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is your ball. You run with it.”

“Run with it... Seymor -- after this dust settles, do you think we can cut back on the plum assignments? I don't think I've spent a day with Nicky in two weeks.”

Seymor squinted. “You're the first Floran to come through this office who's a family man.”

“He needs me, Seymor -- he needs a man's involvement.”

“We'll see what we can do.”

10 -- The Task Force

Nyk sat at a conference table in ExoService headquarters and exchanged greetings with the others. A man wearing Altian security force insignia sat beside him. “Ahh... Mr Kyhana, I believe,” he said.

Nyk turned to him. “Captain Sirk...”

A man with ExoService insignia embroidered on his xarpa stood and rapped his knuckles on the table. “Let's begin. We have some preliminaries to get out of the way. My name is Illya Kronta and I'm the chair of the ExoAgency oversight committee. I'll also be heading up this task force.

“First -- the activity of this group is classified at the highest level. If you don't understand why, you will by the end of this meeting. Each of you has been given a sealed packet. You may open them now.”

Nyk tore his open and looked inside.

“You have received two datacels. One of them is a comm cipher using our strongest encryption. You will use this cipher for all communications among task force members. Any documents you create must be encrypted with this cel.

“The second datacel is a set of background and briefing documents, including a master list of individuals involved in this project. You must not discuss any aspect of this project with anyone not on this list. We may be adding staff as needed -- we will update the master list at that time. Any questions?” Kronta looked around the room.

“Good. Now -- before we get to our agenda, let's go around the table and introduce ourselves. As I said, I'm Illya Kronta. In addition to Agency Oversight, I represent Agency Enforcement and ExoService Security.” He glanced to his right.

“I'm Doctor Kurso Aahhn, of Floran City Central Clinic.”

“I'm Doctor Geov Helsyn of the Clinic, and the University Medical School.”

“I'm Doctor Senta Tibran.”

“These three will be heading up the effort to combat the threat we've identified,” Kronta interrupted. He nodded toward the next seat.

“I'm Captain Ovid Sirk of Altian Security.”

“Captain Sirk is heading the Altian task force on The Seven,” Kronta explained. “He is here as liaison with the new Altian government. Next...”

Nyk stood. “Nykkyo Kyhana, ExoAgency North American Operations.”

A man to his right stood. “Kato Pring, Adjutant to the President of the High Legislature.”

“Good,” Kronta continued. “We're purposely keeping this group as small as necessary. The first item on our agenda is a review of what we know. We won't go into a detailed description of an Altian independence faction known as The Seven -- you can find that in your background material. What are germane are recent demands and an ultimatum delivered against the Hegemony -- demands for a immediate withdrawal of the High Legislature presence on Altia.”

“You'll note,” Nyk observed, “The Seven's list of demands omits a schedule for democratic elections. It seems to me the majority of so-called independence movements have no concern for their base population -- they simply want to replace one set of thugs with another.”

Sirk bristled. “I object! Altia is not run through thuggery. We are a colony of duly passed laws and representational government.”

Kronta rapped his knuckle on the table. “We are here to cooperate on a solution to our current dilemma.” His gaze fell on Nyk. “We'll take discussions of that sort off-line.”

“I apologize,” Nyk replied, looking toward Sirk. “My remarks were out of line.” Sirk smiled and nodded.

“The critical aspect,” Kronta went on, “are claims by The Seven of possession of a weapon of mass destruction -- a planet killer. We have credible intelligence to conclude this weapon is biological in nature.” He looked toward his right. “Doctor Helsyn.”

Helsyn stood. “What we know is based on a patient treated by Dr Aahhn and his team here in Floran City. An ExoAgent presented himself with symptoms of a viral infection and subsequently perished of that illness. We now believe this virus is man-made, and specifically designed to be a killer. Once established in the body, it reproduces itself into six phases -- each specific to a single vital organ or system. The details are in your background material, so I won't waste our time reviewing them.

“What we wanted to present today is some new knowledge we've gained over the past several days. Initially we attempted to match this virus with known specimens in our database of Earth pathogens. We came up empty.” Helsyn glanced toward Senta.

“In order to understand how this virus operates,” Senta said, standing, “one must understand what a virus is and how it reproduces. A virus is nothing more than a strand of genetic material in a protein wrapper. It reproduces by attaching to a target cell and injecting its DNA. The cell's native genetic material is co-opted by the virus, and the cell begins replicating thousands of copies of the virus, instead. Eventually these are distributed to attack other cells.

“In order to attach to a cell, the protein wrapper must have appendage molecules that can lock onto the biomolecular surface of the target. For example, in Phase One of this virus's attack, it attaches to mucous cells in the respiratory system.”

“ order to maximize communicability,” Helsyn interjected.

“Phase Two attacks immune system cells...” Senta continued.

“ order to wipe out the body's defenses and pave the way for attacks on vital organs...”

“...and so on. By going into the pathogen database, I was able to search the configurations of protein jackets of various known viruses and compare them to the predicted wrappers on our sample. Phase One of the weapon virus constructs a jacket nearly identical to that of the Earth influenza virus. Phase Two is a near match with HIV.” She passed out datacels. “The details are contained in this report. It's unencrypted because we had not received the ciphers yet.”

Helsyn stood. “What we have is a virus that can mimic the behavior of six known and deadly Earth pathogens. If you could examine the virus itself, you'd be unable to distinguish the synthetic from its natural pattern...”

“From the outside, that is,” Senta interrupted. “Genetically they're very different.”

“Previously we were attempting to match our database genetically,” Helsyn continued.

Senta smiled. “It's a common error,” she interrupted again, “to assume that two similar- looking species must have similar genetic material. In fact, similar genomes can create different-looking individuals, and vice-versa.”

Helsyn nodded toward Kronta and sat.

“The other critical aspect is the date of the ultimatum -- 6639.101 standard. Today is 6639.072. We have twenty-nine standard days with which to develop a response. I'm throwing the floor open to suggestions.”

The task force members glanced around the room, eyeing each other. Nyk stood. “Having spent a couple of years on Earth, I'd like to share what I've gleaned from that experience. Earth nations face biological threats from other unfriendly nations, and from terrorist groups similar to The Seven. Invariably the discussion turns to mass vaccination as a response. After all -- if the population is immune, it renders the weapon useless.”

“We'd need to develop such a vaccine,” Kronta replied. “Then, manufacture sufficient quantity for twenty-four billion doses and administer them. I can't see how we can accomplish that in twenty-nine standard days.”

Senta stood. “Dr Helsyn and I believe development of such a vaccine is not only possible but practical -- now that we know what we're dealing with.”

“Administering it is a different story,” Sirk remarked.

“If we could predict which colony is the likely target and concentrate our efforts there,” Nyk replied, “it would reduce the administrative problems dramatically.”

“How would we know which colony?” Kronta asked.

“I believe there's only one that's the likely target -- Lexal. First, the population is small, but concentrated in several urban areas. Second, Mykko Wygann is universally unpopular in the HL.” He glanced sideways at Pring. “Most HL delegates would consider loss of Lexal a shame; but privately, would be grateful for the removal of a thorn. If The Seven attack T-Delta or Gamma- 5, for example, the HL reaction would more likely be horror and revulsion. It would turn sentiment away from The Seven's objectives. And -- finally, there's the animosity between Altia and Lexal -- the revenge factor. I think Lexal is tailor-made as the target.” Nyk poked his vidisplay. “Not coincidentally, 6639.102 -- the day after the ultimatum expires -- is Grand Assembly Day on Lexal.”

“What is Grand Assembly Day?” Sirk asked.

“It's the day public forums are held in all the cities. Business closes, the people congregate, hear speeches and petition their legislators. How convenient would it be to disperse the virus into the crowds to maximize exposure.”

Pring nodded. “I think he's right -- Lexal is a prime target. If we plan on protecting Lexal, we can neutralize the first use of the weapon.”

“We must also neutralize The Seven themselves,” Sirk replied. “Once they realize it's failed -- they'll turn it on another colony.”

“Only if they believe the other colonies remain vulnerable,” said Pring.

“Similarly, if word of a plan to protect Lexal leaks out,” Nyk added, “They'll change the target to an unprotected world.”

“Hence the need for absolute secrecy,” Kronta interjected.

“I think,” Nyk said, “we should not stop with the vaccination of Lexal. We should offer the vaccine to all the colonies.”

“Absolutely,” Sirk replied. “Perhaps by the time they realize the initial attack has failed we can have the rest of the population protected.”

“Sirk -- what do you know of The Seven's structure?” Kronta asked.

“Very little,” he replied. “Although the group claims to be an Altian faction, we're beginning to believe their leadership may be headquartered elsewhere. For certain, their infantry is on Altia -- the privates and corporals. Where the colonels and generals are ... is anybody's guess. They could be right here.” He tapped the table with his finger.

“On Floran, that is,” Kronta replied. “Not in this room.”


Kronta nodded. “We'll need the cooperation of Internal Affairs. I'll handle establishing the appropriate contacts. Is it agreed our first priority is protecting Lexal?” Kronta looked around the table. “We'll need the cooperation of Mykko Wygann and his regime.”

Sirk snorted. “Good luck obtaining that.”

“Nykkyo -- you can approach Wygann.” Nyk nodded.

“Good. We all have work to do. We'll reconvene in two days to review our progress.”

Sirk and Pring headed for the door. Nyk approached Senta and Helsyn. “Can we really make a vaccine?”

“Yes,” Helsyn replied. “The decontamination serums ExoAgents use routinely contain vaccines. The problem is -- this virus is so multifaceted, we can't create a broad-spectrum vaccine that will protect a victim from all phases. Not, at least, in the timeframe allotted.”

“What we must do,” Aahhn added, “is to create a vaccine to protect the victim at the most critical phases. In my opinion, those would be the phase one respiratory infection and the phase two immune system attack.”

“I agree,” said Helsyn. “We can also make synthetic antibodies that can give temporary protection. Phase two will be the tricky one, though.”

Nyk turned to Kronta as he slipped his handheld vidisplay into his xarpa. “Illya -- I apologize for that crack about Altian thugs.”

“It's okay, Nyk.”

“I'll need to bring Andra into this in order to approach Wygann -- through his wife.”

“I have no problem with that. Her friendship with Princess Janna gives her a primary motive to work in our best interest.”

“Don't you trust her, Illya?”

“I trust an ax'amfin to behave in whatever manner suits her interests.”

“Andra is a good woman. I don't know about other ax'amfinen, but she has always put duty first.”

“Duty to whom? To the Hegemony or to that academy they're so loyal to? Nyk -- I like Andra. She's always been straight with me. Maybe she's an exception.” Kronta picked up a polymer case. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes -- I think there's good evidence that The Seven have a cell operating on Earth.”

“What sort of evidence?”

“The virus has surfaced there, as either an accidental or intentional release into the Earth population. It happened about the time Marxo fell ill. There were thirty-four Earth cases -- all fatalities.”

“That's not so bad.”

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