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eighteen, or if you're not her legal guardian -- I can't rent the room.”

Dyppa set her bag on the counter, fished through it and retrieved her driver's license. The clerk regarded it and her, then handed it to her. “Karen Wilson...” He counted on his fingers. “Eighteen but just...”

“Would it make a difference if I turned eighteen yesterday or twenty years ago?” Dyppa asked.

“No -- legal's legal. I'm sorry, but last month we had some guy in here taking photographs of an underage girl. Since then, whenever some guy comes in with a young-looking girl we have to ask - - management's orders.”

“I understand.” He picked up the key cards and his case. “Come on, Karen...”

Nyk unlocked the room and set his case inside. “Not very fancy.”

“It'll do for one night,” Dyppa said. “I'll sleep on the sofa.”

“No -- you take the bed. I'll take the sofa. Let's see if it folds out.” He lifted the cushions from it and piled them onto the floor; then grabbed the folding mechanism and pulled it open. “There...” He sat on it. The supports collapsed and the mattress folded in the middle. “Maybe if I prop it with the cushions...” The bed collapsed again under his weight. “If I lie on it crosswise...”

“That can't be comfortable.”

“I'll fold it back up and sleep on it like a sofa...” He lifted the frame and pushed against it. “It's jammed,” he grunted.

“Nyk -- the bed is wide enough so we can both sleep in it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes -- no sense either of us being uncomfortable. I'm tired and I'm going to get ready.”

Nyk undressed to his briefs and folded down the covers. He slid in, plumped the pillow and rested his head against it.

“Do you remember?” Dyppa called from the bathroom.

“Remember what?”

“After you found me in Zander's trailer -- we spent that night together?”

“I'll never forget it. You had some sort of nightmare. You were afraid to go to sleep, so I had you get into bed with me.”

“You told me I had to wear a shirt.” She stepped from the bathroom wearing a white satin poet's nightshirt. It was long-sleeved and had an embroidered bodice with lace collar and cuffs. Its hem cut across the upper thirds of her thighs. “Will this do?”

“It's beautiful, Dyppa.”

Her face brightened. “Do you really think so?”

“You look smashing in it,” he replied. “I especially like how it shows off your legs.”

Dyppa turned and regarded herself in the bathroom mirror. “I suppose it does...”

“Where did you get it?”

“At Mayfair.”


“It's a shopping center in Milwaukee. I made friends with a couple of the girls at the university and one weekend we went to Mayfair to do some shopping. Earth clothes are fun.”

“Is that what you're spending your stipend on?”

“No -- but it's so cold in Wisconsin. I wanted something to wear in bed so I wouldn't be chilly. I bought this because it's pretty.”

“It is indeed.”

She turned down the covers and lay beside him. “So, do you remember my nightmare?”

“You said some pool of evil was stalking you.”

“I know what triggered it. Do you know what it was?”

“No, what?”

“It was a sock.”

“A sock?”

“Yes. That morning, I was terrified to look in the bedroom. I finally peeked in and saw a sock on the floor. When I got undressed, I must've dropped one of my socks. Then, I was in some dream or something, opened my eyes and saw the sock. In my dream it became the pool of evil -- pulsing and growing and slithering toward me.” She shuddered. “I've never been so scared -- I still get creepy thinking about it.”

“I can see that happening,” he replied. “I've had those sorts of night terrors, especially if I'm in unfamiliar surroundings. I'll see a light or something, and it turns into something terrifying.”

“I felt so foolish when I saw what it was. You have to admit -- it is funny, though.”

He chuckled. “Yes -- I don't recall ever feeling threatened by a sock.”

“I remember how nice it felt when you held me. I calmed down right away... It was a happy moment. I haven't had many of those.”

“I hope that's changing for you.”

“Oh, it is... Nyk?”


“I'm having trouble falling asleep. It must be anxiety from traveling. I hope you don't mind me talking to you like this.”

“No, Dyppa. I'm enjoying it -- it's more of us forming that understanding.”

“Would you hold me again? It might help me calm down so I can fall asleep.”

“Dyppa... I don't think that's a good idea.”

“Are you afraid of me?”

“No, not of you -- maybe of me.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“I'll admit I am attracted to you, Dyppa.”

“You told me last time I was young and all youth is beautiful. Am I aging well?”

“You seem to remember well that night.”

“When I arrived at the rehabilitation center, it was all I could think of. I went over it in my mind -- again and again.”

“Dyppa -- you've hardly aged at all. Yes, youth is pretty and you're a young and pretty girl. But -- I'm attracted even more to your persona.”

She rolled to face him. “Really?” she asked and smiled.

“Yes. You're a bright young woman with a bright future.”

She slid over and lay against him. “I like your persona, too.”

“Dyppa, don't...”

“This room is chilly, Nyk.”

“Yes -- It's a chilly winter in Arizona. I'm a bit uncomfortable, too.”

“Can't I stay here? I like feeling your warmth. I won't start anything.”

“All right -- you can stay here.” He slipped his arm around her.

She reached across him and rested her face against his shoulder. “This feels good.”

He felt her ankle against his shin. “Your skin is so cool,” he said.

“I told you -- I'm chilly. I'll warm up fast like this. Good night, Nykkyo.”

“Good night, Dyppa.” He switched off the light and tried to will himself to sleep.

“Mmm...” she said.

“Mmm what?”

“Your hand on my arm -- it's warm ... it feels good.”

He lifted his hand. “I'm sorry -- I didn't want you to think I was trying to start something.”

“I know. You didn't have to stop. It's just ... I could feel your sincerity. Lom used to touch me like that. I think that's why I fell in love with him -- I could feel sincerity in his touch. And -- sadness.” She put her hand to her mouth. “I'm sorry, Nyk. I shouldn't be talking about another man.”

“Talk about him all you like,” Nyk replied. “It's not like we're sleeping together. I mean, yes -- technically, we're in the same bed but we're not -- you, know...”

“I know what you mean. I like your other hand on my back, too. It feels good. Okay, I'll be quiet so we can sleep. Good night...”

“Good night, Dyppa.” Nyk closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. He released it slowly and attempted to relax.


“What, Dyppa?”

“I feel some of the same sadness in your touch... Are you unhappy?”

“I'm unhappy that I must spend so much time away from the woman I love.”

“But -- you love an Earth woman. You told me about her.”

“She's living on Floran, now.”

Why is she there?”

“It's a long story...” He looked upward. “Here's the short version... I told you Suki is an ancestor to Koichi Kyhana.”

“I remember. I remember we talked about the risk of upsetting future events. I appreciate it more, now that I've had Agency training. After all, without Koichi, there'd be no Floran. It's temporal interference like they taught me.”

“Exactly. About a year ago, Koichi's genealogy surfaced on Floran. It listed all his ancestors, including Suki -- the dates of their births, their spouses, their children ... the dates of their deaths.”

Dyppa's eyes widened. “Nyk... Do you mean you know when Suki will die?”

“No. I know when she died -- on September Eleven, in the Trade Center attack. Her father, too... He had an office there and she went to deliver some papers to him. That's how Earth history reads, at least. I learned about it from Floran records. But -- I couldn't stand by and watch her die. So, instead...”

“ snatched her and took her to Floran.” She smiled. “What a perfect solution to a terrible dilemma.”

“I dared not attempt changing history. According to this world's record -- she is a member of the dearly departed. But -- she didn't need die to leave. And, now... I'm living in her house and raising her son ... when I'm not traveling on some plum assignment for Seymor, that is.”

Dyppa kissed Nyk's cheek.

“What was that for?”

“For what you did for Suki ... and for what you've done for me. I think you're sweet. I'm a sucker for any man who treats me halfway decently.”

“Any man?”

“Not many do. Once they discover I'm an ex-prostitute -- they think all I want is one thing. It's not true.”

“They don't have to know.”

“They knew at Agency training, and they certainly knew at the reeducation center. They don't understand. It was only a job to me. I'm still a human being with wants and needs. I want to ... I need to feel closeness, tenderness -- a connection ... like I feel from you. Nyk -- It's been such a long time.”

“Since you've made love?”

“That, too. No -- since anyone has treated me with the sort of acceptance you show me. Do you really not care about my past?”

“Dyppa -- I believe a person should be judged by who she IS, not by who or what she WAS. The fact you were a ... a...”

“A prostitute -- you can say, it Nyk. I know I was a prostitute. Go ahead -- say it ... pros- ti-tute...”

“ of those ... has almost no bearing on my opinion of you.”


“My admiration for where you are is even greater because I know from where you came.” She smiled. “What happened in the past are the events that formed you. Without them -- you'd be a different you.”

“You are so sweet.” She kissed his cheek and snuggled against him. “I'm happy you're my boss, Nykkyo. I know Seymor won't sponsor someone like me, but if he would -- I don't think I'd want him as my boss. He frightens me.”

“Seymor's all right -- he's a good guy. I've worked with him for nearly three years now. I've learned he's like a confection that's gone stale -- hard and crusty on the outside but sweet and a little tender inside.”

Dyppa giggled.

“I can't imagine him with a woman,” Nyk continued.

“I think I can,” she replied. “After all, even crusty men need love, too.”

“I suppose. I wonder what sort of woman is Seymor's type.”

She kissed his cheek again. “Thanks for the conversation, Nyk. I'll let you sleep now. Good night.”

“Good night, Dyppa.” Nyk rolled to face her. He gazed into her eyes, illuminated by a shaft of light from a streetlamp shining through a gap in the curtains. He closed his eyes, pursed his lips and drew in a deep breath.

“Nyk -- is something wrong?”

“I'm becoming angry.”

“With me? For keeping you awake? I'm sorry...”

“No, Dyppa -- not with you. I was thinking of what I was doing when I was the age you were...” He shook his head. “I hadn't a care. I was safe, dumb and happy in my womb of a family. I hung out with my friends, watched holofilms... sneaked a hit on euphoriants now and then... When I think of how you were misused at that age.... Dyppa -- no one should have to lose her innocence the way you did. You were robbed of your childhood. That was the crime -- to abuse an underage little girl...”

“Nyk...” She caressed his cheeks with both hands. “It's done ... it's over and I came through it. Maybe I have a better appreciation for what I have now because of it. Those were the events that formed me -- you said so, yourself.”

He sighed and nodded. “It makes me angry, anyway.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “When I look into your eyes -- it fills me with a ... a deep sorrow ... and, anger for what they did to you.”

“You're the sweetest man...” She kissed his lips and drew back. They lay, faces inches apart and gazed into each other's eyes. Nyk could feel her breath on his cheeks.

“You have the bluest eyes,” he said. “Even in this light, they look so blue.” He leaned toward her, kissed her eyelids and she giggled. Dyppa slipped her hand behind his head and drew his face to hers. They kissed. “No, Dyppa...”

“Do you know how irresistible you are when you say no?” She brought her lips to his. They kissed again and he felt her tongue against his. “Do you know how hard it was for me last time?” She held his head and peppered his face with kisses. “While

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