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Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6 by Heather Ray (free ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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stone floor of his Lunar Palace. He seemed to float along the floor, and rose up the marble steps to reach his large throne. He had just taken a seat when in flashes of energy three Viper Putties appeared before him, standing at attention.

"Lord," said Rito, who standing stiffly beside his master at all times, "shouldn't the other two Putties return to Earth?"

"Yes," the Shadowed One reflected, casting his empty gaze at two of the Putties. They then vanished, leaving only the center one still awaiting his master's decree.

That one Putty actually succeeded in the task Umbriel had sent dozens of Putties to accomplish: to channel the energy of a Starlight Ranger through the Tib'lika. It was a special energy-siphoning cloud, which made it easier for the Viper Putties to collect the necessary information and store it in the recording crystals they were designed with. One Putty had almost absorbed the energy pattern of the Red Ranger, but it was destroyed by the interfering Gold Ranger before the necessary data could be stored. However, the Yellow Starlight Ranger was not so quick to escape the iron grip of a Viper Putty, and the data was eventually assembled.

"I must examine this crystal," Umbriel announced, "and then I will be able to deduce whether the Starlight Rangers are of any consequence. The remaining Putty Patrol will stay on Earth, and will do their best to delay the Power Rangers from rescuing Goldar's captives."

"Master, if we brought the captives to the Moon..."

"...then the Power Rangers will attempt to rescue them, which would lead to a premature battle against them," Umbriel pointed out. "At this point, I am not interested in whether these two humans are reunited with their allies. I want to understand the mysteries of the arrowhead, and from what I have witnessed, Goldar has so far managed to extract some very useful information from the Green Starlight Ranger."

"Goldar succeeded?" Rito remarked, his calcium brow rising. "Now I've seen everything."

"There is much you have yet to see," Umbriel assured, reaching his hand to the lone Putty. The clay creature crumbled to ash, and a small crystal floated into Umbriel's crooked fingers. "I must continue my preparations, before I can confront the Power Rangers. Without the remainder of the M'Kraan Crystal, I am nowhere near full power."

"So, what shall I do to help you, Lord?" Rito inquired humbly, lowering himself to one knee.

"It is time for me to extrapolate the Rangers' strength. Therefore, I will need to provide them with a challenge that will test them to the limit, but will not inform them of my arrival. Surely, if Zordon were to discover I have returned to Earth, he will do his utmost to watch my every move, and try to steal from me the M'Kraan Crystal when I attempt to recover it from its hidden location."

"Send me, Lord," Rito volunteered. "With the power you have granted me, I am sure I can best them all."

"Do not kill any Terran Ranger," Umbriel stated emphatically, "I still must decide the best strategy for separating the human from the crystal within. Instead, force them to show you the extent of their abilities. Also, confronting them is necessary. The Rangers are surely expecting the appearance of the 'Monster of the Day.'

They might feel something is amiss if that expected battle does not occur, and we do not want them to suspect anything. From their perspective, Rita and Zedd should still be ruling the Moon."

Umbriel then rose to his feet, and carried the small crystal shard with him. "Prepare yourself, Rito, and make sure to keep your identity a secret. If the Rangers discovered who you are, they will detect the vast change to your person. Remember...they must not heed any change. You are just one of Finster's creations. Do not give them any information about my arrival."

"Your will be done!" Rito saluted, hefting his large ax over his shoulder. He then hastily left the throne room, leaving the Shadowed One alone.

"I will understand the power of the Starlight Rangers, and the Terran Rangers as well," he pledged, gazing into the swirling crystal he held. "Then, I will recover my majestic M'Kraan Crystal from the location where Zordon of Eltar would have least expected it: right under his very nose."

He smirked once again, gazing out into the darkness of space. His gaze dropped to the floating gem of Earth, with patches of white clouds slowly casting through the high atmosphere.

"Oh, perfect globe of Earth," he reflected, "Zordon's little pet project, and chosen station for his battle against me. Also, a wonderful ball of rock, complete with a heavy iron content, allowing her to hide my M'Kraan Crystal without fear of its vast power being detected. Who would think to search the deep beds of Earth for it? The perfect locus for both Zordon and myself to stake our powers...and the destined locus for my final victory over the Terran Rangers, Zordon, Roma...and Destiny herself."

Chapter Thirty-One

A heavy silence hung over the Blue and Black Terran Rangers, who dutifully examined the lower caves on the rock face on the eastern end of the rugged search area. In fact, not a word was exchanged between them during their entire search, or in the Central Access Complex prior to their mission.

A great deal of discoveries had occurred in the CAC earlier. And quite a few buried fears erupted.

For Jason, he was almost overwhelmed with suspicion. The suspicion made him feel quite guilty, but he couldn't shrug it off. Ever since he knew Katherine Hillard, he had detected the feelings she had towards his best friend. Fortunately, she had gotten over it. Or at least, he thought she had.

Now, he wasn't sure. Perhaps, the only reason why Katherine even dated him was because of the fact that she couldn't

have Tommy. And now, with the discovery of a reality in which she did marry Tommy, perhaps that notion re-ignited feelings she had placed on hold, because of their unlikelihood.

Did he still have to compete for Katherine's heart? If, for some reason, something happened to sever Kimberly and Tommy's relationship, then what would happen? Was Tommy her first choice?

He didn't want to think about it. He didn't even want those thoughts to occur to him. But he couldn't prevent it. He wanted badly to just trust in Katherine. If they were meant to be, then they'd be together.

But, it didn't seem like they were

meant to be after all.

For Katherine, similar feelings gnawed at her. She couldn't get the image of Brittany Lee out of her mind.

The Yellow Starlight Ranger was quite beautiful, with soft yet strong features. Her mother was surely remarkably pretty as well.

She couldn't help but wonder, what would happen between them? It was obvious that Brittany was older than Micah. Therefore, it's safe to assume Jason was the one to marry before her and Tommy. And on the other hand, Anthony was older still. So, it seemed that Kimberly had married Anthony's father first, sufficiently ending any possible future relationship with Tommy. And then Jason married this Emily Stanton, and lived happily ever after.

So, she wasn't Jason's first choice. And she wasn't even Tommy's first choice. She was the left-over.

For the first time in quite a while, Katherine found herself questioning Jason's motives. Only hours ago, she was certain that Jason would never break her heart, as so many before had. Perhaps her luck with love was finally about to change. But now, she wasn't so sure. After all, he was involved with Alexis first, and he never even mentioned that relationship to her. Katherine almost felt that, if the Purple Ranger hadn't returned to Angel Grove, Jason could have strung them both along.

Jason and Alexis had

something, until Katherine stepped into his life. Just when would Emily step into his life? It wasn't a question of "if"

, in Katherine's perspective. No, it was only a matter of time until Jason met his true love. And then, his feelings for Kat would just melt away, just like his feelings for Alexis.

She never really thought about marrying Jason: they weren't even really "official."

But still, knowing that Jason would meet Emily left Katherine cold. And the fact that Brittany expected Jason to already know Emily meant one more disconcerting thing: he'd meet Emily soon. Perhaps she'd transfer to Angel Grove High. Or perhaps she'd always been there, and he just hadn't met her yet.

It was fate. Jason was going to meet Emily. And of course, he'd fall in love with her. Why wouldn't he? She'd surely have the same character traits that Brittany's mother has. The basis for their attraction would still exist.

Perhaps she was more into sports. Perhaps she had more in common with Jason. Perhaps she was more attractive, intelligent, or even confident.

All in all...she was a better match for Jason than Kat was; and that grim determination left Katherine feeling cold.

And so, the pair continued their search, their voiceless thoughts occupying their minds completely. In fact, they were so distracted that they never heard the dim mumblings that surrounded them.

The first clue to their danger was when a spurt of dense venom splashed Jason's raven helmet.

"Ah!" he cried in alarm, falling backwards as his vision was instantly veiled.

"Jason?" Kat called, hurrying to his side. She gasped when she saw the steam pouring from the helmet, indicating the corrosive venom was eating through the armor.

"I...can't get it off!" Jason shouted, prying at the latches. His fingers were trembling with panic, making it quite difficult for him to operate.

Katherine pushed his arms away, and tried her shot at freeing the latches while not touching the streaming venom. She bit her lip when she noticed the drops moving progressively closer to Jason's neck.

"Dammit!" she shrieked, "the latch melted!"

Pursing her lips with determination, her Ice Daggers appeared within her clenched fists. She pried open the latch with one dagger, and yanked the deformed helmet from his head. Jason collapsed to the ground completely, panting heavily and gripping the dust with his trembling fingers.

His lip still quivering, he looked up to see two Viper Putties standing right in front of him.

His eyes narrowing, he dug his fingers deeper into the ground. Suddenly, a pillar of earth sprang up beneath the two Putties, tossing them into the air and off the edge.

Jason sighed with relief, and pulled himself into a sitting position. He glanced at his melted helmet, still steaming from the toxic venom. He then espied Katherine, who was facing four Putties. Her moves were frenzic, as she blocked attacks with both daggers, as well as tossing the occasional offensive kick.

One Putty managed to poke through her impressive

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