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Book online «Power Rangers In Space by Heather Ray (surface ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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On the other side of the vessel, Carlos and TJ continued moving through the empty corridors.

"Well, Ashley's not in the medical lab," Carlos sighed, closing the door behind him as he returned to the hallway, "It looks like she hurried out of there. All the files she was studying are all over the place."

"At least the power's back on," TJ sighed, glancing back into the lab, "Maybe we can scan the ship for Ashley and Astronema? It'll be easier."

TJ walked back into the lab, and tried to turn on the computer system there. However, the keyboard sparked as he typed.

"This system's shot," he sighed, "I guess the Megaship sustained more damage during the blackout than we realized."

"There's a computer at the brig," Carlos recalled, "and that's just down the corridor. Let's check it out!"

Carlos and TJ hurried down the hall, and walked into the brig. They were surprised to see smoke pouring out of that chamber once the door opened.

"Oh no," TJ whispered, waving the smoke from his face, "This whole system suffered some kind of feedback!"

"Rrrangers," came a weak, shaky whisper from beneath a pile of sparking debris. Carlos and TJ immediately hurried to the pile, and began unearthing the individual trapped within. Carlos glanced upwards, and noticed the ceiling had caved in completely, creating the majority of the rubble that littered the brig.

"Alpha!" TJ said in relief, pulling the robot into a sitting position. Alpha shook his head, and struggled to his feet.

"Aye yi yi!" Alpha shrieked, "Thanks, guys! I thought I'd be trapped forever!"

"What happened?" Carlos asked.

"During the blackout, there were about four serious hits sustained by the Megaship," Alpha explained, "One of them sent a shockwave through the periphery systems, which ended up causing this computer station to override. It basically exploded, bringing the ceiling down with it."

"Have you seen Ashley or Astronema?" TJ asked.

"Ashley came in here right before the blackout. She went to the Simudeck to make sure Astronema was still inside, but I never heard from her again. When I tried to contact her, the whole ship blacked out."

"We'd better get to the Simudeck," Carlos said, "I doubt there's much chance Astronema is still there, but its a good place to start looking for her and Ashley."

TJ nodded, and the Blue and Black Rangers hurried to the door. TJ paused, and glanced back at Alpha. "Will you be okay?"

"I'm fine," Alpha affirmed, "I'll hold the fort over here."

"Keep in touch," Carlos recommended, and the Rangers continued down the corridor. As they moved, they heard footsteps echoing in the hall. TJ perked at the sound, and grabbed Carlos' arm, forcing the Black Ranger to stop.

"Do you hear that?" TJ whispered. Carlos listened for a moment, and then nodded.

"Could it be Ashley?" he asked. TJ frowned, and stepped closer to the corner of the wall they were leaning against. Quickly, he peeked into the connecting corridor, to see who was making the sounds. His eyes narrowed when he saw Elgar clumsily moving down the hallway, polishing his sword and muttering to himself.

"Find the robot?" he mumbled, "What kind of a pointless mission is that? And the brig? That place gives me goosebumps!"

"That sounds like Elgar," Carlos whispered in disbelief. TJ nodded.

"It is. Astronema's forces must've boarded the ship during the blackout! Who knows how many of them are aboard?"

"He's looking for Alpha," Carlos recalled, "We gotta stop him!"

"He's headed for the brig," TJ said, as both he and Carlos moved quietly back through the corridor and past the brig, "We'll wait 'til he goes in, and then surprise him."

Carlos nodded, and the two Rangers ducked around another corner. They heard Elgar's voice grow louder as he moved closer to them.

"Find the robot, find the robot," Elgar repeated with a sigh, "While Darkonda and Ecliptor get to go to the bridge and engineering?! Why do I get the feeling Astronema doesn't consider me on par with them? Hmm, must be my imagination..."

Elgar shrugged, and walked into the brig. He smirked when he saw Alpha, who was busy trying to repair the systems.

"Boo!" Elgar shrieked. Alpha screamed in surprise, and turned around.

"Elgar!" he shouted, "Oh, aye yi yi yi yi..."

Elgar unsheathed his sword, and pointed it threateningly at the small robot. "Now, what am I supposed to do with you? Astronema didn't specify."

"Uh, how about letting me go?" Alpha suggested innocently.

"Yes," said a commanding voice, "and from where I'm standing, that's the only option you have, Elgar."

Elgar whirled around in surprise, and saw Carlos and TJ standing in the entrance to the brig, both holding their Astro-Blasters with their fingers on the trigger.

"Uh..." Elgar muttered dropping his sword and raising his hands, "you got it all wrong! I'm here under coercion! Yeah, that's it! I'm only following orders."

"Stop babbling," Carlos said, stepping into the brig. He tilted his head towards the vacant detention cell. "Make yourself at home."

"Uh... okey dokey. No reason to get violent here," Elgar proclaimed, walking into the cell and sitting down on the cot where Astronema had been only hours ago. TJ and Carlos lowered their weapons, and TJ activated the energy grid.

"In the hall, Elgar said Darkonda and Ecliptor are on board, heading for the bridge and engineering," Carlos recalled aloud, "They're trying to get a foothold on the Megaship!"

"We'd better get moving," TJ said, "We need to alert Andros and Cassie that they're about to get company. Then, we head for engineering."

Carlos shook his head. "I'm gonna keep looking for Ashley. If she's in the Simudeck, she may be in trouble."

TJ nodded as the two young men hurried out of the brig. Carlos rushed down the hall to the Simudeck, while TJ moved towards the lift to take him to Deck 6, where the main engineering station was found. Once he reached the lift, he activated his communicator. "Andros? Cassie? Do you read me?"

Chapter Twenty-Six

The sound of TJ's voice stirred Cassie to consciousness. She opened her eyes groggily, and startled when she saw sparks flying from the console nearby.

Cassie tried to lift herself from the computer console she was draped upon. That's when the throbbing pain shot through her entire body, causing a groan to escape her lips. Dazed and weak, Cassie managed to push herself back into her chair and activate her wrist unit's communication function.


TJ's voice continued, ^Was that you? Are you okay?^

"We're fine, but Darkonda got the jump on us," she said, managing to focus on TJ's voice rather than the sounds of swordplay that rocked the bridge, "Andros is holding him off, but I think he needs my help. Cassie out."

Cassie deactivated the communicator, and forced herself onto her feet. The resounding pain continued to strain her muscles, but she managed to steady herself.

It had all happened so fast. Cassie and Andros were doing their best to reboot the systems, hoping to be able to run a full scan of the ship and determine where Ashley and Astronema were located. It was then that Darkonda somehow blew in the door, and released random fire into the bridge. Consoles exploded in flames, and Cassie was struck in the back by a rebounded laser shot, throwing her into her console and promptly knocking her unconscious. She was fortunate the beam struck her on the rebound, for it likely would have killed her had it hit head-on.

From the sounds of battle, it seemed clear that Andros wasn't greatly injured by the laser volley that caught the pair by surprise. He managed to morph into the Red Astro Ranger, and was doing an excellent job warding off Darkonda. He was able to beat him back from the bridge itself into the outer room right before the lift. At least there, he wouldn't be able to damage too many systems. However, there was less room to maneuver for both combatants.

"Let's Rocket!" Cassie said, flipping open her wrist unit and pressing a sequence of buttons. In a flash of bright rose-colored light, the Pink Astro Ranger was ready for action. She immediately ran out of the bridge, and saw the Red Ranger and Darkonda engaged in a heated sword match.

"You can't beat me, little Ranger," Darkonda jeered, "I was clashing swords while you were in diapers!"

Andros didn't bother to respond to the derogation. Instead, he continued to block every swing of Darkonda's long broadsword, keeping in mind that the famed bounty hunter was quite tricky, and unbothered by the nuisance of fighting fairly.

"Now I've got ya!" Darkonda squealed, firing a stream of flames from his sword. Andros flipped out of the way, but had little room to land, considering the small size of the antechamber. As soon as he landed, Darkonda struck Andros with the blunt end of his sword in the back of his knees, forcing him to the ground. His sword poised at Andros' neck, he began to cackle.

"Poor little boy, so easily tricked. So gullible..."

Suddenly, Darkonda felt himself sliding backwards. He struggled against the pull, yet he couldn't free himself from the pink force that dragged him away from his conquest.

"I've got him in my tractor beam," Cassie said, her Satellite Stunner continuing to fire upon Darkonda. Andros rose to his feet, and lifted his Spiral Saber.

"Now, let's finish this," Andros muttered, holding his sword high.

"Wait!" Darkonda shouted, throwing his hands up in surrender, "You're not going to kill me, are you?"

Andros didn't flinch. "Why not? You're wanted for murder, theft, treason, terrorism, and hundreds of other charges on planets throughout the Milky Way. There's a price on your head, you know... but I'll take care of it for free."

"But, if you kill me, you'll never know what happened to Karone," Darkonda pointed out, a grin on his demonic face.

Andros shuddered in surprise. "...what?"

"Come on, by now you've realized Astronema isn't your sister. She's played you for a fool. And as for the necklace... I'm the one that provided it to enhance the illusion."

Andros' surprise quickly transformed into blinding ire. "Where did you get it?!"

"You'll never know if you kill me."

Then, Darkonda began to laugh mockingly. Cassie gazed at the creature, and then at Andros, in confusion and worry. Although his helmet hid his features, Cassie could tell Andros was enraged by the back-stabbing felon.

The laugh echoed in his skull, as if it were a hundred times louder than it actually was. The laugh of triumph, of cruelty and evil, without sympathy. Reveling in the torment of others. He realized he had heard this very

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