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Book online «Power Rangers Turbo by Heather Ray (win 10 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Two

I pretended I was glad you went away
These four walls closing more everyday
And I'm dyin' inside
And nobody knows it but me

Disdain melting away his serene smile, Adam shoved the picture back into his drawer.

"I can't believe how pathetic I am," he muttered, "Here I am, three weeks since we broke up, and I still can't get her out of my mind. I can barely function! I struggled through all my exams, missed all the holiday parties, and barely even left my room. I keep staring at her photograph, while peeking over my shoulder to make sure there wasn't anyone there to see me. This is no way to live a life."

Adam pushed the keyboard of his computer further away from him, and folded his arms along the edge of his desk. Trembling slightly with buried anguish, he reflected on the last time he saw Tanya: Sunday morning of Thanksgiving Break.

Chapter Three

Like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real even if nobody knows
And I'm cryin' inside
And nobody knows it but me

Adam watched the hustle and bustle around him as he took a seat near the gate from which his flight would depart in just a few minutes.

It was uncanny how quickly the Thanksgiving holiday had passed by. He had arrived in Angel Grove that Wednesday morning, and was greeted by his family. He had spent the entire day, as well as Thanksgiving, with his extended family. It was tradition to celebrate the holiday together, and tradition was something Adam couldn't ignore.

On Friday, the entire gang got together at the Juice Bar for some down time. It was terrific to spend time with Kat, Tommy, and Rocky, but what he really wanted was to be alone with Tanya. He hadn't seen her since he left for Purdue University in August, and besides a few phone calls and the occasional letter, he had barely communicated with her.

That was something he had sworn he wouldn't do... but it was so difficult to do anything

he wanted when he was drowning in exams and term papers. College was more work than he had anticipated, and combined with a part-time job to ease expenses, he barely had time to breathe.

It felt like Tanya was slowly slipping away from him.

He hoped to remedy that problem over Thanksgiving, but that was impossible. There were only five days of vacation, one of which was devoted to travel. He didn't have a chance to get reacquainted with his angel.

But Christmas Break was another matter... five whole weeks of freedom, without any work hanging over his head! He'd spend every waking moment with Tanya for the first few days, making up for time lost. Then it'd be just like the old days, before they were separated by thousands of miles.

He had intended to apologize to Tanya when she came to see him off. He wanted so much to spend just a few minutes of time together that he even asked his family to just drop him off, instead of wait with him. He had a girlfriend to get reacquainted with.

However... when he saw her slowly walk towards him, her head cast to the ground and her fingers folded tightly, Adam could discern something wasn't right.

"Tanya?" he asked, standing up from his seat. Tanya finally reached him, and smiled wanly at him. Adam noticed she didn't look directly into his eyes.

"Hi, Adam," Tanya greeted solemnly.

"Uh... hi," Adam responded, parting his arms to embrace her. Instead, Tanya sat down in an empty seat, and pulled him into the chair beside her. Dumfounded, Adam took a seat and studied her expression carefully.

He had never before seen his angel look so nervous... not even when they were in life and death situations as Power Rangers.

"Adam," she started, locking eyes with him for the first time, "I... I have something to tell you. I think we should split up."

Adam blinked in surprise. That was the last

thing he expected her to utter.

"W... What?" he choked.

Tanya swallowed, her eyes scanning around the airport as she searched for the right words.

"Adam, ever since you started college, things have been... different. You're all the way in Indiana, and I'm here in Angel Grove, working at the radio station until I make enough money to start college myself. I... I don't know where I'll end up, and you don't know where you'll end up. Right?"

Adam felt his throat close up; so he nodded mutely in answer.

Tanya nodded as well, in confirmation. "So you see... we're moving in two distinct directions. I'm here, you're there. Staying together would be too much of a strain on you, especially with your new life and all.

"You... you just don't have time for me anymore. We've been clinging onto something that's not there any longer, Adam. I think it's in our best interests to just let it go."

Adam's mouth opened, but no words came out. Tanya gazed at him expectantly, as if hoping he'd say something... anything... to prove to her that her suspicions were wrong.

He couldn't believe it! He just couldn't believe it! He was too shocked to even fathom a response. He just sat there, stiff as a statue, as Tanya poured her heart out. And he couldn't even articulate a response.

He simply couldn't make a sound. He was silent; so silent, that he could hear his heart breaking.

Chapter Four

Why didn't I say, the things I needed to say?
How could I let my angel get away?
Now my world is just a tumblin' down
I can say it so clearly, but you're nowhere around

^Flight 1870, direct from Angel Grove to Indianapolis International, now boarding at Gate 13.^

"Th... That's my flight," Adam said quietly, quickly grabbing his carry on. He turned toward the gate, glancing back one more time at his angel.

Her large dark eyes were glassy with unshed tears, but they simultaneously shone with determination. Tanya Sloan knew what she was doing. She had obviously put a great deal of thought into this separation, and her mind was made up.

There was no turning back now.

Adam waved slightly, unsure of what to say. He knew what he should

say, but he just couldn't force the words through his throat.

He couldn't say what he felt. He couldn't give her the assurance she had needed. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't muster the strength. So, instead of fighting... he surrendered.

Biting his lower lip, he gripped his carry on more tightly. "Goodbye, Tanya."

"Take care, Adam," she answered in an even voice.

Adam inclined his head toward the gate, and continued onward. He didn't look back again.

Chapter Five

The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missin' you
And nobody knows it but me

Miraculously, Adam's eyes remained dry as he took his seat in the coach section of the airplane. He managed to place his bag in the overhead compartment, and sat down beside the open window. His gaze was fixed on the terminal, although he couldn't discern Tanya's form through the glass windows. Still, he was sure she was there somewhere.

He stared blankly at the airport, and continued to stare as the plane pulled away, and sped onto the runway. He stared as the road passed faster and faster below, and finally, it grew farther and farther away. He stared as he saw the airport, and then the rest of Angel Grove with a bird's eye view. It kept getting smaller, until it was unrecognizable.

Angel Grove was gone. His angel was gone. Gone forever.

Adam shook slightly, waiting until the flight attendant announced the takeoff was over, and that passengers could move about freely. Wasting no time, Adam rose from his seat, and pushed himself toward the bathroom.

After locking himself in the matchbox-sized compartment, Adam leaned against the cold metal sink and let the tears flow freely.

He knew he was probably making the other passengers furious by monopolizing one of the few lavatories on the plane, but he didn't care. He cried until there were no more tears to shed. He let all his frustrations, doubts, and fears pour from the fountain of his dark eyes, until they were spent. At least, for the time being.

Once he had fully composed himself, Adam washed his face with cool water, and stepped outside... an empty smile covering his face like a porcelain mask.

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