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as can be expected."

There was a moment of awkward silence. The kind that always showed up whenever Adam and Tanya were alone.

"So," said Adam. "How long are you gonna be in Kenya?"

"I...I don't know. A few weeks, I guess."

"Wow," said Adam. "That's a long time."

"Yeah," said Tanya with a sigh, "I'm really gonna miss you guys. Especially you, Adam."

Adam lifted his head and looked up at her, his eyes wide. Tanya smiled warmly, and approached him.

"I never got a chance to wish you Happy New Year," she said, taking his hand. Adam looked at her questioningly, and blushed when he remembered New Year's Eve, where they were inches from a kiss before Sandman attacked. Suddenly, all his fear faded when he saw her so close to him. He knew she felt the same way as he did, so his shyness melted. Adam gently pulled her closer, and lowered his head to meet her lips in their first kiss. It was sweet and sad, because it said everything these two youths have been trying to say practically from the day they met to today. Including goodbye.

Neither noticed Katherine, who had peeked into the bedroom to check on them. She smiled when she saw her best friend in the arms of the man she loved, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. She turned back to the living room, where her parents and Tanya's parents were.

"Where's Tanya?" Agatha said. "We have to leave. The plane leaves in two hours."

"Give her a minute," said Kat. "She's saying goodbye."

To Be Continued In...

The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 5:

Storm Front

Excerpt from The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 5: Storm Front

The fluffy white snowflakes gently fall from the overcast sky, forming a chilly blanket over the city of Philadelphia. Although this usually mean5 traffic hazards, black ice, and slippery sidewalks, once high school girl was excited to see snow fall. And it was not because of school being cancelled. She just loved the sight of snow on a January morning. And although it snowed rather frequently in Pennsylvania, snow was an extremely rare sight in Southern California. And that was where she was moving to.

I can't believe its snowing!

she thought in amazement. And it couldn't have been a better time! Next week, Jonny, Denise and I are getting in an airplane, and heading back for sunny Angel Grove! After over a year, I'm finally going to see the gang again! Man, its been so long...

Alexis was lying on her stomach, spread across the length of her full size bed, with her head propped up on her palms. She had a serene smile on her face as she watched the snowfall from her apartment window. All around her room were cardboard boxes, half-filled with various odds and ends, and a few suitcases. She also had one trusted duffel bag that contained all the essentials that she would most likely need before all the unpacking was finished. Among them was a small silver rectangular box, with a bright golden coin attached to it. That was Alexis' morpher, which transformed her into the mighty Purple Power Ranger, who drew power from the noble Eagle.

I can't wait to be back in action. Not that I haven't been doing anything this past year. I fought crime as best I could, even though the only time I had a chance was at night. And I did have that way cool adventure with Spiderman. But other than that, I just fly around. I absolutely love flying about aimlessly, but a little adventure every now and then sure spices up life. And I know that once I rejoin the Power Rangers, I'm gonna be in for some major battles with intergalactic goons. Last time I spoke to Kimberly on Billy's Ranger Com system, she told me all about the new Terra team, and about Zack and Jason coming back. It's a shame that the Ranger-Com system shut down several weeks ago. Kim called me on the regular phone about a week after, explaining that the satellite Billy launched vanished, so the signals couldn't be sent across country. So, it was time to resort to the good-ole paper and pen...

Just then, a knock at the door snapped Alexis out of her reverie.

"Uh, come in," she called, sitting up on her bed. Her older sister Denise walked into the room, and shook her head.

"Lex, don't you think you should stop daydreaming, and finish studying?" she asked, eyeing Alexis' scattered belongings. "Why did you pack so much? We're not leaving for a week!"

"I know," Alexis said, "but I can't focus on anything else!"

"Look Lex, I know you're excited about seeing your friends and all, but you have midterms to study for! Monday is the first day of exams, and we won't be leaving here until next Saturday. We specifically stayed the extra week so you can take all your exams and finish this semester before transferring schools again."

"Actually, you wanted to stay to get your law degree," Alexis said with a grin. Denise chuckled.

"You're right," she admitted, sitting beside her sister. "Although the school can mail it to me, I'd rather get it in person. After all this work, I've finally graduated from Law School!"

"I still can't believe it," said Alexis. "You managed to double up on your classes the past two semesters, as well as take summer courses, in order to get all the required credits a full semester ahead of time. After breezing through your last set, you passed the standard exam, and passed with flying colors!"

"Believe me, Sis, there was no 'breezing'

about it! Law school is hard work to begin with, and to juggle that with raising a baby, work, and finishing early, I didn't have time to breathe. Thank God I've been feeling well. The doctors have been pestering me to try not to over-exert myself, since I could easily contract any number of diseases. But I haven't...yet."

Alexis' smile fell slightly as she saw a shadow cross over her sister's face. A year ago this past November, Denise Johnson was diagnosed with AIDS, which she contracted from her ex-husband Martin before their break-up. Although she was ill with a serious, and terminal disease, Denise was determined not to let that stop her from achieving. She blatantly refused to go live in Angel Grove, where her mother recently moved, until after she had finished Law School at the University of Pennsylvania. More than anything, Denise wanted to prove to everyone...including herself...that she could live a full life. So Alexis decided to move in with Denise, leaving behind her life in Angel Grove to help her sister take care of Jonathan, enabling her to focus more on her studies. Despite all her difficulties, Denise succeeded in finishing her curriculum, and she was now officially graduated from law school.

"Too bad you don't get a graduation," said Alexis.

"I had a big graduation party from high school, and that's enough. Besides, I'm not much of a party person. So, changing the subject, have you told your friends you're moving back to Angel Grove?"

"I mailed my friends Kimberly and Jason letters as soon as I found out when we were leaving."

"Just the two of them?" asked Denise, a glint of surprise in her emerald eyes, "I thought you had a big group of friends."

"Yeah, well I am part of a close-knit group, but I'm closest to Kimberly and Jason. Kimberly, along with Aisha and Trini, were the girls I hung out with. But Trini and Aisha moved away, so they aren't in Angel Grove anymore. And Jason is...well..."

"He's that guy you fell in love with the moment you met," Denise narrated with a grin. Alexis rolled her eyes, and playfully punched her older sister on the arm.

"I guess," Alexis admitted. "Anyway, we were keeping in touch pretty well, him being in Geneva and all, but as time passed, we kinda fell out of touch. When he moved back to Angel Grove, I haven't heard from him more than three times since. I guess we're both just busy people."

"But you still talk to Kimberly a lot."

"Kim likes to talk. Jason really doesn't. Still, they'll both be surprised when they get those letters! They should be arriving any day now."

Character Thesaurus

So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)

That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!

The Terran Rangers

Jason Lee Scott - Black Terran Ranger

Full Name:

Jason Lee Scott
Ranger Designation:

Black Terran Ranger

Earth Sword, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Black Zeo Shard

Black Rhinoceros Zord

Strong and fearless, Jason is the former Black Terran Ranger and original leader of the Power Rangers. To Jason went the Black Zeo Shard, giving him the power of the Earth, and control of the Rhinoceros Zord. Black Terran Ranger's power weapon is the Earth Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Terran Ranger, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. His tactical knowledge and fighting skill make him the ultimate Ranger. Jason closely follows the rules of

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