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Book online «Grailem by Gary L Beer (top 100 novels txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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climb the metal ladder. Once inside Grailem hears them shut and lock the door as a machine starts up and continues with a steady rhythm. Grailem feels an electrical charge envelop the observation platform as a defensive screen is activated.
Hearing the two Arct chatting excitedly amongst themselves Grailem watches the two robots which have remained motionless in front of the target range.
Suddenly they come to life and start firing the phaser rifles at the circular targets. The targets absorb the energy leaving only a small black burnt mark at the centre of each blast. The shots are accurate to within a millimetre of the centre and the robots continue firing until the energy is exhausted. Dropping the rifles down almost carelessly they draw their pistols and fire at the humanoid targets. Every shot is a killing shot; the head being the main target. Once again they continue firing until the energy of their pistols is exhausted.

Grailem feels the electrical charge of the defensive screen dissipate as it is switched off. The door of the observation platform is opened and the two Arct hurry down the metal steps and almost run to the target wall. Pointing out the accuracy of the shooting and talking excitedly they walk back towards the entrance to the unit.
The two robots stand perfectly still while they wait and within a few minutes the two Arct reappear. Thyne is carrying a small cylinder that is connected to a harness and tubing, Grailem guesses that this is a flame thrower of some kind. Watching Thyne approach the robots he straps the cylinder to the nearest one and instructs it to hold the tubing at its end. Turning and walking quickly away he follows Kifele up the metal steps and into the observation platform.
Feeling the defensive screen surrounding him activated, Grailem watches the two robots with anticipation below. The unarmed robot walks towards the target wall and turns and faces the other robot. The robot armed with the flame thrower, walks backwards until it is twenty metres from the wall. Raising the gun of the flame thrower the robot pulls the trigger igniting the inflammable liquid that pours out and covers the other robot in a ball of flame.
Burning fiercely the robot walks towards its opposite number appearing oblivious of its burning form. This is certainly an improved design compared to the other robots that Grailem had encountered before; and had burnt so well. Still appearing as a ball of flame the burning robot reaches the flame thrower and tries to take it out of the other robots hand.
With the gun still spewing out burning fluid it splashes back off the burning robot setting the other robot alight. The tubing erupts in a burst of flame as the container then explodes in a showering of burning fluid.
The robots still continue their struggling for possession of the gun until the inflammable liquid is consumed. Suddenly they stop and stand like statues appearing to stare at each other as the Arct override their programming.
Grailem feels the defensive screen power down as the door is opened and the two Arct hurry out of the door and down the steps. Approaching the robots they slow down as they draw near and Kifele holds his hand out in front of him protecting his face from the heat. The robots are blackened and burnt and continue staring at each other.
"We better let these two cool down before we run anymore tests, we can still test a few more before the Commander gets here." Kifele tells Thyne with a wide fanged smile as they walk back towards the building.

Staying on top of the observation platform Grailem watches as the two scientists test more of the robots with every weapon they can think of. Testing them to destruction they appear to enjoy themselves as they try to blow up the robots with phaser cannons and explosives. The robots are not totally indestructible but if there are to be two hundred and fifty thousand, losing a few thousand will have no real effect.
A little after noon the bright sun of the system takes on a brighter glow, appearing to shine twice as bright as it normally does and Grailem is forced to use filters to shade his eyes. The sudden brightening of the sun explains the extra eyelid the Arct had, without it the sun would burn their eyes and cause blindness. The extra brightness lasts for a little over an hour when it returns back to its normal brightness. That this process had been occurring for thousands, if not millions of years proved no handicap to the life forms on the planet as they mutated to survive.

That an invasion is being planned is painfully obvious as the Commander and the military arrive a few hours later. Hundreds of camouflaged trucks start to fill the huge yard as military personnel and service and military robots climb out. Even bigger trucks loaded with heavy machines are driven into the buildings and unloaded.
An empty building is soon filled with machines that are connected to the power supply and immediately start creating more of the new robots. As more machines and supplies arrive a continuous stream of newly created robots flow out of the building. Loaded onto the military trucks they are driven away. Grailem estimates, that at this fantastic rate of production, the remaining robots that need to be built to take all of the microchip's he had converted will take just seven days.
Several of the military robots are taken round to the firing range and made to face the new style of robot. Armed with phaser rifles and flame throwers six of them attack two of the new ones.
The battle is short, taking the phaser blasts and burning liquid in their stride the new robots calmly walk up to the military robots. Having no weapons Grailem watches with great interest as the robots disarm the military by simply taking their guns away. Using their superior strength they then proceed to disassemble them and carelessly throw the pieces down onto the ground.

Having lain on the observation platform roof for the day Grailem feels he can learn no more. If the robots are to be an invasion force he needs to know where they are being stored. During the day he had watched several hundred robots being made and shipped out. Climbing down from the roof he easily makes his way amongst the maze of military trucks. Hiding under an empty truck that stands in line waiting to be loaded Grailem wedges himself near the back axle and patiently waits.
Several hours pass before the truck is finally loaded and driven out of the gate. The grey surface of the road passes as a blur for a short while until the truck finally pulls to a stop. Nervous of security; which he had seen little of, Grailem waits as the truck is being unloaded. When about half of the robots have been unloaded Grailem drops down from his cramped place at the rear axle and makes his way to the edge of the truck.
Waiting the opportunity he slides out from under the truck as a loaded service vehicle passes. Keeping himself between the truck and service vehicle he looks under it for somewhere to hide. The gap looks small between the shiny metal and the concrete. Saying a silent prayer Grailem rolls underneath and grasps hold of the back axle and wedges his feet under the suspension.
The service vehicle continues its steady speed and drives into an already full warehouse. Taking a chance Grailem slides out from under the vehicle as it enters the warehouse and stands briefly in the doorway. The warehouse contains all the robots produced in the day and they stand shoulder to shoulder awaiting activation.
Using his invisibility imaging he walks calmly along the front of the building; and stops as he looks around. The spaceport is spread out before him; space shuttles, like the one he was transported in from the starship, stand in orderly lines. He can count fifty five as the noise of another approaches as it comes in to land.
Curious as to its cargo he makes his way to the main runway and arrives as the craft lands smoothly on the concrete surface. Standing still Grailem watches as it taxis along the two kilometre strip until it is slow enough to turn. Turning back towards him the shuttle taxis to the front of a shiny steel building five hundred metres away.
Walking smoothly so that the image portrayed of his background remains steady Grailem makes his way to the shuttlecraft. Arriving just a few minutes later Grailem can see that already the cargo doors are open and the cargo is being unloaded. The load looks familiar and being stacked one on top of the other Grailem cannot make out what it is.
Going closer he recognises the hibernation chambers that were used for the 'supposed' colonists and crew. The readout panels on the side still show the life signs of the inhabitant; showing that whoever is inside, is still alive. Though the craft is being quickly unloaded Grailem notices the care that the robots are taking with the chambers.
It looks like the Arct like to have their meat as fresh as possible!

Grailem feels a deep anger grow inside him and raise the temperature of his brain, recognising the feeling as to how he felt when he killed his 'carers' he tries to slow his racing thoughts.
Not having the desire to eat himself has robbed him of the pleasures of eating; and he views the Arct's actions as unnecessary - though he agrees the thought is illogical as they do have to eat to survive.
'You will have a legion of two hundred and fifty thousand at your command soon' says the voice in his head bringing control over his mounting rage. Walking backwards he puts some distance between himself and the live human cargo before turning around. Still angry he walks quickly back to the warehouse of robots. Blending with the back wall he waits for darkness as the sun starts to slip slowly below the horizon.
As darkness falls Grailem hears a small auto vehicle come to a stop in front of the building. Curious he walks around to the front to arrive in time to see Kifele, Thyne and two uniformed Arct, wearing shiny military medals, enter the building.
Standing in the doorway Grailem watches as Kifele, apparently filled with excitement points a crude remote control device at the multitude of standing robots. Pushing the display screen he activates the waiting robots; the robots respond immediately as their eyes light up and many push themselves into a more upright position.
"As you can see, now they are activated we will not need to transport them to the shuttle; they can walk." explains Kifele excitedly.
"The sooner the better." replies one of the military commanders; "The spaceport has been cleared, you have three hours." he continues. Looking at his companion he orders; "You will accompany me to communications." and walks back to the auto vehicle with his companion close beside. Getting into the vehicle the doors shut quietly behind them as it drives away into the darkness.
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