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Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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me of a place called home. Hank made it feel like home to me. I walk closer to the porch and get a better look at the house. Through the window the living room looks worned down from no occupants. The property hasn't seen much physical presence. Years have gone by. Killing any life the house might have had. Just a rotting shell of its former construction. Wiping dust that has accumulated on the windows. I peer into a frozen room. Still unchanged by the course of time. Some furniture and appliances remain inside. But all color has faded away. No further investigation. Since its getting late. I decide to leave. I'll return later for more information about the house. I'm sure if I talk to the person who owns the property. They might give me a good deal? I head to my temporary quarters. Exhaused and pleased with my findings.
Last night while sleeping. Something scintillated in my cortex, rushing me awake. It was so quick it came to me like a nightmare. Now I wish had let it ease. It ignited a sense that something is near. Causing a frenzy of ideas to form in my mind. A blank dithery stare fills my eyes. Could it be a chance of a passing ship near the system? I'm concern if that could be the case. Have to focus and remember what the connection might be? My equipment must get moved to the radio station quickly. I may miss an open window of something actually receiving it. Once before. Were not the only ones in this part of the galaxy. Hopefully their not Merirosvots. Roughly translating to pirates. They rarely speak and have fierce attitudes. These Merirosvots have a tendency to get violent. Looking at one in the wrong way can cause you problems. They also take deep voyages into the unknown. Maybe looking for something priceless? Some of our greatest discoveries came from them. They traded for information on other civilizations they wonder into. Not very smart about what they encounter. Getting into unecessary engagements. Firing their arsenal into civilian ships for no reason. Then again. They are pirates. That is their doing and ways to survive. No indication of where they came from? Very little information on their past or culture. There so unpredictable when it comes to trading with them. Those Meriosvots attack us at one time. Right on the docking bay. Firing their weapons on those around. Yet back on my homeworld. We've trading with them on numerous occassions after the attack. Of course it wasn't the same pirate ship. Some doscile and others looking for a conquest. Even if their pirates. Its the best chance of getting back home. Because of my species. I'm valued more to my people if alive. They know my people trade well and have resources for their ships. Too much thinking about this anyway. I have to start preparing the devices. This time more will get connected. At first. I only plan on taking a piece at a time. But I can feel something is coming. I'm sure of it. I must make the dire attempt to beam the message to them. Three months turn into a few weeks. Already I'm uncertain if it could be done. A slip of paper slides beneath the door. Its a letter. Mr. Proxton had called informing me it wasn't necessary to come in. This is good news for the day. Plenty of time to visit the other sites and link the towers together. When I go to the station I'll set-up the other devices speeding up the completion time. Not going to be hard sneaking more devices pass the owners of the motel. They rarely come out. Unless the bell rings. Very shy and mysterious couple. I get my equipment together. Packing the devices and tools for the trip. Tower seven is my first stop. The schedule showed a service date for next month. So I won't be expecting any unknown visitors. Other towers might be expecting a technician at any time today. With the truck loaded. I make my way to tower seven for the installation.
Driving up close to the tower. I park the truck. Beaming the lights on the power box. The Sun has not yet risen over the mountains. With darkness still dominating over top. My hearts begin to speed up. As being alone out here has engage a emotion of fear. Especially how everything is working as plan and getting caught is not a good way to start. Zapping the gate open. I make my way around to the power box. On the power box. A padlock is securing the compartment. No problem. A simple zap from my finger burns the padlock, making the insides visible. Tampering with the wires inside. I connect my device to the power supply. This will link up with my command screen back at the motel. Only twenty minutes it took and the job is done. Feeling more calm on the time it took. My hearts rate slows down. As I exit quickly back into the truck. With the time it took to complete the task. I could fit the oppourtunity of moving my equipment to that new location. In the mirror behind me. The Sun appears, marking my departure. With no work today. I need to get a hold of the property owner to discuss a price. No price was printed on the property for sale. With my knowledge on property values. I won't pay more then twelve grand for the house and land. Its better the pirates make a landing out to that property. Provides perfect concealment. With most of the attention inside of the city. Also there is no way of landing near the motel without causing structural damage to the surrounding buildings. Trying to avoid unecessary deaths in my attempts to get rescued. With no work and one of seven towers connected. I make my way to the property for purchase. Driving up to the property. A truck is parked near the house. A man is locking up the door. He turns around from the my lights. I speak to him from inside of my truck."You the owner of the property. I took a look at it the earlier. I'm interested in buying it if the price is right". The man steps out from underneath the dark porch. He has rough features. Age of a hardworking individual. Reminds me a little of Hank. His character and deameanor are so similar. Both being from the country. He spits a wad of tobacco from his mouth."Yep. Finally making a move from the country desert life. On to bigger and better things". He spits again."I've been here most of my life and my kids grew up here. Needs some work. But thinking eight thousand is a fair price". In his truck. He had packed some items from the house."I'm staying at the motel in the city. You can reach me at the there". I hand him the cash. He looks shock that I carry that much."Damn boy! I didn't think you be buying today. Well looks like a deal to me". He hands me the keys and signs the deed over. For a old man. He sure did get in his truck fast enough. His intentions to move on from this city for good. At least someone is. Now I have to transport my equipment from the motel to my new home.
I haven't had the chance of setting up the other towers. This whole entire week was spent moving my equipment to the new location. It was hard for me to leave the new owners of the motel. With no explanation at all. But had no real work relationship with them. Many moments spent with the old man, the original owner. It was a pleasure to help him out. The new owners never took much appreciation in my work. They just like having me around. Able to be secluded in their room. At least with the old man we communicated. We played cards and talk stories about the people we've meant. Most of my stories were had to do with the voyage toward Earth. I had to change some parts, because of my true identity. But told them if available. I try to check up on them just in case. So with the new location set-up. I head to the radio station. Working there has taught me more about their broadcasting equipment. I know that this isn't the end to their technological endeavors. With time. There antenna and transmission devices will be way advance in the coming years. Maybe they'll try to contact us in the near future before we come back? There religion can only shield them from the truth for so long. Even now. Many upgrades in their telescopic equipment have peered them further into space. With the books printed in this time. They understand the cosmos a little better. When they understand their own system in detail. It could give them a layout of what to look out for. Once I arrive at the radio station. I push the buzzer for entrance into the building. One of the staff lets me in. Just like before. I walk to the back of the station for installation of my devices. I only got several more pieces to install. After that I'm finally finished with first task. Using the rest of next week for the towers. Earlier, I look at the schedule. The towers up for selection have been service already. Good for me. As I'll expect no company. I'll have time to carefully connect the devices and with days to spare. With the second device connected. I go ontop of the roof to install another. I perform my regular work duties and go over the weekly checklist. Doing my job keeps my plan a secret. With all that completed. I sit and relax in the back of the station. Daydreaming about my return to the homeworld and reuniting with my people. Sharing my experiences about these humans and carving a new future for our people. Snapping out of the dream. I clock out and head to my new home. Need to check my command screen to see the progress I'm making. Each day the signal is getting stronger. But must wait for a response. I'm feeling that my sense for something was coming might be wrong. I've not had the same feeling from before. Anyway it was good that I rush for the completion. Boredom has surfaced. Either get rescued or move entirely from this state. I walk into my new place of comfort. I take a seat infront of the command screen. To my amazement. Something has receive the signal. Information states that the signal was picked up from the deep edge of their solar system. About a couple of light years. Maybe they'll continue on toward the location of the signal? Need to get the other towers connected quickly. Reach full operation in time to send out a message. Soon I'll be off this planet, heading home.
It took all day to connect two towers for more signal strength. Only four more towers to go. After those are connected. I'll be able to send a message. Time is against me. As I get another sense that something is drawing closer than before. Need to take the risk and install more of my devices at the radio station. Once my devices are connected to their equipment. I'll have to monitor the devices on a regular basis. Only way to accomplish this. I'll have to sneek into the station at night. Get complete control of their broadcasting equipment. This will make things a whole lot easier. I leave the tower heading back to my home. Put myself to sleep by performing some more research. I over the book of constellations. Longated effort in studies. But I have finally
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