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Book online «The Token by Kevin Bird (the little red hen ebook .TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Bird

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man for himself. They were easily outnumbered and surprised, but their armor and weapons finally began to turn the black tide.
With some careful fire, Drake shot through the body of one creature that had pinned Taren to the tunnel wall, and was trying to tear into his suit. Turning, he could see from his position in the center, that Cale had his back against the wall and was throwing frag grenades over the heads of his men at the rear of the group. They flew over the wall of creatures so that when they blew in a flash of bright light, the force of their destructive power was borne by the creatures at the back trying to get in for their turn. Drake did the same towards the front with similar results. His men were fighting the creatures that had managed to force their way into their ranks, but he and Cale had effectively reduced the number of reinforcements that could come in if and when space allowed.
Now, without the need for words, he and Cale waded into the fray helping the others. Taren had already begun to rally the men into a tight group firing in both directions to great effect. Cale and Drake joined in creating a wall of fire the creatures couldn’t penetrate. With a last burst of fire the final creature was stopped and near silence fell. All that could be heard was heavy breathing, thrashing alien bodies, and human moans.
“Cale, take five men and make sure all those things are dead. Count them too. Taren, check on casualties.” Drake was still shaking, his ears ringing. As he caught his breath and his composure he heard firing ahead, and he turned quickly to see Cale standing over a body firing downwards.
Taren walked to him, “Captain, we have two dead and five injured, two of them seriously.”
“Damn! I guess it could have been a lot worse though. We just passed a tunnel to the outside. Let’s take the dead and wounded outside and leave them where they’ll be safe. We’ll continue and finish this thing.” Taren nodded and went off to organize the others.
Cale came over to report. “Captain, they’re all dead and the good news is that we got twenty six of them. There can’t be many left that we need to worry about anyway.”
“Very good. Help Taren, we’re going to move the injured and dead outside and then push forward.”
When Cale and Taren returned Drake had organized the remainder of his force and they moved off ready for the final confrontation. They all knew their work would be finished this day and that they’d be paid well, good motivation.
As they rounded a bend in the tunnel their flashlight beams lit up a scene that immediately came alive with action. As one, Drake and his men opened fire as several of the creatures leapt toward them. Four were blown apart in mid-air before they reached their targets and the last was killed by concentrated fire as it attempted to pierce the facemask of one of the pirates. The men moved forward and saw a small group of creatures moving down the tunnel ahead of them. It was clear that these were the last, as they were obviously either young, old, or injured and not able to put up resistance. Before Drake could take stock of their situation the creatures ahead of him suddenly disappeared in a blast of light and noise.
He and his men hit the dirt and waited for the wall of dust that blew over them to pass by. As it did, they arose and moved carefully forward not knowing exactly what had happened. As they went down the tunnel in the direction the creatures had gone it became clear. The things had tried to escape from the sure death of the guns towards the risk of daylight and in doing so had crossed through the various mines and grenades Drake’s men had set up in the lowest cave opening. The last of the Hoppers had been blown out of existence.


“Daddy! They did it!” Carlee was shouting with excitement into the small radio.
“OK, OK, I’m not deaf Carlee. Are you doing all right? How’s Dale?”
“I’m doing great now that I’m not scared, and Dale will be fine. It’ll take him a few weeks to recuperate, but I’ll take care of him. We also have friends that will help us out. Maybe this place will be OK after all.” She was seated by her husband’s bedside and was holding his hand with a rejuvenated love in her heart.
Her father went on, “Is Drake there?” She assured him he was. “Please put him on, dear, and I’ll talk more with you in a moment.” She passed the radio to the dirty, sweaty pirate.
“Marshall, mission complete.”
“Well done, Drake. Your payment will be waiting for you at the agreed upon location. I can’t be sure of the exact time, but you’ll be there long before them anyway. I can tell you it should be about twenty hours from now. Will that give you enough time?”
“We’ll be there ready for them. I’ll contact you if there’s any kind of a problem; otherwise, you won’t be able to reach me. The Suppliers will certainly come looking for the culprit and I don’t want to be anywhere near here, and I don’t want anyone to know where I’ve gone.”
Marshall asked to be put on with his daughter again but the pirate had one more thing to say, “I need a favor from you Marshall. I want you to use your connections to try to help someone from this planet that will most likely be taken by the Collectors when her father’s Token isn't met.” He went on to explain about Bettine and the debt Drake felt he owed Jacob.
“I’m surprised at you, Drake! I never expected to see the day when you’d show some sympathy toward another human.” He heard Drake take a deep breath clearly readying himself to respond so he went on quickly. “I honestly don’t know what I can do, but I’ll look into my options and see if I can do something, no promises though other than I’ll try, Drake. Good enough?”
“I guess it’ll have to be.” Drake was displeased, but resigned; he was just too tired to argue. Anyway, he’d done the best he could as he had told Jacob he would, and as far as he was concerned, his debt was paid. “Here’s your daughter,” and he handed the radio over to her outstretched hand. He left the room and headed back to the Harpy and his men.
On returning he called for Taren. “Report, Taren.”
“Captain, all of the injured will recover and we’ve buried those that died. The equipment is stowed and the ship is ready to leave on your word.”
“Very good. We’ll leave immediately, and as soon as we’re under way I want you and Cale in my office for a briefing. We have a meeting to make and a reception committee to prepare.”


A bright flash of light in the late afternoon sky showed the crowd watching below that the pirate vessel had left the planet’s atmosphere heading for space and who knew where. Jacob was thoroughly confused. On the one hand he was so very grateful to them for ridding his world of the creatures that had caused so much trouble for him, his family and the others in their farming community.
On the other hand he couldn’t clear his mind of the image of his daughter being taken from his home. However, he’d decided that there was something he could do about it after all. He knew it would work, but it tore him up inside since whatever he did the outcome would devastate Bella.
Once the light had disappeared from sight he walked back to his home, hand in hand with Bella and Bettine. He relished the touch of their hands in his and he wondered if he could survive without it. He made a decision, “Bettine, why don’t you go off and play? Me and your mum have some talking to do.” Bettine looked unsure and even a little scared, but his father’s look told her it had not been a question, it was a demand. “Thanks, little lady. Come back in an hour and we’ll have dinner ready for you.”
As Bettine ran off Bella was looking up at her husband inquisitively, “What’s going on in your head Jacob? I know well enough you to realize you’ve been doing some serious thinking. Now I’m afraid ask about what.” She hugged him as they entered their home and sat at the table. “Come on, tell.” Jacob could hear the sadness in his wife’s voice. What he was about to tell her would possibly push her over the edge, but what choice had he?
“Bella, I have an idea how we can keep Bettine out of the hands of the Collectors and the Suppliers.” He continued with his idea and as he had expected, she became progressively more and more upset. When Bettine returned home she entered the kitchen to find her mother in hysterics and hugging Jacob like she would never let him go.


“Is everything in readiness?” Marshall found himself whispering even though he was safe in his home millions of miles from the man he was talking with. He knew he was playing a deadly game but that was war and politics he told himself.
The voice on the other end of the radio came back weak, “I hope you can hear me OK. I need to talk quietly and we’re experiencing a lot of interference now we’re so close to their sun. Everything is prepared. Once we land you won’t hear from me till this is over, so please make sure you come through for me if I do my part. If they find me I’m a dead man.” He spoke in earnest.
“Don’t worry about anything. You won’t have any concerns about the Suppliers or their kind ever again, I guarantee it.” Marshall meant what he said and the truth came through in his words and tone. “There’s one thing else I need of you when it comes time to leave your ship. I need you to bring someone with you and have the pirates pick her up before you go for good. Fair enough?”
“Fair enough. Her? Who is it?”
“A girl by the name of Bettine, she’s about thirteen years old. Can I rely on you?”
The voice broke up for a moment then Marshall heard, “A girl? Where’s she coming from?” Marshall never had time to reply as the line had already gone dead.


Another flash of light high overhead signaled to the few people up late enough to see it that another ship was approaching. This could only be the Collectors coming for their Token and many people ran to hide with their families inside their homes. With a lot of noise and flaming lights the two cargo vessels landed, their fighter support staying up above in low orbit ready for trouble. One vessel was close to where the pirates had so recently been, while the other was at the far end of the farms held within the co-operative. The loading was scheduled to begin at sun-up.


Few people in the farming community slept that night. The physical and emotional turmoil they had all experienced over the last few cycles was now catching up with them. The stress and the fear came out in many ways. Several people found solace in alcohol, some in prayer, and many just cried. For the majority of these farmers life would
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