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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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hurried away and she was overwhelmed with emotion. No, he and she, it cannot thrive. On the other hand, when she remembered he was always been loyal to her and he had always supported her and ... he always had looked to her with his basset hound's eyes. But a greyhound like her and a basset hound like him, no, that could not walk well. This comparison made her laugh out loud. Luitz looked at her immediately and blinked. She heavy breathed out.

The additional flight was uneventful. They create this flight, which led from the guard forts in the asteroid belt up to Atlantis, in three hours in lower light flight. Then they could see the beautiful blue planet, which has been rapidly growing. Wispy clouds moved across the vast oceans and below they already could see the lake, where the island of Atlantis was situated. As they came closer, on the horizon in front of them they could watch the sun set. It was a glorious sight below of them the blue and white of the planet, and before them the irritating lights of the star of the Atlantic System.

As they break silently through the clouds, the oval of the inland lake spread out before them, and in the southwestern region they already could detect their destination. "Spaceport Atlantis calling, you are allocated to sector five slash two two five. Be careful, now sending signal-beam!" A ping let the ship shake briefly, then the controls swiveled round and you could see that the ship was delayed purely visual. Physically and acoustically you noticed nothing, because gravity fields absorbed all occurring forces and the acoustic damper worked optimally.

Suddenly a double-ping hit the ship. "Attention, attention, system alarm. Attention, attention, system alarm. Intruder detected! Nostremu, leave your signal-beam and turn to three six zero nord immediately, I repeat Nostremu, turn to three six zero nord immediately, we have a system alarm here with unknown intruders!"

Engines, that already chanted in standby, went back to power in all of a sudden and tore the spacecraft round.

"What our detection say?", Snofu inserts.

"Well, they look like ships of the Klakrrraks. Five objects suddenly are materialized in sector zero zero without recognizable energy signature, ie almost exactly over Atlantis. Then they have radiated an unknown form of energy and now vanished toward space."

But they did not get far. A battleship, so either the Posseidinoy or one of his sister ships materialized not far away from the Klakrrraks ships and fired immediately. Within a few seconds, these ships were rubbed out from the screen.

"Warp guns" stated Luitz.

"Ok, please enter our observations to the monitoring station, maybe they can do anything with it!"

"Give approval to this command sequence!", It came from DL241 with a time of delay, even though the command has already been transferred without that he had been asked. Seemingly he must preserve the countenance anyway.

As the Nostremu again began her approach, this time just from the north, from afar you could already see the four famous rings of channels, as reflections of the sun. But more than in the channels the sunlight was reflected in the three fixed ring walls that surrounded Atlantis. They reflected the pure light again, because they were made out of this particular resistant, lightweight and corrosion-resistant material, that was called electrum. Of course, the walls were not entirely formed of this material, but primary by a self-curing composite and electrum was merely an external reinforcement, that guaranteed strength and corrosion resistance. Still, it was an impressive sight every time that enjoyed Snofu. As the Nostremu floated slowly and majestically through these walls, you could see right the Royal Palace and left the Temple of Poseidon slide past. By this entwined with electrum pillars the temple had something barbaric and also mythical. The walls, covered with pure silver, contrasted with the gable crowning of gold.

When the Nostremu reached its mooring in the inner ring of Atlantis City, the antigravity machines where shut down five meters above ground to avoid damage to the flooring of spaceport. Tenths of a second after the shields of the spaceport took over this function and set the ship silky smooth in the parking zone. Only a slight vibration you could feel when the retaining clips embraced and stabilized the ship. Then large transportation gangways drove out of the floor and docked at the various locks of Nostremu. Thereafter the discharge of cargo began. The two large outdoor pylons were dismantled and disappeared in huge elevators at the bottom of the spaceport.

"Well, I am not longer the owner of this ship, therefore from now on you can take care of the the ship and do work for it, tin!", she said to the roboter and disappeared with her already packed carry-on luggage in one of the numerous locks. She would make herself comfortable in her official residence in the government quarter and wait. She would avoid being self-active and socializing and let watch her to the high society of Atlantis like before, caused by the events of the previous days. The others wanted something from her finally, not vice versa. And officially the ship belonged no longer to her, so she would not care for its new cargo, she normally would have to worry now.

She lazed, looked several hologram news and movies, made sure that they had transferred her the entitled credit units, and did in difference to earlier, really ... nothing.

At 19:00 in the evening she therefore was very surprised when the bell rang at her apartment door. When she looked up curious, she could not believe it, at first. Outside stood her deputy Konfe Luitz with a huge bouquet of the most exotic flowers of Atlantis.

"Hello," he said with some embarrassment, "I wanted to ask you already in the ship ... uh, if you did not have desire to go eating with me ... uh, but then you were vanished so quickly."

He made such a simple-hearted look that she would can refuse him nothing.
"I have to do something today ... ", she answered, he gulped and said, "... uh ... if it's not quite thee this day, uh ... then I can ..."

"... but oh well, I'll manage it already at another day!" she smiled winning. Although in fact she had planned absolutely nothing, but that you needed not to admit always to men. She supplied more quickly the gorgeous flowers, then they journeyed.

He invited her in one of the numerous gourmet temples of the capital and it was a dream food à la Tyrennisch that burned exotic and deliciously on the tongue. They chatted and talked about Poseidon and the world and forget everything around them. Also, the alcohol was awarded extensively and first there was just only a shy touch a slight familiar stroking ... and the next morning they found themselves in the same bed again. Anxiously she looked to the door to see if again there would emerge some thugs and then, ... but nothing happened and they spent three wonderful months in the capital. Seen retrospectively, she had to admit, that were the best weeks of her short life. As they strolled through the streets one evening, there was suddenly a great commotion. Security forces made their reckless way through a crowd and beat there everything to pieces. They finally had to watch, that a respected politician in the party of Iapetus that hold a political speech 'pro free elections', 'involvement of the people' and 'Freedom for all', was beaten up by the security forces and dragged into a vehicle. His followers did not accept this without a fight, and there was a veritable mass brawl. When it seemed that the security forces would be subject to the mass, the commander of the troops send a sign, and spirals like clouds released from the command car that drove into the middle of the crowd.... Where the spirals met the crowd, people simply were ripped and torn into the maelstrom.

"They have used gravity guns!", Snofu shouted outraged and wanted to walk into the center of action, but Konfe pulled her quickly into a side street and probably saved her life in order.

As they sat down in a romantic coffee shop a few minutes later, it urged out of her: "But they cannot do this, they use one of the insidious weapons of the kingdom against unarmed people... and that were quite official security forces of the Empire, ...!

“That cannot be true! ", she got her upset.

"I know it, but what you should do something about it? Against all this violence, from which you now have seen only the tip of the iceberg?"

"Yes, you should fight against it, stand up and bring down these bigwigs from her lofty throne!"
After a few seconds of silence: "Would you really do that ... So not only to speak off the cuff here, but consciously participate actively in the resistance? You expected heavy seas ahead a few days ago, but do you dislike this regime really? And you would follow me every way I'm ready to go?", it blurted out to him.

She nodded, put her hand on his and said: "Wherever you always want!"

"Thus," he said, smiling, "Of today on I am officially appointed to the leader of the fleet of the Assembly of Iapetus by the Council of the Three Kings. I am officially being determined to the fleet commander, to the 'IFER' of the rebels. You can call me from now on 'Luitz-IFER'!"


419 BC Greece two

Report Plato:

When I appeared after a few weeks, equipped with numerous freshly smoothed wax tablet and my Stilus, my grandfather had already made himself comfortable in his chair.

"Yes, now listen carefully to me Plato, today I want to tell you about the power and strength of the state of Atlantis."

"Grandpa, how often I have already told you that my name is 'Aristokles' and 'Plato' for me is just a curse word, that shout out my peers, because of my plump stature!"

Grandpa smiled at me, "Oh, you my boy that you stand here before me. Clear and conscious of all your features and options, that future companions and generations will offer you. Do not take this name as a flaw of yourself, but see it as a chance to give your words and actions more weight and strength, so these words are as well 'Plato', so be broad and far-reaching in the future, like your stature is now. But hear now the words of your toured ancestor!"

"I have described you the city and the environs of the ancient palace nearly in the words of Solon, and now I must endeavor to represent the nature and arrangement of the rest of the land. The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city was a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descended towards the sea; it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape, extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across the center inland it was two thousand stadia (445,5 x 297 Kilometer). This part of the island looked towards the south, and was sheltered from the north. The surrounding mountains were celebrated for their number and size and beauty, far beyond any which still exist, having in them also many wealthy villages of country folk, and rivers, and lakes, and meadows supplying food enough for every animal, wild or tame, and much wood of various sorts, abundant for each and every kind of work."

"Grandpa, are you sure that only the plain is above three thousand to two thousand stadia accounted for? That seems so huge."

"Well, it has handed to me by my ancestor orally. However, it may well doubt, the mother of the facts be in this case. It would, of course, possible that these proportions represent only the size of the Inland Sea, located between the island Atlantis and the Pillars of Hercules and the extended plain has the same proportion that was divided by the 'golden section' (61.8% to 38.2%), but may have to be reduced by a factor up to this extent. In addition, however, I can only guess."

"I will now describe the plain, as it was fashioned by nature and by the labors of many generations of kings through long ages. It

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