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Book online «Kingdom of a thousand [EN Premier] (BX-Edition) by Eftos Eftos (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Eftos Eftos

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fingers, then he supports, however, and mutters, "but where exactly?" He holds his hand to his chin.
Again it is Patchara Petch-a-boon to the event is the saving twist:
"Well guys, then get going. How are we to find the weapons factory? "
"Er," "Uwuhao" was the only audible response. Henley betippelt his temples, but He is just a useless scrap.
Patchara has now let them suffer long enough, how proud you Otto declares, "Aha. So that's that. Unlike some others who wanted to teach some of the Vex robot on the dance ... "She looks behind to colleague Ruba,
"I've pulled the Comm frequency of Exa-Retzlav. So now I feed the fast on-board computer, then returns to us as if by magic, the precise landing coordinates. What do you say? "
Henley you just want a pat on the shoulder as someone else mucking things up: "Made veeery nice. Potatoes are you most! "He's seems a bit acidic. They stretch each other out her tongue.
Quite different from the pilot Henley. He's thrilled. "Clean it, quickly," he said in Ruba-style. He was right. A Bard Lund Rocktar in orbit, although the exo imagine, but the less attention, the faster the landing, the better!
It has the advantage with a Regierungsrocktar Lund bard class to be on the road. After the board's computer Patchara has received signatures makes it immediately diligently to contact their electronic counterparts down in the capital and several geostationary satellites around the Exo. Soon the network is completely woven, the first data to arrive.
This discreet information obtaining an official authenticated instance, security is technically easy to perform. During the exacerbation, however, if the basic combat robots screened expensive, they remained invisible even on a government ship. However, speaking the unencrypted signature of a singing and dancing Exa-unit, located in a high-security prison about 0.92 light years, however.
In fact, less than three minutes later, it rattles out the onboard speakers as follows:
"High-concentration signature Exa-MIL, military class, were found. Location near northern hemisphere Uxclaveh, Canyon High Plateau region Desapir 2579 13 648 degrees west longitude degrees north latitude. Awaiting instructions. "
Ruba Svinenysh the cheers like a victorious boxer. He smacks his speakers. "Johuu where holla! Class made a lot of very fine "Typically Svinø: the danger he sees in this statement completely. After all, were precisely tracked combat robots.
Patchara Petch-a-boon, cautious by nature, raises his hand: "Folks, we have to watch now! On no account go down in sight, much less a day. "
Henley nods wordlessly. His best friend beblinzelt the board-Comm: "We can forget about abzuturben Uxclaveh purpose of refueling. The spacedock is far too small. Our Turb there would shine like the sun on a silver platter. "
"However, we land with him grounded, is sufficient, according to the fuel indicator never home until the Prime Pak. During takeoff and landing for me based on it much. I think our only option, or is Henley? "
"Exactly," he replies. We park our Turb stationary position slightly offset to our country. Normally go down. Computer: target geo-coordinates three degrees west, 14 degrees North. At 20:00 local time and landing Abdockmanöver 20km west 13.648N 2.579W destination. "
"Statement meant." Rattles the computer and our three heroes nod to each other. All find the plan well.
Shortly thereafter, Henley squints through the technical details of Rocktars. Suddenly, a delighted, "Wow, great 'to hear.
"Exactly what is most amazing super now," asks Svinø immediately and extremely curious. He and Patchara look intently at Henley. This clenches his fist:
"Ha, according to the inventory are three All-Terrain Wheeler on board. As many as we need. Super! Do you know that? "Henley looks in the round.
"For us there are many Xonburi Wheelers. Even those who can flit across the water. "Responds Patchara determined. Svinø falls down the jaw, for him is new.
"It can also" raises a Henley "is apparently used to also Prime Pak. Wait, before I read once: "
"With the latest generation of all-terrain driving rapid Wheelers is possible on all surfaces. Due to the extreme thrust ultra high speeds are reached. The physics of nano-profile, in combination with the intelligent software that allows even miles of quiet water crossings. "
"The gear is dirt repellent and an additional two times mechanically sealed. Deserts, salt deserts but also muddy jungle trails, tundra-steppe and taiga, and snow and ice deserts are easy to cross with you. "
"The Spring knob lets them stand out. Depending on the speed jumps are possible up to a hundred meters. The computer-controlled main spring also ensures a soft landing from falls of up to 20 meters. "
Overwhelmed by these statements devours Henley now almost certain someone. This includes the following:
"Driven to the bikes of a superconducting electric motor with 98.5% efficiency. The energy required is generated by the high-performance solar modules that are built into the entire surface of the Wheelers. "
All this is too much of a good thing, going Svinø screams, "Jahuu holliwupp! Schnapptgeschnell! Whiz whiz, loshoppeln, roaring, powerful! "He waves his fists like a racer before him.
Patchara Henley and burst into laughter. Then laugh off all three children. Good news: The movement downward on the barren steppes moon Exo seems assured.
Shortly thereafter, the geostationary target position is reached. Now it's time to wait up to 20 clock local time. Then it goes down and begin the adventure.
Exactly at night, quietly and unnoticed, protected by the black of night, disengages from PAH-LS and goes over into the landing. His goal just a few miles from this most dangerous weapons equipment module, better known as Machine-City II is removed.
What is expected of our three heroes? Henley even a queasy feeling comes over: "Did you order your Colts' he asks the group.
Svinø is already fitted but Patchara Petch-a-boon only reluctantly takes on the deadly weapon. "We use only the defense, right?" She asks.
Henley takes a deep breath: "I do not know whether we need them at all. Perhaps there is another way the robot off. I'm thinking of a virus or something like that. You're coming over to the Raah is not it? "She nods and holds it firmly all over your Comm.
A landing without Spaceturb is the norm and much less spectacular than Wespleys touchdown on the Vex in zero atmosphere. After turning off the engine Ultrosin, sets the Rocktar Lund bards like Grandpa Willis MOW-I as conventional Flyca. Immediately afterwards, the wings are retracted and the vehicle has been virtually transformed into an automobile.
Our heroes jump out. Henley authenticates itself to the loading hatch. He's looking for something specific and will find it. He picks up the litter tent, and throws it in a high arc on the flat prairie land.
It inflates immediately. S is large, and comfortable. Designed for four adults. So more than enough space for three adventurous children. After all it is made convenient it is time for a briefing.
Patchara is the chef. Satisfied, she tells all on board what is sought is the palate. Even a minute microwave is installed. The deep-cooled Spacemeals range for weeks and the liquid-synthesizer is packed.
Svinø and Henley, meanwhile, have offloaded the Wheelers. The first of the two losbrausen wants the same, without a goal advises just for fun, the second upon it: "We better wait until tomorrow, is now only once a fashionable hat sleep."
Noja, Svinø itself is also sometimes tired and he looks like one. In the tent, even a delicious meal surrounded by nature. Everyone is in good form and good mood. It worked perfectly so far and the adventure is the greatest experience for each of our three twelve year old hero.
What does this trio already out of themselves? Svinø the daredevil, Henley, the courageous and Patchara Petch-a-boon with your wisdom holds the reins.
None of them, except perhaps Patchara guess how much will change things. The cold reality will soon reach our heroes. Everyone will have to grow beyond itself to survive, because if it goes.

(XXIX) battle around Exa-nano
Quietly, in machine language communicating a patrol Exa-MIL bots sneaks through the barren landscape. This quad is just outside Riga City Machine II, in the steppe on the satellites of the Exo Pak Prime in Indi system.
The primary objective of the mission is to improve the autonomy of robots to react to unforeseen own responsibility. Technically, therefore, a moving neural network flits through the area.
Their heads rotate. You scan the surrounding area. Beutler they discover each Spring, each Etto in the air is a Nutzdatum, winning brings into your matrix. Of course, they are far from saying how boring it out here actually approaching the contrary, is exactly what the technicians have wished for this mission.
No one really knows how they would respond to significant or surprising if your ready then Neuronalspeicher a cognitive act would have. But what should happen to be great? Attacking a Etto? A Spring of Beutler, hello 'call?
Meanwhile, break for our young hero's first morning in the steppe. Svinenysh the Ruba yawns like a champ, by turns, and jumps out of sleep or less curious in the booth, he sneaks over to the hijacked Rocktar Lundbardens. He shrieks:
"Situated Spooning, losgesperrt, knock knock knock-out with the Wheelers" And he ensnares the bare titanium as a pet. "Flit whiz, but quickly," he's also the best.
Henley rubs his eyes. Somehow you have to be so aroused. Lighten up. But so soon? Just now is only the indicator rises from the horizon.
"Svinø, there are sweet little piece of hot tea. In a minute, "he said so to his friend.
"Soooo? Hem good flick. Flit wait, but then "And indeed! Patchara their meals served to determine the the daredevils probably want this digest in the saddle.
Henley opened the hatch and pulls out the shining steel racer. Svinenyshs door is open. He squeals and shudders Rubsch untranslatable on it with happiness.
"Put on helmets," said the young prince, and outputs the high-tech headgear. To ensure optimum visibility and need to enjoy these stylish racing helmets no visor. And instead have an air bag including chemical crosslinking to Wheeler. At a certain impact or fall in with the appropriate speed it is triggered.
The liquid in the helmet sprouting from a plaster-like foam. Head injuries are therefore almost impossible. One simply tears off the helmet after the crash along with plaster from the head.
"And take your Colts with." Patchara makes big eyes, Henley continued sheepishly, "I know how unlikely it is, but at least we are in enemy territory! So please, I'm obliged. "
Svinø is ready first. In a kind Rockerpose he sits there, ready to press the start button. Henley gives the signal, they dash off.
Holy crap, what kind of power that? The throttle must be at most pet. Then this design. It is simply a unit with his hit. Svinenysh the Ruba is too cocky. He turned with a jerk.
"Waaaah" His body is taking off, he just clings tightly in his hands on the handlebars. Impossible for a man so endure but Svinø has significantly more power into the hands of his bones are virtually frozen. With difficulty he managed to turn off the gas tap. He shakes and taps his helmet.
Henley and Patchara close to Him, "Be careful Svinø!" Said the young diplomat's daughter. "This is not a game."
Yes, even the swashbuckling Ruba noted that caution is called for in these rockets. He nods at you.
Henley is the direction. Since the front, this looks like a small shallow lake. He immediately takes it course.
Shortly after all three go smoothly over the smooth water. The software controlled Wheeler increases the speed of sinking impossible. What a race!
Henleys Navi shows at some distance from the Desapir Canyon. This sight of course he immediately wants
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