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on the ground began to fight with the settlers using hand-to-hand combat. Those on the catwalk would pick off the settlers until Cappy, Robert, or the others armed with bows shot them.
Jack started running to give aid to his sister as the General raised a knife to kill her. He did not see his father until Robert tackled the General.
“Dad!” Jack yelled happily.
“Get your sister to safety Jack!” His dad ordered as the General punched him. Robert hit the ground with a thud as the General struggled to his feet.
“You dare,” the General said as he kicked Robert in the face. He didn’t see Jack pull Mary to the shadows.
“Good God you’re ugly!” Robert said catching the General’s foot and twisting. As the two struggled, they suddenly heard the voice of Brian above the tumult of the shouting, gunshots, screams, and fire:
“Yee haw! She’s gonna blow!”
He had ignited a rag set to the gunpowder barrel after placing several other barrels around it. The settlers who were not engaging the British soldiers freed their loved ones from the cages and made their way to the safety of the swamp covered by the smoke from the fire started by Jack and Mary, which now filled the parade grounds.
“Jack!” Cappy called to her friend waving. Jack had carried Mary to the safety of the swamp and left her in the care of the settlers. He was returning to help his father when he saw her.
“Cappy!” Jack said happily. The two embraced and kissed quickly.
The powder ignited and a ball of fire and smoke shot into the sky. The fire quickly covered the walls of the fort as Jack helped Cappy through the smoke. He saw his dad and the General fighting.
“I’ve got to help dad!” Jack said to Cappy as he helped her across the mote. She nodded as he ran back into the burning building.
Jack jumped back as a burning section of wall fell in front of him. He shielded his face from the flames with his hands and tried to find his way around. He could hear the blows his father and the General exchange and hoped he could get to his father in time.
"No!" Jack yelled as he cleared the burning wall in time to see the General pin his father to the ground. The General had his knife raised. He looked at Jack with an evil skeletal grin and brought the weapon down towards Robert's chest as smoke covered them. The General howled in victory over Jack's dad. He did not realize the blade was stuck in a leg of the chair! Brian had recovered from unconsciousness caused by the explosion just in time to thrust the wood in Robert's hand.
The General stood and started walking towards Jack.
"You!" He glared through the smoke. Jack looked for weapon and picked up a burning piece of wall. "Do you honestly think that a fifteen year old boy or a middle aged Indian can stop General Towen? I overcame the Swamp Fox! I overcame the Indians! I overcame the quicksand! I have been victorious over death itself for over two centuries!" He laughed hysterically at the sight of Jack holding the burning weapon.
"Take your best shot boy!" He said.
"Set hut!" Robert yelled through the smoke. The General spun around as Robert swung the chair leg at his head. The blow sent the British soldier to the ground.
"Get out of here!" Robert said to his son as he picked up the General’s knife.
"Not without you dad!" Jack said.
"Me either," Brian added coming into view.
"Alright then," Robert agreed. "Let's end this,” He hit the General with the chair leg once more as the solider tried to rise then pinned him on the ground with his knees. He raised the knife to deliver the deathblow when Towen called out:
"Wait," the General said as his eyes widened. "I remember you! That Indian village and the man huddled over his wife and son. But that's impossible."
"No," Robert said with the weapon raised high. "My spirit survived. You may have killed my wife, and son, but you only wounded me." The General struggled as Robert kept him pinned to the ground with his knees on his shoulders.
"Dad?" Jack called. "Don't! Let's just get out of here."
"My name is Flying Owl," Robert said aloud as he allowed the spirit of his ancestor to control him. "The Great Spirit allowed me to come back in my offspring to set right what was made wrong long ago!"
"No!" the General screamed.
"Robert!" Brian called. "Don't do this," He said as he stood by Jack.
"He raped my wife while I was out hunting. He killed my son then her.," the spirit said angrily.
"When I returned he tied me to the center poll of my lodge and set it ablaze." Robert looked around crazily. "It was much like this one. I still remember the heat and pain of those flames. However, I escaped. I called on the shawmen to join with me and send you and your British scoundrels to a place where they would be tormented for all eternity."
"When I died I learned you were still alive, held here in the River. I watched you and waited. I longed for the day when I would be able to avenge my wife and son. But I see now," he said looking at the General's ghastly appearance. "The Great Spirit heard my prayers. You have been tormented here in this river. Tormented by all the evil you have done and will forever do because you are the evil itself." Robert flipped the knife in the air and caught it by the handle as the blade tip reached the General's nose. "But I will end this evil now!" He hissed. He raised the knife into the air holding the General's head to the ground.
"Dad!" Jack cried as Brian held him. "Please, don't!" For a moment, Robert looked at his son. His facial expression had taken on the image of the spirit who had controlled him.
"Son," he said. The spirit regained control of Robert's body and began chanting. In the distraction, the General reached up with his legs and put them around Robert's chest. With all his effort, he pulled the man off him and rolled out of the way.
"You should have killed me while you had the chance!" the General screamed. "I cannot die! I am immortal!" He started to run laughing hysterically, as Robert regained his footing. The two raced into the smoke out of sight.
“Dad!” Jack called. “Let me go Brian!”
“No!” Brian said holding on to Jack’s shoulders. “Don’t you see this something greater than you or I? God will not have things continue to go unchecked in His universe Jack!” He said above the flames. “He will make things right!” Jack looked into Brian’s eyes angrily.
“I want my dad!” He said. At that moment, the two heard a blood curling scream come from the direction of the torture cabin. They looked at each other and raced through the smoke.
When they saw him, Robert was himself again. He was standing over a burning section of wall holding the General’s knife in his hand. He looked at the flames until Jack put his hand in the hand of his father.
“Dad,” he asked softly.
“It’s okay son,” His father replied. “I chased him back here, and I was about to throw the knife at him when the wall fell.” He coughed as the smoke burned his lungs. “Let’s get out of here.” The three turned from the burning remains of the General and made their way out the fort.


Night had fallen and the settlers stood gathered around the base of a mound of earth listening to Robert explain what had happened and what he needed to do. He also told the captives of the river what his plan would mean for them. The fort had burnt to the ground and the only remains of General Towen were the ridding whip and his hand that a settler had found and promptly brought to Robert.
“I don’t understand,” Jack started as they burnt the hand and whip. “If the General is dead then why are we still here?”
“The General was only the reason this gateway and universe ever came into being. Flying Owl and the other Shawmen directed the power who created it.” Robert said.
“But you’re no shaman,” Fran objected as they stood together. “How could you even begin to to close this gate?”
“I’ve been in training,” Robert said with a smile. He opened a leather bag and let the Looking Stone fall into his hand. Mary smiled as he said, “I think you dropped this.”
He turned to the river, held up the stone and said, “Looking stone, show us Charles Blackfoot.” The middle of the stone grew cloudy and then the people gasped as they saw the Pee Dee Indian and several others on the other side gathered around a campfire chanting. The shaman instantly felt the presence of the Woodles and smiled.
“Charles and his friends are praying for the Great Spirit to close the gateway that’s been opened on their side of the river,” Robert explained to the crowd below him. “In a moment I will start to pray. You will be taken back to the moment you entered the river and all of this will seem like a vague dream,” He watched the settler’s expressions. “Are you ready?” He asked. Some said yes, others just hugged their loved ones for the last time.
Wait,” Jack said to his father. “There’s something I’ve got to do,” Robert looked at him questioningly then smiled understandingly as he saw the Freeman family standing huddled together. “Okay, son,” he said. “But you don’t have long.” Jack nodded and walked towards the Freemans. For a moment, the four embraced and wiped tears from their eyes.
“I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” Jack began as he hugged Soho.
“Just don’t forget me,” she said sweetly. “You are a good son.” She added.
“A black president,” Brian said thoughtfully as he and Jack hugged. “I guess I’m going to have to wait a few years to see him.” He said with a smile.
“It’ll seem like no time,” Jack said. “Thanks for not giving up on me,” He added.
“It’s the least I could do for my boy,” Brian said. “Remember Jack Woodle, You’re also a Freeman.” He added. Jack smiled in response.
He came to Cappy and wiped a tear from her eye. “I don’t know what to say,” Jack started.
“All my life has been spent in this river,” Cappy said looking at her parents.
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