After all, the last thing she needed was for Tommy to discern who she was, or even that she was human... Once.

"Perhaps I was too harsh," she said evenly, "however, the opponent you were facing was my enemy. It was my duty to dispatch him... without your help. Nonetheless, thank you for your concern."

An almost imperceptible grin tugged at her pink lips. Wow... I almost sounded like Billy when I said that!

Tommy shrugged slightly, as if he accepted her apology as it was. He then stepped closer to her, clearly with the intention of learning just what had happened that day. Almost unconsciously, Artemis stepped back from him.

"Wait!" Tommy said urgently, perceiving her intention of leaving, "D.. don't go yet. Who are you? How did you know me? You said my name..."

Artemis turned her back to him, and began fading into the night. At the climax of the teleportation, a faint ripple of silver energy caused the beautiful, yet cold warrior to vanish from this plane of existence. Tommy stared at the spot where she stood just a moment earlier, still flabbergasted. Finally, after a few moments, he shrugged and powered down. He sighed in exasperation, and walked back to his jeep, his mind swimming with questions about what had just happened.

Chapter Thirteen

Kim released a deep breath as she collapsed onto her bed in exhaustion. A faint wave of energy passed over her body, reverting her out of her garb of the Huntress. With an almost dreamy smile on her face, she pulled off her pearl brooch, and stared at her dull reflection in its shiny surface.

"I did it," she sighed, "I did it! I saved him! That Death Orb prophecy won't happen... not as long as Artemis is around! I sure walloped that Invidious guy!"

A girlish giggle escaped her, and she rolled onto her stomach, her tone legs dangling off the side. A glint of curiosity in her fawn eyes, Kim scrambled to her feet and looked towards the large window.

"I wonder if... I can see him now," she thought, her teeth gently pressing against her lower lip. A faint glow from her bed caught her by surprise, causing her to turn around and investigate. A smile of excitement swept over her features as she saw an image of Tommy at the wheel of his jeep, his mind clearly lost in thought.

Wow, this power of Purity really did bond us. I can see him... he looks so good


Despite herself, a warm blush rose in her already flushed cheeks. She couldn't deny the reaction she felt when she first saw Tommy, after all the time they were apart. His dark eyes were as endearing as ever. Also, his hair was longer, and for a change he wore it curly.

She always liked it more curly. It was more luxurious that way.

In truth, she had to consciously control herself when she was in close proximity with him. After Invidious was gone, and the threat was averted, she had wanted so badly to simply leap into his welcoming embrace. Just like she frequently did after a monumental battle as the Pink Ranger, all that time ago. A lifetime ago...

Her daydreaming quickly faded when the dreary reality struck her yet again that she'd never feel his embrace again. Once again, the chilling consequences of fate set in her heart, leaving her cold inside.

Her warm smile melting away into an expressionless mask, Kim returned to her bed, and lay on her back, stretching her limbs and quietly succumbing to the exhaustion that resulted from such a long day of activities.

She had already drifted into the lower levels of consciousness when a swirling flash of white light heralded the arrival of the Servon of Purity.

"Kimberly," Castimonia said gently, standing beside the bed and gazing down at Kim's closed eyes. Kim cracked them open, and noted Castimonia's disapproving expression.

"What?" Kim asked, sitting up with a great deal of effort, "I did it. I saved him!"

Castimonia sighed dramatically. "Yes you did, and you fought valiantly against that creature. But

, part of your mission was not to let Tommy know he was in danger, or to know of your existence. Now he knows he is a target."

"I couldn't prevent it," Kim argued half-heartedly, "Invidious caught me by surprise. This is my first mission as Artemis, you know. I didn't know what I was up against."

"Still, Tommy knows the forces of Corruption have tried to kill him. This could complicate matters..."

"He's alive," Kim said, almost bitterly, "Count your blessings."

Castimonia's eyes widened at the dullness in Kimberly's voice. She sat at the edge of the bed, and smiled warmly at the girl.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I am being insensitive to your feelings." Her eyes took on the expression of seriousness. "However, you realize the more you interact with him, the more you will miss him."

"But... I can't just not interact," Kim said quietly, "You just don't understand... how much I want to be with him. Just to hear his voice... or see him up close."

I understand far better than you realize, Kimberly,

Castimonia reflected, rising to her feet again, "Perhaps that is true, but believe me when I tell you that the more you see him, the more you will want to see him. It's inevitable."

Kim sighed in defeat. "I... I know. But, I have to go to Earth when he gets the letter. I need to see how he reacts to it. I have to know if I handled things the right way."

Castimonia's eyebrow rose. "You know how difficult that will be for you to face? Especially since you cannot offer him any comfort?"

Kim nodded. "I know, but it's the only way for me to know the truth. Watching from the Moon is simply... too disjointed. I have to see him up close, not observe him from afar. You understand... don't you?"

Castimonia nodded finally. "As you wish, Kim. I trust you to be careful, and restrain yourself."

With that, Purity walked to the door. "Now get some rest. You've had an eventful day."

Kim grimaced. "That's one

way to put it." And the worst isn't even over yet...

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