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Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (best novels to read in english txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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I arrive on the battlefield, covering my mouth to block the dust and debris kicked up from hundreds of energy blasts and heavy footfalls. Trakeena's forces are indeed overwhelming the Rangers, and the obnoxious princess herself is engaged in a heated battle with the Red Ranger.

Incredibly, she gets the upper hand against the leader of the Power Rangers. A well-placed swing knocks his Saber from his hands, and a fierce kick sends him sprawling onto his stomach.

Before he could rise, the Pink Saber lands against his neck.

"How do you like the Pink Quasar Saber now?" she taunts.

Outrage igniting my heart, I dash towards them at my fullest speed. I bodily tackle the unsuspecting spawn of evil, pushing her away from the Red Ranger and knocking us both to the ground.

Fortunately for me, she absorbed most of the impact. I stand up instantly, pulling Kendrix's weapon from Trakeena's loosened grip.

Trakeena rises to strike me, but I marshal all my anger into one furious swing that cuts into Trakeena's bust-enhancing armor. Sparks of magic flow from the blow, tossing her helplessly into the waiting arms of her knight.

Smirking with the confidence of imminent victory, I lift the Saber above my head. Words I've never heard before flow to my tongue: "Go Galactic!"

Kendrix's power...the power I've unleashed. I thrill at the indescribable charge of my first morph, that leaves me feeling righteous, strong, and unbeatable.

When the blinding light fades, I stand before them all as the Pink Galaxy Ranger.

I fall into an unfamiliar battle stance; a deep crouch with the Saber in one hand and the other extended like a claw. "Ready for Round Two?" I challenge.

Trakeena releases a frustrated cry, but her knight holds her close. "My Queen, we cannot win this battle! Look!"

We all turn, and see the Blue, Yellow, and Green Rangers fighting the forces of evil with restored vigor. Perhaps the light of my transformation has given them renewed hope. We're finally a complete team.

Trakeena shakes with impotent anger as she points one sharp finger in my direction. "This isn't over, Has-been!"

She snaps her fingers, and all the monsters vanish in a carrier wave of sickly green energy.

I'm almost giddy with the excitement of my first victory as a Power Ranger, but a single word pulls me down from that euphoric height with a resounding thud.


I turn around to see the Red Ranger dash towards me. Before I could speak a single word, he grabs me in the tightest, most desperate hug I've ever experienced. Over his shoulder I see the other Rangers converge on us, each one eager to greet their lost friend.

They...they didn't see me morph! They must've only seen the energy release.

"I knew you'd come back to us!" he continues, his voice rough with emotion. "I knew it!"

My throat constricts, holding back the words I try to utter. Gods, I can hear the hope in his voice, and it kills me to dash it.

I take a deep breath to steel myself, and will the Power to release me. Red steps back as the transformation breaks, and the startled gasp I hear breaks my heart.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Oh. My. God.

Ten seconds ago, I was the happiest I've ever been. My best friend had been restored, just in time to save our butts from Trakeena! As Leo squeezed the life out of her, I was already planning the special dinner I'd make to celebrate. Kendrix always loved my Chicken ala Kai.

Then, the illusion was shattered. In a flash of light, the Pink Ranger was gone

...leaving Astronema

in its wake.

We all step back in horrified shock as the Queen of my nightmares turns her gaze to the ground. Her fingers anxiously wrap the hilt of Kendrix's Saber, and I just barely contain the urge to strangle the witch.

"What the hell

do you think you're doing?" I scream, lurching forward. Astronema takes a step back, her eyes wide with surprise. What, did she think this was acceptable

?? Did she think we'd welcome


"Kai!" Maya scolds, grabbing my tightened fist just in case I plan to use it. "Stop it! She saved us all!"

I hear Maya's words, but I pay them no heed. "How'd you do it?" I demand. "How'd you make the Saber yield its power to you?"

"I...found the Saber on Onyx. When I was there, I heard Trakeena mention that she set a trap for you all on Guinit, so I hurried to beat you here. I only wanted to give back the Sab e--"

"Then give it back," I spit, reaching out. But instead of complying, Astronema takes another step back, keeping Kendrix's Saber out of my reach.

"I wanted

to give it back," she resumes, "but that's not the plan now. Kendrix asked me to carry on as the Pink Ranger."

I can feel the blood drain from my head, leaving me dizzy. That's not's just not!

"Kendrix spoke to you?" Leo asks. "Is she okay?"

Astronema nods. "She's okay, but she still can't get back. She asked me to be the Pink Ranger so the team would be complete. She asked me to protect Terra Venture with you."

I can't believe all the crap she's spewing! "You're lying."

She holds up her wrist, plainly revealing the morpher. Kendrix's morpher. She's wearing

Kendrix's morpher. "No, I'm not."

"Kai, she's Andros' sister, and she was freed from all evil influence in the Countdown. Ashley told me!" Maya insists.

"Guys, let's discuss this later," Damon contributes, bodily separating Maya and me. "The longer we dilly-dally on this rock, the bigger head start Trakeena has. If she decides to attack Terra Venture before we get there, it's Game: Over."

I blink in disbelief. Did I hear that right? Is Damon implying that we're actually taking the Queen of Evil with


Maya then takes Astronema by the hand. "Come on, I'll help you get situated on the Megaship. It's a good four days flight back to Terra Venture."

They begin walking toward the spot where we parked the Megaship, with Damon right behind them. Then, Leo joins the group, though his shoulders are slumped and he doesn't breathe another word.

I stalk after them, the combination of bitter disappointment, consuming outrage, and devastated betrayal giving me the mother of all migraines.

How the hell could we replace Kendrix, the sweetest, smartest, most giving person I've ever known, with this


I need to hit something.

Part Six: Open Wounds

Chapter Twenty-Three


Considering how small a vessel the Megaship is, it astonishes me how efficiently five people can stay out of each other's way.

Leo has commandeered the bridge, working with Mike to lay out a tactical plan in case Trakeena does beat us to Terra Venture. It's good of Mike to give him this distraction...without it, I think he'd go stir-crazy.

Damon has chosen to camp out in the Megaship's engine room. The technology in that room fascinates him, and he finds his refuge surrounded by pounding, clanking, churning machines. He once told me that he was in fact more comfortable with machines than people; that machines were less complicated. I never understood his reasoning...until now.

Kai has locked himself in the Simudeck. I haven't seen him leave a single time during the three days we've been traveling from Guinit. Whenever I pass, I hear the sounds of combat, but he never lets me enter. I know he's angry with me. He's angry at the universe, all because of Karone.

As for our new teammate, I haven't seen her much either, though at least she hasn't completely confined herself to her quarters. She emerges for the occasional meal, and twice I've seen her pass in the hallway towards the bridge. She acknowledges me with a hollow smile, a polite wave, or a lukewarm greeting. That's all.

What have I been up to? I've spent the past three days playing nursemaid, trying to offer comfort or a listening ear to each of my friends. It was a role played by Kendrix, and now it has fallen to me. I try to be as supportive and insightful as she would have been. She always knew when to talk, and when to listen. I wish she were here now, guiding my steps as I walk down this sterile hallway.

Finally, I reach my destination. A brief knock against the cold metal of the door makes my presence known.

"Come in."

The door slides open, and I step into the gray room. The bed is neatly made, with colorless sheets folded neatly and blending seamlessly into the featureless walls. The only sign of color is Karone herself, standing beside the porthole, holding the Pink Saber at arm's length.

I can't contain my curiosity. "What are you doing?"

Her eyes glance to me before returning to the sword. "You Rangers really don't know what you have here," she comments, drawing the Saber closer. "I've heard legends of these Sabers since childhood." A faint smile brightens her thoughtful face. "Standing here, holding

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