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Book online «The Seven lost Orsa's - book one - Defiance by E FromHebs (read novels website .txt) 📖». Author E FromHebs

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I woke up with a jolt, covered in sweat, panting. It was only a dream, I reassured myself, but even I knew that it wasn't, it was the near future. I should tell someone, I looked at the clock by my bed. Only 12:13, I will have to wait until morning, but if it was the near future, then it could happen any moment now. I stood up on my shaky legs and made my way down to Dane's room. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, and that made me feel guilty about having to wake him up, but inside, I knew that I had no choice. I gently shook him awake, until his eyelids flung open.

"Nadia, what are you doing?" he asked in a harsh whisper

"I had another one of those dreams" he sat up in his bed and flicked the light on


"Yeah, I nearly saw what it was"

"I hate to point this out, but they are becoming more and more frequent, and that can't be a good thing"

"I know I know, but the only thing I can do is wait"

"I feel so bad, knowing that there is nothing I can do to help" he pulled me into a hug, my head resting on his shoulder.

"I know"

"Are out going to tell Sophia?"

"I don't know, I don't want to be more worried than she already is"

"You do what you think is best"

I pulled away and stood up.

"I should get back to sleep"

"Are your sure you're going to be okay?"

I shrugged and then went back to my room,  a cool breeze blew through the open window. I walked over to the window and looked out, even though it was London, I could still make out the distant trees and flowers in the overlapping fields, not such an unusual sight where I live, but it still makes me wonder about our worlds, and how everything works, it makes me come up with the strangest of questions, like, why do the flowers grow? Or, why do flowers have petals? Alot of things make me wonder, they shouldn't, but they do.  I don't want to go back to sleep now, not to see the endless suffering of those lives that I cannot save without a reason, so instead, I dug through my drawer, until I found my sketch pad and a pencil. I started to draw  my dream. 

I added every little detail I could remember, even the correct faces of those I managed to see, and every rigid edge of fallen stone and rock, and then I drew me. I couldn't remember me at all, apart from the long white silk dress that floated on me like a cloud. I didn't add any colour, it looked better black and white. When morning comes, I'll show Dane, not Sophia though, she doesn't need to know. I curled up on my chair and pulled my pink blanket over me, and fell into a dreamless sleep.



Light came raining in through the window, how I dread the mornings, not knowing what has happened over night, not knowing if my nightmares have come true or not. I'd have to face the truth about it, they were going to come true at some point. I made myself get up and then into the shower, letting the ice cold water run down my face, much as I hate the cold, I couldn't ask for anything better. When I got out, the heat hit me like a brick wall, how could the temperature change that quickly in the space of two maybe three minutes? Well, I thought, maybe it is short's weather. I put on my denim shorts and my black vest top and then went into the kitchen to see if anyone else was awake. Sophia and Dane were sat on the armchair laughing.

"What are you two laughing about?" I smiled as I asked

"Only how messed up her hair is" he pointed to Sophia's hair, I had to admit, it was pretty messed up. so I joined in the laughter as I went to get three bowls of cereal, and carefully carried it in to them. We ate in silence, all of us too hungry to talk, I was the first to finish/

"Have you booked a flight yet?" I asked

"Yeah, we're going in a week" said Sophia

"It could have been worse"


"Doing anything today?" questioned Dane

"Not really" I lied, I am doing something today, I'm going to my favorite place on Earth, the only place that is quiet, the only place that lets me be me.

"I'm going to the shop" I said

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sophia followed me as I made my way to the door

"It's fine"

I grabbed my rucksack and then started jogging, it was only a mile there, the first half was quite boring, only cars and even more pedestrians, but the second half was all field and grass. When I got there, I searched for my tree, it wasn't necessarily a forest, more like a few trees in a field, but still, it was a beautiful place. My tree was in the middle, under the white blossom I could see the green and red leaves. I sat in my usual spot, right under it, leaning up against the trunk, and got the picture I drew last night out of my bag. I studdied it for a long while, trying to memorise every last detail. Suddelny, I heard movement, my head snapped up, alert, but then I relaxed again when I saw Sophia come and sit next to me.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked, hiding the picture

"This is where you always come when you're upset or lonely"

"How do you know that I'm upset, or lonely?"

"You keep fiddling with that necklace" she pointed to my vintage watch locket that I wore around my neck. I could feel the gentle tick of the hand across my chest.

"Why do you wear that?" 

"I just do" she sighed and then turned to face me

"What haven't you been telling me?"

"Sophia, I-"

"Nadia, please tell me, I have every right to know"

I saw the worried look on her face, and then drew out the piece of paper that I drew on, and gave it to her.

"What is this?"

"My nightmare"

"Since when?"

"A few months ago, the same one over and over again"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you really didn't need to know"

"Does it have something to do with me?"

"I don't know, but I want to find out as much as you do"

"I still don't get exactly what it is"

"Me and Dane think that it could be something to do with the future, but we're not sure"

"What! Even Dane knew!"

"Soph, I really am sorry, but I didn't know what to say"

"Can I have a look at your necklace?" she asked

I took it off and handed it to her, and that's when it clicked open.


I nearly jumped with shock, I have had that necklace for my whole life, and not once has it ever done that.

"What just happened?" I asked in a whisper

Sophia gave it back to me, it was open, almost like a locket, and inside of it, was a piece of paper folded up. I looked at her, and she nodded, as if to say that I can take it out. I unraveled it, and read the words out loud.

"As the river flows, yesterdays love turns into today's tears"

There was no name written underneath the writing, or on the back of the paper, just that little phrase.

"What does that mean?" Sophia asked, as stunned as I was

She examined it and looked at me with wide red eyes.

"Do you think-"

"No. It can't be"

I knew exactly what she was thinking, that it was one of the seven lost Orsa's  but it couldn't be, they had been lost for eternities, it was merely impossible just to stumble upon one. The Seven lost Orsa's are the missing parts to one sentence, one sentence that will open up a gateway to the barrier, a thin line between humanity and un-human creatures. Prophecies say that if one were to piece together all seven parts, the war of the Mortui would start all over again.

The war of the Mortui was the war between the Seekers and the Omniforms, it lasted at least ten years, and when it ended, only one man survived. Christopher Bortmiere. When he saw his dead wife, Grace Bortmiere, he swore that he would one day get revenge, and so he created the Seven lost Orsa's, he spread them across the world until he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went to one of the most famous seekers of all times. Elizabeth Crinstine, and asked for a spell that would kill him quickly. So he died without anyone knowing where he hid the Orsa's. Ever since, nearly every seeker has been looking for them, why they do that, I have no idea, because they are more likely to get themselves killed than actually finding one piece.

If this is one of the seven pieces, then the news is going to spread quickly, but we can't do anything with it until we speak to the Primicerius, but if someone comes after it...


I jumped out of my daydream and focused on Sophia.

"Did you hear a word I said?"

"No, sorry, I was just thinking what would happen"

"Whatever, I said that we should go and tell Dane, and see what he thinks"


We walked all the way back to the warehouse in silence, both of us too scared that someone will over hear us talking and follow us back. Dane was sat writing at the table, he looked up and smiled, but when he saw our shocked faces, his smile faded and he came over to us.

"What is it?" his voice was firm, but it always is when he senses danger 

I gave him the piece of paper, he read it and almost dropped it.

"It's not-" 

"We don't know" Sophia said for me

"Want to get some books out?" I suggested hopefully

"Yeah, I'll go and get them" Sophia left, leaving Dane and me alone

"Where did you find it?" he asked

"My necklace" he looked at my necklace like it was a ghost and tilted his head

"Who gave you that necklace"

"Well, I got it at this market-"

"That's all I need to know" he went away as Sophia came back in with an armful of books.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked

I shrugged and went to help her put the books down on the table

"I hate research" I said

"Yep, but it has to be done" I smiled as I went for the first book on the pile, they basically all have the same thing in them, about the history of the Seekers, the only thing that irritated me was that they had no index, and some of them were a meter thick.


After what felt like hours of searching, we finally gave up on the books and decided that we both needed a nice dinner, I called Dane and told him where we were going and he said that he would meet us there. I put on my best dress, it was black and short sleeved, I wore it with my silver ballet pumps. Sophia walked in, she was wearing her strawberry dress with her red little ballerina shoes.

"Ooooh, I love that dress!" she squealed 

"Thank you"

"Come on, we're going to be late"

She tugged at my arm, pulling me out of the front door. The cold prickled my bare arms, I wish I had worn a jumper or something warmer. We walked down the high street, past Primark until we reached PREZZO. When we pushed the door open, the little bell rang, and a waitress came to great us.

"Hello how can I help you today?"

"Um, our friend is supposed to be here, under the name Dane"

She flicked through her book and then gave us a wide smile

"I'm sorry, he's not here yet, how many of you will be dining?"

"Just three" Sophia said

She took us to a booth and gave us each a menu.

"What drinks would you like?"

"One lemonade and two coca colas please"

She took our glasses away, and we sat in

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