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Book online «Grailem by Gary L Beer (top 100 novels txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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up fast on their viewing screens shows it to be a fertile planet. Bands of green vegetation, deserts, snow capped poles and a deep blue ocean make it look to be the perfect home.
Scanning the airways Grailem hears a confusion of broadcast messages flowing out towards him. Many are television and radio channels broadcasting entertainment channels and news.
Ordering his fleet to remain stationary two hundred million kilometres from the planet, Grailem approaches cautiously in his flagship. When he is in visual scanner range he observes the planet on the large viewing screen.
The civilisation occupying the planet Dangilhooley are well advanced technologically. Large cities and towns break up the green of the vegetation with perfectly straight grey coloured roads connecting them. Thousands of vehicles travel between the cities conveying goods from large metal clad factories to equally as large distribution centres.
As the planet slowly revolves below him Grailem sees a large military complex covering the land. Armoured vehicles and missile launchers fill one end of the complex whilst thousands of soldiers exercise around a cluster of buildings.
Large areas of virgin green jungle occupy most of the land which only occupies fifteen percent of the surface. The humanoid's, for that is what they are, must only number a few million and Grailem is pleased to see after one complete revolution of the planet, that there was only the one military complex. No opposing army or armaments were detected anywhere else and Grailem wonders at its purpose.
With this thought Grailem brings his flagship to a complete halt and using every available sensor he scans the planet below through the entire spectrum, from infra red to gamma rays and even X-ray.
The results, after the entire planet had been scanned, showed fifteen areas spread across the planet that contained nuclear and high plasma missiles. The missiles were aimed out towards space and confirmed Grailem's suspicion that they were a defence against alien attack, assumingly the Arct.
Adjusting the transmitting relays Grailem alters their frequency to be the same as the television signals broadcast across the planet. Setting up a camera so that his audience may see his face, Grailem broadcasts to the planet below.
Broadcasting on all channels with such power that the signal overrides all those others broadcast, Grailem announces to the people below that the Arct are no more. Explaining briefly his three hundred and twenty two year campaign against their enemy Grailem assures them of future peace and freedom.
Turning off the transmission Grailem returns his attention to the sensor readings recorded earlier. Though he was confident in the findings he felt uncomfortable, there was something nagging at his brain that would not surface. Something was missing, the planet below appeared perfect, almost as if it had been designed, rather than evolved.
His suspicions aroused, Grailem instructs the navigator to plot a course for the other habitable planet called Kethcox by the Arct. Long distance scans and telescopic observations had shown the planet to be similar in size to Dangilhooley. Green vegetation and blue oceans could be seen using the optics of the flagship. Tests of the atmosphere showed it to be seventy percent nitrogen, sixteen percent oxygen, twelve percent carbon dioxide with rare gases making up the remainder.
Grailem approaches the planet Kethcox and scans it with every device available. The sensors show that this planet is more heavily fortified than Dangilhooley. Five large military centres occupy each of the five continents and one hundred and twenty five missile clusters, containing nuclear and high plasma warheads, point ominously at the sky.

Grailem listens to the broadcasts that are directed towards him from the planet Dangilhooley. Every television and radio channel is broadcasting the same message; and it is an invitation for Grailem to visit the planets capital.
Grailem replies his thanks and calculating the flight time Grailem advises the inhabitants that he will be landing in eight hours time. Explaining the size of his flagship he requests a large area for him to safely land.
The reply is almost instantaneous, as if they already know the size of his craft. An important politician by the name of Irin Gspa expresses his honour in Grailem's visit and gives him the coordinates of their spaceport.
Grailem brings up the scans he made earlier of the planet and focuses on the coordinates they have given. Expressing his concern that the area appears too small, Irin Gspa assures him that many of the buildings will be removed so that he may land safely.
Impressed at the amount of effort that is being put into his visit, Grailem acknowledges Irin Gspa with an almost human smile as he breaks the communication.

Filled with hope that at last here was a planet of humanoid's who would accept him for what he is, rather than what they think he is, the flagship follows the coordinates and Grailem heads for the spaceport at the edge of the city.
Watching the landing from the forward viewing platform Grailem can see the huge spaceport below him. By the looks of the different shades of concrete at least twenty large buildings had been removed to allow room for him to land. The flagship fits perfectly into the small area allowed and Grailem shuts the engines down.
As the engine noise falls silent Grailem makes his way to the main exit and opens the large door. The steps slide down automatically and Grailem steps outside.
Before him is a full compliment of military personnel, dressed in their finest uniforms and they all come to attention and salute Grailem as a brass band plays some awful tune. Everyone stands to attention and continues their salute while the music plays, until thankfully it comes to an end.
The soldiers return their arms to their sides and stare wooden faced in front of them. An orderly group of elderly Commanders and Generals covered in medals, march towards the bottom of the steps.
Raising his hand in a greeting Grailem descends the steps to meet the large group of Generals and Commanders.
One particularly elderly General steps forward holding a small red velvet cushion in his hands. On the cushion lays a star shaped medal in gold, silver and other precious metals all inlaid with precious gems.
"We honour your visit and your news brings great relief to our people. Please accept this token of our appreciation, it is the highest award that we can offer as a recognition of peace." says the old General in a firm voice.
Grailem takes the medal whilst bowing in respect, the medal is attached to a long silk ribbon and Grailem realises his error in picking it up. Replacing it gently back onto the cushion he kneels down and bends his head forwards.
A General who is closest to them steps forward and takes the red cushion as the old man clasps the brightly coloured ribbon. Leaning forward he puts the medal around Grailem's neck and takes a step backwards.
Grailem stands upright, his empathetic feelings telling him not is all as it appears and he stares the old General in the eyes.
"The council would like to talk to you of the conquest of the Arct, will you join us at the Government Assembly please? The whole world is awaiting your incredible news." says the old General with false enthusiasm. Though he smiles and bows slightly in honour, Grailem feels the hatred the man feels towards him.
"Of course, lead on." smiles Grailem as he extends his arm for the General to lead the way.

Chapter Sixteen

Grailem is led to a flotilla of large expensive auto vehicles, obviously all government owned, as those surrounding them are half the size. Invited to step into the first vehicle Grailem sits comfortably on the backseat as the two Generals get in with him. The door is firmly shut by someone outside and with no engine noise or vibration the vehicle moves slowly forward.
Gathering speed the auto vehicle is soon speeding through the empty streets of the city. Grailem assumes that the streets have been emptied so that he may be ferried to the government buildings as soon as possible. This worries him as the news he brings is one of freedom and everywhere there should be crowds of happy waving people – not empty streets.
Forcing his body to breathe naturally and slowly he calms his worried mind. Whatever these humanoid's have planned for him whether good or bad, Grailem reminds himself of his superior indestructible body; and of the phasers and grenades he is armed with. Fifteen minutes later, after travelling at incredibly fast speeds through the city the auto vehicle pulls to a stop outside a multi-story skyscraper. The building is the highest that Grailem has ever seen and he looks up at its five kilometre height.
Made of a hard grey iron that looks like it has been integrated with molecular chains of a cobalt hybrid making it shine like jewels in the weak sunlight; and make the building impervious to all weather and ageing.
Grailem is led inside and follows the old Generals to a lift door. The oldest looking General presses a button and waits patiently for the lift to arrive.
Hearing a noise behind him Grailem turns and looks at the multitude of people who have come in behind them and now fill the foyer. Estimating there are at least two hundred crammed into the little space Grailem wonders how they are all going to fit into the elevator.
Turning around at the sound of the elevator door opening Grailem follows the old Generals through the door. Pushing a button the older General smiles reassuringly at Grailem as the doors slide shut. The downward movement of the elevator surprises Grailem as he had expected to head up into the dizzy heights of the huge skyscraper. The G-force tells Grailem the elevator is moving incredibly fast travelling several miles underground before it slowly comes to a stop.
The doors slide open into a large auditorium that is packed with people. Grailem gives a questioning look at the old General.
"Do not be alarmed, before you is all the heads of our governments, your arrival is welcome as is the news you bring. It is up to the government heads to decide if all your information can be made public." explains the old General in an apologetic voice.
"No need to apologise, I understand the politics of planets. Do you want me to go up onto the stage?" asks Grailem indicating towards the high curtained stage.
"Yes please, everyone is excited to hear your news."
Grailem walks to the front of the auditorium and climbs up onto the stage. Turning to face his audience he looks at them all carefully before speaking. All are humanoid in various shapes and sizes, and all are wearing a light coloured overall in the finest material. Grailem is glad he has no tribal difficulties to overcome and he stares at the government heads, the desire for knowledge making their eyes shine with anticipation.

Implying that he was born on the first planet he encountered the Arct, Grailem fabricates
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