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Book online «Beyond Hyperspace Book 4 by P.J.Lawton (top books to read .TXT) 📖». Author P.J.Lawton

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you are describing. Nothing in our medical books tells of this white powder needed to survive.
Jason was stunned! “Books, you have books. You can read and write?
Now Rios looked confused. “Yes, of course. Everyone in our community is taught to read and write. Your people don’t read or write?”
Jason sadly said, “No, my people not allowed learning to read or write. However, some of us secretly try to learn. It is just so hard without proper books.”
Rios nodded in sympathy, “That’s too bad.” After a moment he continued. “Anyway, we need nothing other than food and water to survive. We also know nothing of the sickness you are talking about.”

“But the Leader says that the sickness is everywhere and that we must not attempt to move to another location because of the shortage of Life Force. Yet, you and your people seem to move about at will. How can this be?”

Rios was silent in thought for a minute. “When was the last time someone from you village died from this sickness?”

Jonas had to think for a few seconds. He couldn’t remember anyone that had actually died from the sickness and said so.

“I will have to think and research on this more,” Rios said. “It is time for rest; we shall speak more of it tomorrow.”

The meeting broke up and everyone moved to bed down. Talla was kind enough to make Jonas a resting place under one of the supply wagons. As he prepared to sleep he realized that that he had not had a Life Force ration in almost eight days. The Sickness would surely start soon and the travelers had no Life Force. He was going to die!

The next morning he awoke with an odd feeling. After several attempts to rise he fell back on his bedding. He was sweating profusely and could not concentrate. Talla found him a few minutes later. She attempted to give him to give him water but he could not swallow. As he slipped into the blackness the last thing he remembered was her beautiful face filled with worry.


When Jonas opened his eyes he could see the bright sun shinning and a cool breeze washed across him. It took a few seconds for him to understand where he was. Suddenly, with much joy he realized that he was alive. Expending considerable effort he attempted to sit up. He immediately heard a shout; it was Talla.

“Father, come quick, he’s awake,” she said.

Within seconds Rios came over. “Well,” he smiled, “Welcome back. You had us worried for awhile.”

Looking back and forth between father and daughter Jonas simply stared. He couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Rios realized his predicament and started to speak again.

“Jonas, you are going to be fine. You can thank Talla for that. She has been by your side caring for you these three days and nights. Let me explain. The morning of the first day Talla found you burning with fever and bathed in sweat. For the last three days she stayed by your side, keeping a cool cloth on your forehead and bathing you as necessary. Finally at night of the third day the fever broke. This is morning of the fourth day.

Jonas was alive, very weak but alive. He couldn’t believe it! After Rios finished he waited a few seconds then attempted to talk. “I don’t know what to think. I have had no Life Force for over twelve days. By all knowledge I should be dead. What type of miracle is this?

“There is no miracle,” said Rios. “By your own accounts you should have been dead at least two days ago. However, in the last three days you were able to purge yourself of the effects of your Life Force. It would appear that Life Force is really not a medicine. Instead of curing this sickness you talk of, it keeps you subservient to your so-called Leader. In our travels we have heard of people becoming dependent on strong medicines. Sometimes the medicine is worse than the cure.”

“What are you saying? Am I no longer in the need of the Life Force? If that is true then I have accomplished my quest and my people can be saved. We can be free of the Leader and the Enforcers. I must return to my village right away!”

“Yes, with time and patience your people should also be able to rid themselves of this evil. However, you are very weak and will need at least a week to regain enough strength for your travels. Rest now and we will speak more later.”


Seven days rest and good food had done wonders for him. Jonas was healthier than he had ever been in his young eighteen-year life. He was loading the pack that Rios had provided when Talla approached.

“Jonas, I know you have to leave but I want you to know that I would very much like you to stay.”

Looking fondly at her dark eyes and slightly upturned nose he nodded. “Yes, I too would like to stay but my people must be brought out of the darkness. Once their dependence on Life Force is gone I would hope to see you again; if you will wait for me?”

She nodded and smiled but before she was able to speak Rios approached.

“Jonas, tomorrow we start for the south. As you can tell there is coolness to the morning air. Once you have returned home and help rid your people of the Life Force dependence you are welcome to join us.”

“I am afraid it will take many days to cleanse all my people. Unfortunately we will only be able to cure one or two at a time. Any more would arouse the suspicion of the Enforcers and we would be severely punished. Once we have completed the cure, all that wish to leave will slip away and I will lead them here. Perhaps we can meet again?”

“Yes, we will be back this way next year when the warm wind blows. If you and any of your people wish to join us then come here. We will find you.” Shaking Jonas’ hand he turned away.

Looking toward the resting place of the sun and home Jonas took Talla’s hand. “I must go now for I have many days travel before I am home. Once my people have been cured I will return for you.”

After walking a short distance he turned for one last look. The morning sun limited his vision but he was sure he could see Talla standing hand raised in a silent wave. Turing back to the mountains and home Jonas felt happiness like never before. He now had the means to save his people plus he had a beautiful young woman waiting for his return. Could life be any better?

He was confident that all his family and friends would soon feel the breath of happiness that only true freedom can bestow. Thanks to Talla and her people his village would no longer held in the powerful grip of deception of a self appointed Leader and the dependence on his evil Life Force.

He wasn’t sure if those who chose to depart for the stars all those cycles ago would ever return. It didn’t really matter. Within the next few cycles, his people would be free. Free to move about as they chose since they would no longer be ruled by a tyrant’s hand. Yes, upon his return the Searcher’s Quest would finally be over.

Publication Date: 07-16-2011

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