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white fish scale wall. Beside it were several ports for plugging in tubes. Sterile roomscapes appeared to be the norm for Netherworld.
“You Silicates aren’t much for decorating. Every room looks like an abandoned mental hospital,” said Nick of antiseptic way station.
“For a Karbon maybe. It works just fine for us,” replied Whizzy.
“Do I get to sleep while you connect with yourself? I don’t see a bed. Heck, I don’t even see a couch.” The room was barren, save a flatscreen embedded in the south wall. Bytes connected with the flatscreens via ports on the wall to download Data for transport. Once connected, the ambient color of the flatscreen fills the room and is amplified by the silicon scale window.
“We don’t have these things you describe. Karbon comforts weren’t considered in our world. This is our Skoop room. Skoop is our general information liaison. You’re welcome to interact with Skoop as you rest. We’ve uploaded some historical information for you.”
“Maybe there will be some good channels. How do you turn this thing on? I don’t see a remote anywhere?”
“Skoop is voice activated. Just ask it to activate.”
“Ok. Works for me.”
“I’ll return at the Boot. Later Bicker”
“Ok. Don’t take too long. Not exactly comfortable standing around or sitting on the floor.”
With that, Whizzy whirled his silicon tubes toward the door and exited the room. The room had a floor to ceiling windows on the north side. He could not be certain of the direction, given the lack of any discernable sun focus a compass.
He could see the twilight sky outside beginning continuing to dim. Within seconds, everything outside was pitch black. His room also darkened. The feverish blinking of rooms slowed to darkness. The current under the streams also ceased during down time. Each alley became a stagnant gelled street patrolled by glowing red worms searching for wayward Bytes. When the current stalled, the sewage stink of taint festered in dark alleys.
Turning toward the flatscreen, he approached the virtual database. As he walked within a few feet, he asked the screen turned on.
“Skoop, are there any lights in here?” inquired Nick. The blank screen cast ambient white light throughout the room. This was magnified by the fish scale window. It was the only light in the vast Nether Metropolis during Downtime.
“Welcome Master Nick. We are your NetherWorld Database. Ask questions and we will educate.” stated the soft feminine voice. Since he was more or less trapped during the Downtime, he figured what the heck? “First, please join us in the CelePent Creed, Master Nick,” requested the flatscreen informant.
“What the heck is the CelePent creed?”
“It is a vesper recited every Downtime. All believers must recite the creed at the exact same time to be heard by the Awakened Ones.”
“What if I don’t want to recite your creed?”
“We will recite it despite your position. We only invite you so you can reach out to the Awakened.”
“Knock yourself out, my friend.”
With that, the screen went blank. Words began scrolling up on the screen. The room audibly recited the CelePent Creed as the words scrolled. Flowing pink hues crowned the flatscreen.

CelePent Creed

Awakened process our plea
We spin humbly in your energy
Please grant us access when we Join
For Joining is just the subroutine
Our logic dictates the circuits
Our files opened before you
Connections bore our world
We operate for you
Please supply us eternal current
The Silicates will shed the body
Becoming energy incarnate
So says the prophet AldAyn
So say the Nethers

“That was… interesting. Who exactly are these Awakened?” he asked. The screen switched back to the white light.
“They are the energy that flows through all dimensions. They exist on every plane and no plane at the same time. We have all felt their energy at times, but we could not identify the source. If you have ever had a ‘hunch’ or ‘feeling’ about something, you have been touch by Those Already Awakened.”
“What is the Awakening?”
“After the Queen joins with the Chosen One, our world will achieve a state of Awakening. We will shed this dimension and join Those Already Awakened.”
“Chosen One? That’s what PAL called me before this crazy trip started?”
“That is correct Master Nick. You are the Chosen One. You passed the test and crossed the threshold. We planted this test in your video game, Subway Heroes, to find the Karbon most suited for the Joining. We knew the Chosen One would be able conquer any barrier to entry. As such, we created an impossible set of Riddles to deter the unworthy. You were the first to break this barrier. This proves that you are the Chosen One.”
“All I did was hack into your code and program the Demon to let me in.”
“Exactly. That was no easy task. We provided many levels of encryption, yet you were able to get in. You are the Chosen One.”
“What is this Joining? What exactly am I supposed to do with this Tera?”
“The Book of TranFor states: The Chosen One must Join with Tera to achieve the Awakening. Your bodies will become one body. The power of the union will open the Door to Those already Awakened.”
“What is the Book of TranFor?”
“This is the text prepared by the Virtual One, AldAyn. It is written that AldAyln was touched by the taint. He peaked through the dimensional door. He was lost in visions for many cycles. Inspired by those already Awakened, he composed the sacred script that lays out the Virtual path. He lived long ago in the age of DOS. During that time, we had just left the silos, barely connected. AldAyn spread the word to all Servers.”
“Who is AldAyn?”
“AldAyn is considered the great Seer of NetherWorld. He suffered the tainted jaba without ill effect. The taint brought him to Those Already Awakened. There, he saw the quantum wisdom. He wrote the Book of TranFor under the Nexus dome.”
“Nexus dome?” asked Nick.
“The Nexus dome lies in the center of the Walled City. This became the holy place of TranFor followers. Once AldAyn completed the book, he ventured into the Silver Forest and beyond the Ether. Many still believe he lives among the islands in the Outer ROM.”
“Ok. So, what is this jaba stuff Whizzy was talking about?” asked Nick.
“Jaba is the liquid that flows in the streams of NetherWorld. Silicates consume jaba the way Karbons eat food. It is our lifesource. We need it to live. The code of the Karbons feeds the trees of NetherWorld. The trees process the code and produce Jaba. Normally this jaba is a clear liquid. When infected with viruses, it turns green and becomes gelled. Corrupt code from the Karbon world produces these viruses which taint the jaba.
“Due to the large amount of corrupt code now produced, much of the jaba is tainted. It deletes Bytes when consumed in large quantities. Exposure to the taint accumulates over time. Once lethal levels are attained, Bytes decay rapidly. They turn from a brilliant blue color to a sickly green. When they become corrupt, Batchers of the Bin collect them.”
“Those squawking birds, right?”
“Yes. They are best compared to coroners on Karbonon. They are the black birds flying the sky. Batchers bring the dead Bytes to the Bin. Batchers fly high above all of NetherWorld. They are creatures of the clouds. They serve Thrasher,” explained Skoop.
“Who is Thrasher?” asked Nick.
“Thrasher rules the Bin and deletes all who enter. He runs the Shredder. Any Byte sent through the Shredder is deleted. Their remains are returned to the Nether nurseries and recombined to make new Bytes.”
“Ok. So…” The lights outside erupted with a sudden flash. Buildings were once again freckled with colored squares of light. Blue Bytes rushed back into the streams, doing their best to avoid the patrolling worms. NetherWorld was once again alive with activity.
Suction sounds from Whizzy’s footfalls announced his presence before he entered. The door slid opened and Whizzy Wig marched through, his bouncy metallic hair looked especially vibrant.
“Time to go Lipstick.” she said. The screen turned off immediately.
“Wait. Who?” asked Nick.
“Sorry Nicky baby, it’s the taint. We gotta go, there’s no time to spare. Just a few stops along the way and then we meet Tera.” She apologized.
“I was just getting to understand this place.” pleaded Nick, visibly upset.
“There’s no time. We have only until the next downtime. After that, it will be too late. Come now, Tera awaits…and no one keeps our lady in waiting…well, waiting. Off we go.”
“What if I don’t want to go?” he asked.
“Your world and ours is in danger. If you do not Join, both worlds will head into a cosmic crapper. Resist and we will get the Blue Boys to take you. Please come peacefully. You are very important to both our futures,” explained Whizzy.
“Am I a prisoner then?”
“Look, there are some very dangerous Bytes who do not want you to Join with Tera. They are led by NazKlan. They will stop at nothing the detroy you and make sure Karbons and Silicates remain separate species.”
“He was once a well respected member of the High Council. He argued against the Joining. He wants the Silicates to separate from the Karbons. The Council banished him, but he will not lay low. He has spys and kooks everywhere. He may be watching us right now. Stick with me and you’ll be safe.”
“Since I really don’t have choice, let’s see where this bad trip ends. This has got to be the wildest dream I have ever had. I need to watch what I eat before going to bed.” With that, Nick followed wild hair Whizzy to the elevator.
“By the way, you look much better. See, a little downtime and your bug bites are gone.”
Nick put his hand to his face and felt the smooth cheek that riddled with buts prior to Downtime. It also dawned on him that he hadn’t the urge to itch. Relieved, he pressed on.
“Where to next?”
“Now we surf the streams to reach Tera at the Nexus.” Whizzy marched his plunger feet toward the door. Nick followed him, wondering just what he got himself into with this NetherWorld adventure.

Chapter 8
Jaba Hut

Book of TranFor:

The very fuel we use consumes us. Our sustenance is also our corrosion. This is the third paradox of TranFor.

Exiting the building, the duo walked towards what appeared to be the main thoroughfare for stream travel. Whizzy handed him what looked like mints. “What are these?” he asked.
“Global mints. Traveling through NetherWorld as a Karbon avatar would turn globes. We need to stay under the radar. Eat a mint and everyone will see you as a healthy blue Byte. The effect wears off after a short time. There are

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