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Book online «Sylent Nyght by Amber Riel (best novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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a few bags. Nyght kind of looked over at Raymond. Her look was kind of questioning. Dealing with the fact that his wife was a mute, Raymond had learned through the years how to read her expressions and body language to understand what she was thinking. She wasn’t one who wanted to learn sign language because it made her feel like she was deaf which she wasn’t and computers were too modern for her. She preferred to communicate with her husband in a way that was both unique and different.         

“No, Nyght. Thornton’s alright. His daughter needs to get her butt kicked for her attitude but they’re not the ones we’re after. I’ll tell you. I also believe that a few of them own banks and jewelry stores… but I’ll let you know what the job is.  Besides, I don’t want you to do anything until we get our own place. It’s not a good idea.” Raymond turned his attention toward Nyght. “Got it, honey?”

Nyght nodded.         

“After we put our bags into the room, we’ll go and get something to eat that way they won’t suspect anything. I know we don’t get hungry anymore but still we must act like them so they don’t suspect us. We’ve gotten this far and I know we’ll get further… until the end of time.”



Evlyn and Leanna hung out at a fast food joint, talking and eating when the new couple walked into the building and over to the counter. A twenty-three year old woman with shoulder length black hair was working on the other side of the counter. She smiled at the couple. “Hello, how may I help you two today?” she asked in a warm, welcoming tone.         

“I would like to order two meatball subs with onions, peppers... and everything else,” Raymond replied.

Nyght made a face which meant she was sickened by the food choice.         

Raymond sighed. “Of course… you didn’t let me finish, honey, I know you don’t like everything. I’m sorry my wife’s kind of picky when it comes to certain kinds of food.”         

“Oh it’s no problem. I can be picky too so no worries,” the young woman replied.         

Evlyn stared at Raymond and Nyght. It wasn’t too hard for her to figure out that they were the new couple, seeing that in a small town everyone knew everyone and well she didn’t know them. “Hey, I think I see the doctor and his wife. She looks a little young for him,” she commented to Leanna.         

Nyght heard Evlyn’s hushed whispered. She briefly glanced over at Evlyn and Leanna. She had no voice but her hearing was a thousand times better than a dog’s.         

“That’s so gross,” Evlyn continued speaking.         

“Aren’t you the one who’s always saying that love knows no age?” Leanna asked.         

“Yeah,” Evlyn answered, “but when I say that I'm talking about a twenty year old dating a twenty-five year old, not a twenty year old married to a man in his late thirties. It looks as if he’s dating his daughter and that’s really sick.”

“As long as they love each other. I mean that’s okay and I’m pretty sure that he’s not the kind of man who would marry his own daughter. Besides, he’s cute for an older man and she’s lucky to be married to a doctor.” Leanna stood up. “I’m going to introduce myself. You’re welcome to come.”         

“I’ll wait here.”         

“Of course… that’s what I thought.” Leanna made her way over to the counter. “Hey, Cathy,” she told the woman who stood behind the counter.

“Hey, Leanna,” Cathy replied. “You cops have any new news to report?”         

“Not yet. Cormick’s hoping that we get a call about a bank robbery or something instead of Little Sally’s cat who keeps winding up in a tree. I know she loves that cat but I think for some reason it’s trying to get away from her.” Leanna turned her attention toward the couple. “Oh hello… you must be the Millers. I’m Leanna Chase.”         

“Hello… I’m Raymond and this is my wife, Nyght.”         

“Ooo Nyght… that’s an interesting name and really unique.”         

“How did you know that we’re the Millers by the way?”

“Oh.... Small town so everyone knows everyone and word travels fast especially when new people move in. Besides my cousin told me that you were actually her doctor when you two lived in Chicago. Do you remember Kristina... Kristina Strong?”

“Ah yes. I remember Kristina.”          

“Yeah, she actually recommended you when she told me that you were moving here with your wife. I thought that I’d introduce myself so that way you two can at least know one person here.”         

“Well, it’s nice to meet you…. Leanna?”         

“Yep. Well I’m going to get back to my friend over there.”         

“Okay. There we have a couple of new friends now, honey.”         

“Okay,” Cathy said. “Here’s two meatball subs: one with everything and one basic sub with just meatballs and sauce.”         

Raymond grabbed the tray. “Thank you, miss. Come on, honey, let’s sit down and enjoy our food. You know I don’t understand how we don’t have taste buds anymore and you still don’t like to eat certain kind of foods. I mean you can’t taste anything so how do you not like anything?”

Nyght glared at Raymond.         

“I was just asking a question, you don’t have to look at me like that.”         

Nyght shook her head, a little aggravated.         

“And no. I told you I’ll let you know when we have a job. Although, I do want to meet that Cormick guy. That was the name….”


Leanna sat down in her seat. “They’re really nice people, Evlyn, you should meet them.”         

“I don’t know. It’d be too weird,” Evlyn replied. “I’ll feel like I’m talking to a sexual predator and his next victim. I wouldn’t feel right.”         

“Judging people before you get to know them. That’s not very nice.”         

“He’s like thirty something and she’s like in her early twenties. There’s something wrong there.”         

“Maybe they’re from ancient times,” a nineteen year old boy replied, appearing out of nowhere, followed by a twenty-one year old guy.         

“Yay!” Leanna shouted. “Calvin, you’ve made it. Come sit next to me, hon.”         

Calvin sat down, wrapping an arm around Leanna and kissing her cheek. “Oh, Riley. You can sit down too,” he told the other guy.

“Hello, Riley,” Leanna replied.         

“Hi, Leanna.” Riley noticed the cute girl who sat across from Leanna. “Hello,” he spoke shyly to Evlyn.       

“Oh, Riley, this is my best friend and coworker Evlyn. Evlyn, Riley’s actually Calvin’s cousin and he’s going to be Calvin’s best man at the wedding,” Leanna replied. “Plus he’s single.... I think that you two would hit it off,” she whispered.         

“Really now?” Evlyn asked. “He is cute.”         

Riley sat down.


Later that night, Raymond and Nyght were in the small but comfortable hotel room. Raymond sat in a chair and removed his shoes from his feet. “Okay, honey. Do you want to get in the shower first? Or is it okay if I go first?”         

Nyght slightly nodded toward him.         

“Okay. Are you sure? Cause I can wait if you want me too.”         

Nyght nodded.         

“Okay. I shouldn’t be long.” Raymond stood up and walked over to Nyght. He kissed her forehead then locked eyes with her. “I miss your voice so much. It’s my fault you can’t talk anymore, honey. I’m so sorry. Most men would like it if their wives couldn’t talk but I can’t stand the silence. I miss your voice. I’m going to do everything I can to try and get your voice box working again.”         

Nyght hugged Raymond and they kissed.         

“Okay. I’m going to go into the shower now. I love you, Nyght.”         

Nyght locked eyes with Raymond again and smiled. She loved him so much and she knew he loved her in return. If she were able to talk, she would have told him that.   

A smile grew on Raymond’s face. “You don’t have to say anything with that smile. I know you love me too.”

First Job

Nyght and Raymond shared the bed which sat next to the small round brown table that separated the bed from the long covered window and the door. Nyght flipped through a magazine while Raymond watched the television. His arm was draped around his small wife. One of the pages had caught Nyght’s eye and a smile grew. She looked up at Raymond with the smile planted on her face.

Raymond locked eyes with his cute little wife, confused. “What?”

Nyght held up the magazine, gesturing toward a picture on the page.         

“Oh…. You want a baby?”         

Nyght’s smile grew. She nodded.         

Raymond sighed. “I’m sorry, honey,” he told her, disappointment filled his voice, “but we need to settle down and not only that….”         

The smile on her face vanished. Disappointment overcame her and her attention dropped toward the bed. She wanted a child. The feeling of being a mother was one she longed for but listening to her husband destroyed that dream.         

“I did some research and neither of our reproductive systems works anymore. Besides, even if we could have a kid, it wouldn’t….” The man looked over at his wife, realizing that at some point she had left the room.  He stood up and walked toward the bathroom, knocking on the door. “Nyght…. Come on, honey…. If it makes you feel any better, I want a baby too but we can’t unless we adopt and I know that you don’t want to adopt at least not right now. Honey, come on please?”



Nyght sat on the toilet seat, staring at the floor. For someone who couldn’t feel pain sure was upset. The pain of knowing there was no possibility for her to have a baby of her own hurt more than anything.         

“Honey,” Raymond’s calming, sweet voice spoke through the door, “please? It’s not your fault and it’s not my fault. We’re not really alive anymore and that kind of affects a lot of things. Please come out? Please come back to bed with me, honey. I love you.”



Cormick sat in his office, thinking. His long brown desk filled the small room. A little lamp sat on the desk, letting out dim light to make the room seem dark even with the moonlight shining through the blades. A small picture hung

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