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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (dar e dil novel online reading txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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had no control over his body, he still experienced everything he did.

"Reality check, Kimberly...the whole world doesn't revolve around you."

When he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could see the tears in Kim's eyes when he'd said that to her. Her pain was genuine...and while he'd screamed in protest from within, his body only smiled at her anguish.

Jason...the real in there somewhere, listening to everything that's being said. When this is over, I'll talk to him

, not this twisted parody of him!

Tommy slowly stood upright, dropping his defense. Jason watched, perplexed, as Tommy stared him down.

Not breaking eye contact, the Red Ranger tilted his head, and spat out the blood that collected in his mouth. "Jason, I know

it's not you talking. If you can hear me in there...I'll save you."

Jason scowled furiously. "What makes you think I want, or need your help?"

The fire in his eyes building, Jason dove for Tommy once again, grabbing the slimmer man by the throat. Tommy refused to fight back, and only struggled to ease the grip as the pair wandered to the edge of the pit of Maligore.

Chapter Forty-Three


Kim murmured, rubbing her hands in delight. "Into the fire... into the fire..."

As the battle between the former and current Red Rangers escalated, all present were slowly entranced by the exchange. The Turbo Rangers were able to recover from the blows dealt by Jason, and even Katherine was given a respite after Kimberly set her crimson eyes on the fight.

All of Divatox's forces also watched the battle, some mutants even placing bets on which of the humans would toss the other into Maligore's pit. And as their attention diverted elsewhere, the wizard Lerigot finally saw an opportunity for action.

The hours of rest after he'd opened the passage to Muiranthias had replenished him enough to cast simple spells. Holding his chubby hands forward, sprinkles of energy flew from his fingertips, dancing in the air as the swirled to their target: the poor human girl entranced by evil.

Kimberly's eyes jerked wide as she felt the invasion. Her muscles froze as a cooling sensation sank into her body, slowly but surely calming the fires that raged within.

She felt the anger die... and was suddenly struck by guilt, anguish, hurt, confusion-


she screamed clutching her forehead. She could feel her strength fading...tears flooding in her eyes again -- "I won't be weak...ever again


She clenched her fists, urging the Flame of Destruction to burn even brighter. The inner flame blew out of control, eradicating the resurgent emotions. Instantly, fire began to leak from her eyes, drying the tears she had forbidden, and dripping to the sand below.

When she felt the comforting heat rise within, she settled her scorching glare on the Liarian. "Nice try, Ewok. But I'm not

giving this up!"

Lerigot's large eyes widened as he felt his spell fade. In his weakened state, he didn't have enough power to cool the fire within her. It was astonishingly persistent.

Murmuring under his breath, he resolved to save the other poor innocent, forced to act against his will.

"Now I'm

the one with the muscles and the power!"

Jason declared, straining with all his might to push his opponent over the edge. Tommy gagged at the reinforced strain, trying his best to focus his attention on regaining his balance...and not the brutal flames arcing from the pit, reaching for him urgently.

The vicious former Ranger had no warning as the cooling white energy flooded him, causing him to gasp in shock.

Tommy watched as his best friend calmed, releasing his grip and collapsing...forward toward the flame.

"Jase!" Tommy gasped. Hope strengthening his body, Tommy grabbed careful hold on Jason, and managed to secure both against the ledge of the pit. Carefully, Tommy regained his balance, and eased Jason to the floor.

The former Red Ranger trembled with sudden cold as the inner fire faded...and his own personality washed back into place.

"Wh...wha?" he rasped, absently rubbing his face like a child arousing from deep sleep. He blinked in surprise when his hand colored with blood.

"You're gonna be fine, Jason," Tommy assured him, "Maligore's spell has been broken."

Jason noticed the distant tone in his best friend's voice, and turned around. The instant he met the red-rimmed gaze, his breath caught as his disorientation faded completely. He remembered everything... every word he'd growled, every perverse thought that guided his action. He felt the blood on his hands, pounding first the other Turbo Rangers, and then his best friend, without the slightest drop of mercy or restraint.

His mouth instantly dry, he cast a furtive glance at the Red Ranger. "Tommy...what I...what I said --"

"We' later," Tommy determined, rigidly rising to his full height. "Once this mess is cleaned up."

"You wish

, Tommy Boy."

Tommy whirled around, just enough to catch a fist with his cheek. He collapsed to the ground, blinking back tears to clear his vision.

Jason gaped at Kimberly, who hovered above them both, her eyes burning like red suns. "Kim..."

The gymnast rolled her eyes. "I'm disappointed, Jase. You could've stayed by my side, been partner to my revenge."

Jason opened his mouth to respond, but stopped when he noticed the hurt that swam in Tommy's eyes. Suddenly, he remembered Tommy's anguished question. "Is that why you...and Kim...?"

Jason's eyes widened. He doesn't think...

The Red Ranger collected his strength, and looked up to face her. "Kim, please


A wicked glimmer in Kimberly's eye hinted at the pain she was about to inflict...until, out of nowhere, a foot landed solidly in her face.

Tommy watched dumbly as Kimberly flew several yards across the chamber, collapsing into a boneless heap against the unyielding stone wall.

Horrified, he turned to stare at Katherine, who was still crouching from her landing.

Her rose helmet hid the hurt his accusing stare caused her. "Tommy, the kid gloves are off! She wasn't going to stop until she killed


Wordlessly, Tommy jumped to his feet, and raced to Kimberly's side. With trembling fingers, he gently brushed her caramel hair out of the way, and carefully turned her cheek.

She'd received a full-force Ranger kick in the left cheek, causing her face to turn an ugly shade of purple. Blood poured from her nose and mouth, dripping onto Tommy's glove.

The entire assembly of Rangers grouped around Tommy, watching him lightly touch the angry bruise.

Katherine hugged herself tightly. "I...I didn't mean to use that

much force," she murmured.

Just then, the fire from the pit flared, creating a burst of energy that shook the entire temple.

"Maligore!" Justin hissed, clenching his fists, "He's waking up!"

Jason knelt beside Tommy. "I'll take care of Kim, and get the Liarians out of here. You've got a job to do, Red Ranger."

"Yeah," Tanya added, holding out his helmet, "and you'll probably need this!"

Tommy nodded curtly to his best friend, and then slid the crimson helmet over his battered face. Slowly, he rose to his feet, settling his determined gaze on the pit of flame.

Suddenly, a mutated claw stretched from the pit, gripping onto the stone edge.

Tommy took a step toward it. "Guys, let's take this freak!"

Chapter Forty-Four

The first thing she felt was the jostling of her entire body. Her arms and legs hung limply, her head cradled against something solid, yet not hard.

Then, she noticed the blinding pain that throbbed one side of her face, and made it almost impossible to open her left eye.

She inhaled sharply, and opened her good eye. She saw the darkened walls of the tunnel...the one that led out of the temple --

"Put me down."

Jason froze, the menace in his friend's voice so overwhelming, he didn't want to know what she'd do if he refused. Slowly, he lowered her feet to the ground, letting her stand on her own power.

Kimberly folded her arms, glaring hard at Jason. The absence of the rich red aura in his eyes spoke volumes. "I can't believe you gave this up!"

Jason bit his lip. "Listen to me...Lerigot can reverse the spell, free you --"

"I am

free! I've never felt so alive

! Do you have the slightest idea how long it's been since I've been at peace?"

"Kim," he said patiently, "you're not at peace. You're furious...the Flame of Destruction has taken away your purity, leaving only hatred behind. Can't you feel it? You can't even be happy!"

Kimberly tossed a hateful glare at the Liarian trio. Yara gasped at the stare, hiding herself and her baby protectively behind her powerful husband. "You really gave in to this imp's silly cooling spell?"

Jason reached out, trying to grasp her hands. Yet, before he could even touch her, the heat she emitted burned his skin. "Kim, please. You've got to come back to us!"

Her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. "Us?

Oh, I get mean you and the Rangers

! You and Tommy

! You're actually taking his



"I knew it,"

she hissed, slowly moving toward him. "Deep down, I knew that when the day came, you'd side with Tommy. After all, you're 'Buds.'


Does it matter at all that you were my

brother first?"

Jason stared into Kim's flaming gaze, watching in horror as the fire dripped from her eyes, leaving a trail of brilliant flames on either side of her feet. He stepped backward.

He held his hands up in surrender as the wall touched his back. There was nowhere to go. "Kim. I can't fight you, and I can't stop you. I don't have the strength."

She hissed wordlessly, launching her fist toward his head. Jason closed his eyes, waiting for Death to take him...when he felt the vibration of a massive crash just left of him.

When he'd mustered the courage to open his eyes, he saw a deep hole just an inch away from him, smoke stretching up from the impact site.

And Kimberly was gone.

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