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Book online «The Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (good inspirational books .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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came back to the hotel. I figured that would be the best place to look for any family members, since this is where I found him. The receptionist was kind enough to give me your room number."

"He'll be all right, then?" Connie asked, daring to hope for the best.

"I don't know," Chris admitted, "I came to bring you to the hospital."

"Yes," Monica said, grabbing her purse from the couch, "Let's go."

"But... how are we going to get all the way to the hospital?" Connie inquired.

"I'll take you," Chris answered, stepping towards the window. He pulled the frame open, and then opened the screen, allowing the freezing air to whirl into the room. The strong winds immediately blew out the fragile candle flames, immersing the room in darkness.

The thick blackness was crushed when a brilliant white light pulsed from Chris, in the shape of two powerful wings, stretching from his back and towards the high ceiling.

"Ohmigod!" Connie shrieked in shock, shielding her eyes from the blinding light, "What are you... some kind of angel?"

"Nope," he answered, wrapping one arm around Connie's waist, "Just another one of the good guys."

He then pulled Monica towards him, and stepped towards the window. "Now hold on tight, and brace yourselves. My energy shield will protect you, but it's still pretty cold out there."

Both women held their breath in alarm as the three leapt out of the window, the intense white light generated by the hero lighting their path.
Chapter Eighteen

The six members of the Spectrum Force stood at the base of Spectra's throne in silence. Tamara was holding onto Keith's hand fiercely, as if trying to squeeze the anxiety from her body. Matt was leaning slightly on Jocelyn's shoulder, still weak from his strained transformation. Spectra regarded her team for a brief moment, and walked down the stairs that stood between them.

"Matt has already run out of power," Rachel said, disappointment evident in her expression, "so the rest of us can't have very much left. Our battle with Shiva has depleted us."

"Have you reached a decision?" Spectra inquired. Rachel nodded, sliding off the silver ring that decorated her right hand. She held the ring between her index finger and thumb, and gazed at the gemstone wistfully. She then held it out to her mentor.

"I'm just sorry I failed you," she whispered quietly, "You trusted me to lead the Spectrum Force, and protect Earth. I couldn't do it."

Spectra shook her head, and took the ring from the former Purple Enforcer. "You did not fail me. By forsaking the White Stone, you are ensuring the continued existence of the entire universe. You have managed to see beyond your home, to the bigger picture. I am proud of you."

Keith, who was standing beside Rachel, let go of Tamara's hand, and pulled his ring off as well. He sighed deeply, and handed it to Spectra.

"I'm... sorry I yelled at you," he said quietly, "It's not your fault this happened."

"I know you didn't blame me," Spectra said, accepting the red stone, "Frustration makes people say and do things they normally wouldn't."

Tamara's eyes were glassy as she slowly slid the silver band off her finger. "Thanks for letting me be a part of this," she said, "I never dreamed I could accomplish anything so important. We lost this time, but the fat lady hasn't sung yet."

Spectra smiled at Tamara's optimism. "I am proud for having served with you."

Spectra continued down the line, and a silent Craig thrust out his hand, with the blue ring sitting in his palm. "The fate of the universe is in your hands now."

"And I couldn't have done anything without your sacrifice," Spectra said, accepting the stone.

"Here," said Matt, holding out his green ring, "Take care of it, will you?"

"I shall," Spectra answered.

"So, this is the end of the Spectrum Force," Jocelyn said solemnly, adding her ring to the six in Spectra's palm, "After all the fighting, for it to end like this...?"

"The Nightfall will be captured once again, and the universe will continue," Spectra said, "It may be hard to fathom at this point, but we have gained the greater victory."

Spectra ascended the stairs, and sat down. She opened her palm, and the six stones separated from the silver bands, and began rotating in a circle of white light.

"Since they are so low on energy, it shall take about an hour for the stones to be rejoined into a whole. If you do manage to come up with any other ideas before that time, please bring them to my attention. Even without your stones, you can reach me telepathically, and I can return you here. All is not lost yet."

Suddenly, Chris flew through the window, passing through the force field that kept out the force of the elements. He landed on the golden tiles, and his mask automatically pulled down his neck, revealing a dark grimace on his ghostly visage.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked urgently, walking towards him. He shook his head in the negative, and looked past Rachel to Keith.

"I... I'm afraid I have some bad news," Chris said, looking directly at the former Red Enforcer. The latter's eyebrow rose.

"What news can possibly be worse than the death of the entire human race?" he muttered bitterly.

"Your father was attacked by the Denebians," Chris answered, "He's in critical condition in the hospital."

Everyone gasped at the news. Keith's eyes widened, and Tamara grabbed Keith's arm immediately. Keith glanced down at her blankly, and then returned his gaze to Chris.

"What... happened?" Keith managed to whisper, his lip quivering.

"I found him out in the snow with an arrow in his chest," Chris answered, "He was alive, but just barely."

"Celea," Craig spat with indignation, clenching his fist.

"Spectra," Keith said, turning back to the throne, "can you send me to the hospital?"

Spectra nodded, and a black circular portal appeared. Keith jumped in, followed by the remainder of the Spectrum Force, and then Chris.

Chapter Nineteen

The hospital waiting room was quiet. There were only about ten people there, considering the inclement weather, coupled with the aliens roaming the streets. Six of those people were UCLA students, who were waiting for their friend and his family, who was visiting a patient in critical condition.

"Why would Celea attack Mr. Maloy?" Jocelyn wondered out loud, "What would she have to gain from it?"

"She wanted to make Keith suffer," Chris said quietly.

Rachel's dark brown eyes widened at the thought. "That would indicate she knew he was Keith's father."

Chris nodded. "I absorbed the memory energy in the arrow. Celea found a photo of Keith in Stephen's wallet, and she recognized him immediately. She also told Stephen that Keith's the Red Enforcer."

"What difference does it make?" Matt muttered darky, leaning forward in his chair and staring at the floor, "We're not the Force anymore anyway. Besides, Keith's dad is probably better off this way. If he... dies... at least he doesn't have to watch his family suffer as the planet falls to the Denebians."

The surrounding teens remained silent in reaction to the bitter observation made by the young man. After a moment, Jocelyn moved to his side, and lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You sound like you've given up."

Matt took a deep breath, and glanced up at her. "Why shouldn't I?"

"Because we're not dead yet," Rachel said, "Even if we lost the Spectrum Stones, we can still fight the Denebians. Sure, we'll be at a disadvantage, but maybe we can form a resistance, or... something!"

Rachel frowned at Matt's doubtful expression. "Besides, Spectra said we have an hour to come up with another plan of action, before she contains the Nightfall in the Spectrum Stone."

"Are you saying we can actually come up with a way to save the world in an hour?" Matt said incredulously, "It's not gonna happen. The only thing that can contain the Nightfall is our Spectrum Stones, and that's the end of it."

Tamara looked at Matthew in amazement, his statement sparking her creative mind with an idea.. Oh my God! Why didn't I think of it before?! It just may work... but it's a longshot. And risky. In fact, they'd never let me go through with it. I... I just can't tell them.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Tamara said, leaving her friends. She stepped into the abandoned bathroom, and concentrated. Spectra, do you hear me?

*I hear you, Tamara.*

Please, bring me to Cloud Castle. I have an idea that might work.

*I shall bring you all here immediately...*

No! Please, just bring me. I don't want the others to know.

There was silence for a moment.

*Very well. I'm sending you a portal.*

Tamara opened her eyes, and saw the black portal open in front of her. She quickly stepped through, and appeared in the throne room of Cloud Castle. She looked up, and saw Spectra seated at her throne, the six Spectrum Stones still orbiting some unseen axis.

"What is your idea, Tamara," Spectra inquired, "and why can it not be shared with your teammates."

"Because they'll try to talk me out of it," Tamara replied, folding her arms over her chest to keep them from shaking, "Okay, remember you said the Spectrum Stones are the only things that can contain Nightfall?"


"Well, who's to say you need all

of them to do it. Maybe one shard is enough."

Spectra regarded the young woman curiously. "There is a substantial difference between a White Stone and a fragment of it. For instance, a colored fragment wouldn't be able to completely contain the Nightfall. Only a white gem can deflect all the light that would feed it."

"But it's not the fact that it's white that keeps the Nightfall imprisoned, right?" Tamara continued, "The white coloring prevents light from entering, and therefore makes Nightfall weak. But it's the actual geometric shape and

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